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2/3 NL200 Nut Flush facing Shove with pair on the board 2/3 NL200 Nut Flush facing Shove with pair on the board

07-31-2012 , 04:23 AM
Hero has biggest stack on the table. Won successively with top pair or two pairs and I showed the top pair and two pair. Hero has $350 and is dealt K3 on the button. I played this hand to widen my range as theyve only seen me with broadway cards.

UTG raises to 10.
UTG+1 calls
hijack calls
Villain in cutoff calls ( he has $250)
Hero in button calls

Pot 50
Flop A T 6
Check, check, check,
Villain bets 10
Hero calls 10
All others fold

At this point I flop the nuts. I put villain on Ace rag, flush draw, pair T with flush draw, or slow playing a set, or maybe even hitting a flush and trying to milk me with a bet of 10$. I thought about reraising 3x but wanted to build a pot so I call

Pot 70
Turn A T 6 2
Villain bets 15. Turn is a blank and he increases his bet. So I now think he has a flush or Ace X or a set.
Hero thinks about reraising now or even shoving to make it seem like a overbet so he will call. But hero calls.

Pot 100
River A T 6 2 T
Villain bets 75$
Hero is narrows down villain to a set of 10s,set 6s, a lower flush. I know he could have had a lot more Cards. I was just excited already...
Hero raises to 150$. I min raise to make him call as I was thinking I was value betting now.
Villain shoves.
2/3 NL200 Nut Flush facing Shove with pair on the board Quote
07-31-2012 , 04:57 AM
Acckk! For the love of all that is right and good, RAISE FLOP, RAISE TURN. Stupid backward play with the nuts is doomtastic. If you lost this hand, it is karma for all the value you kissed off on the first two streets.

AP, I give him a range of TT,66,ATs,QsJs,AcQs,AdQs,AhQs,ATo,JsTc,JsTd to play like that. Against that range, you have 37% equity. Call is only $75, so you obv have to call, but you usually lose.
2/3 NL200 Nut Flush facing Shove with pair on the board Quote
07-31-2012 , 05:29 AM
If you wanted to build a pot on the flop why didn't you raise. And if you were putting him on those types of hands (Ax, flush draw, pair of tens with flush draw, sets) then do you really think hes going to fold to a raise, maybe the Ax but not any of the others. I would have made it 23-28. Yah, should have raised turn if you didn't raise flop. GET VALUE OUT OF MADE HANDS! And OTR if you were putting him on sets, well full houses now, then you should have just called, and imo, if you're raising he's really always folding worse and calling (most likely raising) better hands. Think MAYBE the only hands he'll call you with is worse flushes or maybe K10 (don't know who the player is or anything but any decent player would fold K10 there)
2/3 NL200 Nut Flush facing Shove with pair on the board Quote
07-31-2012 , 09:28 AM
It is $75 to win a pot of $475. Getting over 6 to 1 with a decent chance villain has a smaller flush, you can't fold. You are losing more then winning here, but not that badly. There is even a small chance villain is spazzing with two pair/trips that doesn't think you have a flush.

Why didn't you raise flop or turn? Just calling flop and hoping to keep another player in to the turn is OK if you expect that somebody else might call. The turn however needs to be a raise every time. You have a hand good enough to play for stacks, so you need to work on getting the stacks in.
2/3 NL200 Nut Flush facing Shove with pair on the board Quote
07-31-2012 , 10:00 AM
Slowplayed yourself into a tricky spot, nice work OP
2/3 NL200 Nut Flush facing Shove with pair on the board Quote
07-31-2012 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by QuadJ
It is $75 to win a pot of $475. Getting over 6 to 1 with a decent chance villain has a smaller flush, you can't fold. You are losing more then winning here, but not that badly. There is even a small chance villain is spazzing with two pair/trips that doesn't think you have a flush.

Why didn't you raise flop or turn? Just calling flop and hoping to keep another player in to the turn is OK if you expect that somebody else might call. The turn however needs to be a raise every time. You have a hand good enough to play for stacks, so you need to work on getting the stacks in.


call but get ready to muck
2/3 NL200 Nut Flush facing Shove with pair on the board Quote
07-31-2012 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by hdrtdg
I thought about reraising 3x but wanted to build a pot so I call
Sweet baby jesus. You have the absolute nuts at ths point. Your one and only goal when you still have the nuts is to shovel as much money into the middle as you think villain will call. If you want to 'build a pot' why are you just calling?

If you were villain and you had a set, would you fold to a 3x raise? No. If you flopped a Q or J-high flush, would you fold to a 3x raise? No. If you had two pair like AT would you fold? No.

You bet or raise because you want better to fold (unpossible here) or worse to call - and ohmygod will worse call here.

Just flatting is about the worst possible thing you can do, with the possible exception of not raising the ******EDLY SMALL turn bet. Villain bet less than 1/4th pot, you have the absolute nuts, and you still don't raise? Do you just hate money?

Now - if villain had a set or two pair he played it terribadly; if you were on a K-high flush draw with just one spade he absolutely priced you in. Almost makes me think he -doesn't- have a boat here - but either way, there's no excuse for Hero's play. By the looks of it you probably got the minimum in the pot while ahead and the bulk of your stack in the middle while behind.

You absolutely have to call, but you seriously deserve to lose this hand.

Poker is not a game of trying to trap your opponent - it's a game of extracting maximum value while ahead.

Last edited by Dragon Ash; 07-31-2012 at 10:13 AM.
2/3 NL200 Nut Flush facing Shove with pair on the board Quote
07-31-2012 , 10:18 AM
not raising this flop is criminal. Almost nothing will fold on the flop. Most people think you are raising because you have the naked King of spades.

A lot of cards can kill your action (another spade) and a lot of cards can beat you (paired board) if he has a hand that he'd be willing to go all in with on the flop or by the turn.

You want to put the money in when you're ahead... somehow you managed to get it in when you were likely behind. This is backwards poker. Very unprofitable.
2/3 NL200 Nut Flush facing Shove with pair on the board Quote
07-31-2012 , 11:31 AM
Thanks guys. I needed to hear all those to get it in my head to stop slow playing.

So here is what happened!


And ya I deserved it,
Villain shoves, I call. He shows AT for a boat

2/3 NL200 Nut Flush facing Shove with pair on the board Quote
