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2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board 2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board

12-03-2011 , 08:02 PM
Game is 2/2 NL, $60min/$200max, most players at the table have about $150, some with $200+, and some with $100.

Table is comprised of mostly recreational players (being Friday), and a couple solid regulars.

Earlier hand: I buy-in for $70 to see if I can build my stack, and I 3bet a $7 raise called twice in front to ~$70 with KK.

Original raiser is a 40/50's asian guy who is notoriously known for being bad, crazy, etc. (in general). Everyone folds behind, anyways to keep it short, he calls my ~$70 shove with AT, flops an Ace, and stacks me.

I am a solid short stack player, so I short buy for $20, and build my stack to ~$160 in about 1-2 hours. Here is where the hand starts.

Villian ($430): seems to be a decent player, but doesn't understand concepts such as folding AJ preflop to a tight preflop raiser. Plays more loosely than others. This guy folded KK earlier OTF to a degen player who bet $20 on the flop, flop consisting of an Ace. He flipped his KK over to show a disciplined laydown, and degen showed Q8 for a Queen-high.

Hero ($158): table views me as a very solid TAG player who just built a $20 stack 8fold.

Other Villians ($100-$200 effective): at this point, table ratio is about 5:4 (5bad, 4good) IMO. Most of these "bad" players are playing super tight, and are not involved much in hands. c/f flops, limp pf, etc.

Hero is dealt KK UTG, and raises 6x to $12, UTG+1 folds, Villian calls, 1 fold, HJ calls, CO calls, Button calls.

Pot: $64
Flop: Q109

Hero shoves all-in for $146, ~2.3x pot sized bet, hoping everyone will fold their draws, and Hero wins $50 uncontested and stat.

Villian says, "Are you serious? I just won all this money?", as he then tanks for 2 minutes and calls with QJ. All others fold.

Pot: $356
Turn: Q1096

River: Q1096K

Question is, how do I play this better than I did?

I knew I had the best hand on the flop, wanted hella draws to fold.
Figured a K was no good, but had a gutshot draw to a Jack, and the 2nd nut backdoor flush draw.

If I don't shove the flop, I bet $46 on the flop, and shove non-scary turn $100. But, I didn't want a scary card on the turn so, I shove flop hoping to with the $50 uncontested, and if I got a caller I figure I'm ~65% to win.
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
12-03-2011 , 08:22 PM
Welcome to the world of >10bb. It's not just a question of waiting for the best hand pre. You have to see a flop, and your great 2 card hand turns into a medium 5 card hand.

Bet nearly pot and shove safe turn, as you said. Get raised? Feel lucky your not 200bb deep. Call here tho with your J outs.

But seriously... $20?
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
12-03-2011 , 09:33 PM
How do I play this hand?
Is there any way Villian can get away from his hand?
I thought a big bet on the flop would deter the draws.

If I pot-size bet the flop and shove clean turn $~90, does he still call with 1 card left to come? Or does he fold knowing that he has to hit the river?

And yeah, $20 short buy is hurt, but it's all I had left in my wallet.

I didn't want the call on the flop, but I don't want to bet pot on flop, turn come scary (A,K,Q,8,heart), and then even a 10 or 9 or a diamond on the turn could potentially be bad cards as well. Half the deck could be bad cards, is why I shove flop.

Anyone with opinions please state them. Bad/good, it doesn't matter.
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
12-03-2011 , 09:59 PM
If you shove, and he calls, you will see the turn anyway, but in a far more helpless state (AI).

Learn how to valuebet, not just overshove because you think you're ahead. Poker is like surgery to carefully remove chips from villains' stacks. Surgeons that pull their facemask over their eyes and swipe the scalpel don't get willing patients.

You want to know how to force one of his many outs not to hit? BBV4L
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
12-03-2011 , 10:06 PM
You got a bad player to commit half their stack w/ 8 outs twice and a few of those outs which give you a redraw. Congratulations I don't think you could've played it better than that given the table/player conditions. What more are you looking for? Besides different results.
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
12-03-2011 , 10:10 PM
That's true, in this case I wanted to end the action and discourage a call by over betting, the reason is I didn't want a scary card to come off on the turn, but now that I think about it I feel i should have bet about $40 on turn and shoved save turn.

If turn is not safe, how do I adjust?

