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1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets 1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets

07-29-2012 , 01:07 AM
1/3 NL

Hero: UTG
Villain: SB

Effective stacks: 450

Villain is a fairly passive player, but I've seen him take aggressive lines when opportunity is right.

Hero: QQ

I lead out for $13, all fold to Villain in the SB who calls, BB folds.

Flop: A103

Villian checks, Hero bets $20, Villain calls

Turn: Q

Villain checks, Hero bets $30, Villain calls

River: 10

Villain bets $70, Hero ?

Feedback is greatly appreciated.
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 01:11 AM
Hero raises to $200 and snaps a shove
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 01:12 AM
Bet more than 30 on turn. Raise river to 170 and call a shove.
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 01:14 AM
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 01:28 AM
all in.

Villain's calling range isn't changing much based on bet size. If you're going to raise 200-300, might as well ship it all.
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 01:29 AM
I thought for a long time about how much to raise then I started talking myself into him having AT rather than diamonds, even though he took a fairly obvious flush draw line - however the lead out on the river when the board pairs took me a bit by suprise. I also thought that only a better boat or quads are the only hands that call me so I talked myself into just calling. Villian shows Kd8d for nut flush. I often question if I reached max value - this time it feels like I failed.
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by MuckAndWeep
Hero raises to $200 and snaps a shove
This, and fist pump silently in your head for such a perfect turn and river hitting.
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 01:31 AM
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by Lundy
I thought for a long time about how much to raise then I started talking myself into him having AT rather than diamonds, even though he took a fairly obvious flush draw line - however the lead out on the river when the board pairs took me a bit by suprise. I also thought that only a better boat or quads are the only hands that call me so I talked myself into just calling. Villian shows Kd8d for nut flush. I often question if I reached max value - this time it feels like I failed.
Horrible...V obviously hit flush and isn't folding. You are only losing to 1010/AA/JKdd....he obviously does not have AA or 1010. Wtf?
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 01:33 AM

1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 01:33 AM
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 01:34 AM
The important part of this thread is that people aren't sizing their bets right. 200 is impossibly too small. Villain simply isn't folding a flush, even though they obviously should. This type of villain at 1/2 is basically never folding for 200, and you're leaving money on the table.
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 01:52 AM
POT, POT, Raise, snap call a shove
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 01:56 AM
Hahaha wp op. a10 is a legitimate concern here. Holy **** this is awful
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by wck117
Hahaha wp op. a10 is a legitimate concern here. Holy **** this is awful
I guess the OP doesn't realize his hand was better than ace-ten?
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 12:10 PM
Ikes, would you shove here or go something like 250?

The problem here is the turn sizing. That has to be 45 at least (assuming the pot is ~63 with the rake). That way the villain leads for 100 instead and we can shove over the top.
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
Ikes, would you shove here or go something like 250?

The problem here is the turn sizing. That has to be 45 at least (assuming the pot is ~63 with the rake). That way the villain leads for 100 instead and we can shove over the top.
what if villain shoves the turn
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 09:53 PM
us increasing our sizing by 15 forces villain to shove over the top? i don't follow
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-29-2012 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Lundy
I thought for a long time about how much to raise then I started talking myself into him having AT rather than diamonds, even though he took a fairly obvious flush draw line - however the lead out on the river when the board pairs took me a bit by suprise. I also thought that only a better boat or quads are the only hands that call me so I talked myself into just calling. Villian shows Kd8d for nut flush. I often question if I reached max value - this time it feels like I failed.
Let's hope he has AT and extract maximu......wait a second!

1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-31-2012 , 06:47 AM
Oh dear mother of all gods this is awful. You managed to play each street worse than the last, and the river call is so horrendous I can only conclude that you just hate money or something.

Flop bet is fine, I'd probably go closer to $25, but it's not a big problem.

The turn bet is too small. Yes, flushes got there but so did AQ: you hit a set and still have outs to boat up. I'd bet close to $50. Plus, if villian has Kdx (AK/KQ/KT seem like possible hands here) you need to charge him to see another diamond.

So the turn bet sizing is awful, but villain didn't raise. Villain has the nuts on the turn and instead of shoveling money into the middle he just flats??? Congratulations, I guess - you were up against an opponent that managed to play the hand worse than you did.

And on the river you boat up to beat almost any flush and you're only behind TT/AA/KJdd. Villain has done -nothing- to suggest he has either of those three hands, so when he donks out barely half-pot and you have the effective nuts, you should have broken a finger shoving your stack into the middle with a raging boner that threatened to knock the table over.

If you're afraid to put your money in the middle with this hand, on this board, facing this action, you should probably step down to 1/1.
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
07-31-2012 , 07:03 AM
Wow just wow... I was going to go off on a rant but other posters have pretty much echoed what I have to say. But yea just flatting this river is just beyond atrocious, you literally lit hundreds of dollars on fire, its like a combo of being a horrible nit and being a dink who misread his hand strength. Like others said you messed up bet sizing before this to make a river shove not automatic to pot size. However I'm still shipping river, villain has just over 300 behind I think after his river lead. If he's going to call a 150-200 raise then he'll call a shove as well. I think his value range here is mostly flushes with the occasional smaller boats. While mucking a flush on a paired board to an overbet river shove is a fairly trivial decision to a thinking player, its not to a live monkey. Fortunately for you, you are up against the latter here. These drooling fools aren't good enough to fold a flush in this spot, especially the nut flush, shove the river and punish him for it.
1/3 hero faces river bet after betting all streets Quote
