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1/3 observed hand-hand reading exercise 1/3 observed hand-hand reading exercise

12-28-2012 , 04:24 PM
Hi all. I saw this hand transpire last night and thought it rather interesting. I will note that neither player is me so I can't provide accurate in site to thoughts. I will however comment on what I thought was transpiring. I will repeat none of the players in this hand are me, but I will post my hand as to give you those two cards to add to your reads.

On to the hand....
1/3 NL at local casino
Hero UTG+1-Devistatingly handsome and the world's greatest poker player

V2 MP-Young twenties 22-24ish looks really tired or really stoned has bought in for $300 in the last 2 orbits. Limp calls regardless of position a lot. Has been aggressive IP and has shown down after a shove with busted bluffs and the nuts. I would call him loose/passive with a little aggro streak in him

V3 Button-Late thirties 37ish bigger guy wearing a GB packers hoodie(we're not in WI). Plays aggressive IP and has not limp called any hands when I've been at the table. Seems TAG

V1 BB-Old man 65ish, looks like russian mafia but has a canadian accent. Loose and passive

V2 limps for 3 folds to
V3 makes it 12 (fairly standard raise for him 3x plus for each limper)
SB folds
V1 BB calls
V2 calls after a couple second pause

Flop ($37)
V1 checks
V2 slowly checks-his movement may not indicate anything as he's either stoned or very tired
V3 CHECKS-this was unusual as he has been c-betting 90%+

Turn ($37)
7 so the board is 8287
V1 checks and has his cards in his hand
V2 "tanks" for 10 seconds and bets $25
V3 "tanks" for 5 seconds and calls
V1 folds

After a few responses I'll continue with the hand but I'm hoping to get a discussion on what the players could have in this hand. Just thought it would be a fun little hand/person reading exercise.
1/3 observed hand-hand reading exercise Quote
12-28-2012 , 06:15 PM
V2 could have 8x, or a lot of two pair combos. He may be "betting to see where he is at." He could also have made flushes and some sort of JT/T9/56 w/ a single spade.

V3 most likely has a hand like overs with a big spade, or a nuttish type hand. I think most two pair type hands would have cbet the flop as would most flush draws (now made).
1/3 observed hand-hand reading exercise Quote
