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1/3 TPGK on paired board 1/3 TPGK on paired board

12-15-2018 , 09:10 PM
Hero ~700€ card dead

Villain loose recreational ~400€
Calls a lot pre and plays straight forward. He limp/calls pre shyte like J3s and gets sticky with FDs but havent seen him show down a bluff so far.

Folds to villain otb, he limps. We are in sb and iso-raise 15€ with QT, bb folds, villain calls.

Flop (33€) 963
We cbet 17€ with our 2 overs and backdoors, villain calls.

Turn (67€) 963T
Hero bets 47€, villain calls.

River (161€) 963T9
Hero checks, villain bets 110€, hero?
1/3 TPGK on paired board Quote
12-15-2018 , 09:26 PM
I'm letting this go, if we've yet to see a bluff. Sure this is a common busted FD line but 1, it's not usually so big a bet, and 2, we have no evidence that he bluffs so far.
1/3 TPGK on paired board Quote
12-16-2018 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
I'm letting this go, if we've yet to see a bluff. Sure this is a common busted FD line but 1, it's not usually so big a bet, and 2, we have no evidence that he bluffs so far.

And I want to add: villain's hand may even be a turned straight with any of 16 combos of 87 that decided not the raise immediately OTT given that you've shown aggression on every street thus far; a perfectly valid play with 87 would've been to hope for a non-spade turn, wait for your triple barrel OTR, and then raise. And if a spade comes, it's still safe to call the river with the straight.

There are more combos of hands that beat you than just 9x, pushing this even further towards a fold.
1/3 TPGK on paired board Quote
12-16-2018 , 07:59 PM
I'm snapping this off. If he limp-called pre with some random 9x hand then good on him. There's too many busted draws and villain is going to just have too much air here. We also only need to be good like ~30% of the time to make this a profitable call, and we're near the top of our range and we unblock bluffs.
1/3 TPGK on paired board Quote
12-16-2018 , 10:21 PM
I wanted to call so badly because i thought about the suited trash hands he got sticky before but convinced myself that he has a nine because i didnt saw him bluff yet.

We think for a minute and fold. He shows J5
1/3 TPGK on paired board Quote
12-16-2018 , 10:30 PM
Tough spot, but looks like a fold imo.

Edit: Don't rate the "haven't seen him bluff" reasoning though. This is the world's most obvious bluff spot. Very few players will simply check and show down J high here.
1/3 TPGK on paired board Quote
12-17-2018 , 12:10 AM
Hi, did you pick any read on him as he called the turn ?
And as he bet the river ?

I think that is the most important part here. Yeah we could analyze the spot mathematically and come up with an answer with odds and your range by the river but it doesn't help for 1/2.
Vilain are so different. Some will never bluff, some will always bluff this spot but betting small etc...
I think we can't give a linear answer, especially when we didn't play the hand

Live read and your feeling at the moment are way more precious than analysis for 1/2
1/3 TPGK on paired board Quote
