Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
This really is the key point, imo.
FWIW, I constantly play on a topped up ~almost 60bb stack at 1/3 NL (as I always make sure I start the hand with a $200 = 66bb stack). A $600 stack is not treated *remotely* the same as a $200 stack in any small capped BI game, and this notion of "bb"s is completely irrelevant, imo.
GnotnecessarilyrecommendingfoldingKKpreflop,justsa yin'G
In his recent AQs thread, OP said that he was playing a 1/3 match-the-stack and several Vils were sitting 1.5k-5k deep. That isn’t similar to the type of game you play in. Who knows what this table is like, though.
OP could probably say how frequent straddles are at this table and what players typical opening size is.
Not that it would matter to this decision IMO.
I think it is quite obvious that OP GII versus this loose player and got shown the AA…otherwise, OP would not have made this thread.
There is a bias to threads on 2+2 that we only see coolers. If Hero GII versus QQ this thread would never have been made.