I am not too afraid of a heart on turn, but an Ace, King, 8 would be bad cards on the turn. I'll take a King on turn so I at least have a chance to fill up, and with a heart, I still have flush draw outs and jack outs.
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
12-03-2011 , 11:00 PM
You are thinking about it wrong. You are not shoving because you are scared of a certain card showing up on the turn. You are shoving because you know the pool of players are bad enough that they will call off that much with a large range of worse hands and draws.

In short, you are shoving to maximize value now.
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
12-04-2011 , 12:11 AM
How do you play out the hand, not knowing what Villian has?

Did I make the right play then, by maximizing value?
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
12-04-2011 , 12:54 AM
Not sure what kinda answer you're looking for here, OP. On the one hand you want to know how you can get him to fold his TP (which btw just rarely happens in live ssnl given these stacksizes), and now you're asking how to extract max value. Which you clearly did. You can't have it both ways. In other words nh wp etc. bummer about river.

As a default I prefer pot flop and shove safe turn card, just because we extract more from villain's entire range + we have blockers+bdfd. Just remember: this isn't a bad flop for us. You shouldn't see this flop and be thinking "Omg I gotta jam he prolly got fd pls fold!!" You love this flop! Just think of all the crazy hand combos that you can valuetown.
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
12-04-2011 , 01:00 AM
btw, unrelated to the hand but your OP said this game was $60 min but you reloaded for $20?
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
12-04-2011 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by sizomzo
Not sure what kinda answer you're looking for here, OP. On the one hand you want to know how you can get him to fold his TP (which btw just rarely happens in live ssnl given these stacksizes), and now you're asking how to extract max value. Which you clearly did. You can't have it both ways. In other words nh wp etc. bummer about river.

As a default I prefer pot flop and shove safe turn card, just because we extract more from villain's entire range + we have blockers+bdfd. Just remember: this isn't a bad flop for us. You shouldn't see this flop and be thinking "Omg I gotta jam he prolly got fd pls fold!!" You love this flop! Just think of all the crazy hand combos that you can valuetown.
Yeah, you're right...and my buy-in for $20 is considered a "short-buy". So, if you buy in $60 and lose you can buy in "short" under $60 once, and then if you bust your short-buy it goes back to min/max, and etc.

I raised KK UTG to $12, which by raising to $12 is like borderline...since sometimes people see a 6x raise and all instamuck if they don't have top 10% hands. I wanted to get it in headsup or 3-way. I was basically heads up on that hand anyways since nobody else was calling. By shoving flop I basically fished out the best hand, who happened to be right to my left.

Now, in this case I shove flop so I can take down $50 and not give the chance for anyone to draw. Now that I think about it, I guess the shove play would have worked better on a fairly dry board like (Q 7 3).

Do I need to learn to love action flops and learn to valuebet correctly?
What do you do with a scary card on turn?
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
12-04-2011 , 02:38 AM
I like a shove even less on a dry flop like that. I guess a very small % you'll get a hero call from QJ/QT/Q9, but most of the time you're folding out all worse and getting called by 33/77/Q7s. Raise pre is fine imo. Pretty standard in games I play anyway. Re: a gross turn card, depends.. At work right now but happy to discuss a bit later.
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
12-04-2011 , 03:18 AM
If you're in a game where you can get called as light as you did to the over-ship, then it's a fine move. It looks a little better to bet $40 OTF and shove the turn in a vacuum, but whatever. I suspect if the board bricks out, you don't feel a need to post this hand so much. Unlucky OP, whatever.
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
12-04-2011 , 06:42 AM
Post this in BBV next time. You got it allin as a ~71% favorite and lost. It happens. Your overbet shove is honestly pretty terrible. "Hero shoves all-in for $146...hoping everyone will fold their draws". Why are you hoping people fold their draws? You want people with AT, AJ, QJ, etc to call a big flop bet. Fire $50 on the flop and shove most turns. Do you see how when you fired $146 it took some guy two minutes to call when he had 29% equity. If you fire $50 on the flop, he prob snap calls or maybe even raises. On the turn, you can ship and he's priced in and prob snap calls again. It'd be a disaster if he folded QJ on that flop. There are honestly a lot of good turn cards for your hand. Also, "I knew I had the best hand on the flop"...could you see their cards?
2/2 KK UTG, 5way, on somewhat wet board Quote
