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1/3 Top Pair - Second Nut Flush Draw 1/3 Top Pair - Second Nut Flush Draw

12-28-2012 , 10:41 AM
Played a hand yesterday afternoon at the local casino. They are having a holiday tournament so the action has been pretty good with a mix of regs and randoms.

Hero ($209) - Mid 30's, white and has been playing fairly TAG. Only real hand of substance was where I flopped second nut flush and ended up folding face up when both turn and river paired board.

V1 ($261) - Younger reg. I have seen him in the room a lot, but only remember playing with him one occasion. He has been aggressive, but has only been sitting for about an orbit.

V2 (Covers) - Older guy that I also don't know much about. He has also recently sat down at the table. He had just lost a big hand and rebought in for the table maximum.

10 handed game. V2 button straddles to $10. SB calls, BB calls, V2 calls in UTG+1 and I have K10 in MP3 (I don't love my limp here, but I was pretty confident HJ and CO would likely call but would never raise). CO calls and V2 checks.

($60) - Flop comes 1063
Checks to V1 who bets $45. I call $45. Folds around to V2, who raises to $250 (effectively putting us both all in as V1 has $251). V1 goes all in for the additional $1. Hero?

Pot now has $503 in it and I have $154 left. I am not getting the odds to call to the flush - is my top pair ever good in this spot?
1/3 Top Pair - Second Nut Flush Draw Quote
12-28-2012 , 01:50 PM
Yes - you have the right odds to call. I don't expect for you to run into the nut flush draw here too often, more often something like 4s5s / 7s8s / 7s9s/ 8s9s.

Likely one villain has your pair beat. The button has any two cards as he was a straddle-check. So even something like T6/T3/63. V1 may have a set or a combo draw mentioned above. Either way, you almost certainly have several outs to the best hand in most scenarios (K, T, any spade, something is bound to be good). Occasionally both will have flush draws/ combo draws and you pair is actually best. The only dreaded scenario is one has AsXs and the other has a set - but again, you have more than enough odds to cover for the odd time this happens.

FWIW - you need $154 / ($503 + $154) = 23.4% equity to call. Not knowing the other villains holdings, you are ~35% to make a flush. You have the odds.
1/3 Top Pair - Second Nut Flush Draw Quote
12-28-2012 , 03:28 PM
This is a really trivial call. Either he has a pat hand and weak/no draw (like an overpair or a set or 2 pair) or he has a draw and your pair + flush draw has him crushed.
1/3 Top Pair - Second Nut Flush Draw Quote
12-28-2012 , 03:30 PM
your HH is off, you say V2 btn straddles and then V2 calls in UTG+1

against a set you have 30% equity

youre just about getting break even odds (bit more than 2:1), and adding other hands to their ranges will lessen the equity needed to make this +ev, so yes call
1/3 Top Pair - Second Nut Flush Draw Quote
12-28-2012 , 03:36 PM
I am sorry, V2 straddled. V1 called UTG +1.
1/3 Top Pair - Second Nut Flush Draw Quote
