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1/3 ak squeeze 1/3 ak squeeze

11-21-2016 , 12:11 AM
1/3 $200 max buy in

V1 bb ($180) on third buy in in one hour, played for stacks pre flop with two big cards multiple times. 30s Asian guy drinking with buddy in sb.
V2 hj ($325) late 20s, on fourth buyin in 1.5 hrs, likes to raise any playable hand and fire multiple barrells, and folded a couple times to aggression post flop
Hero button AKss ($360) 40s grey hair white guy, Vs haven't seen me play a pot, probably view as nit

Folds to v2 who opens to $12
Hero flats to trap and see what v1 does
Sb calls
V1 raises to $31
V2 calls
Hero $131 (thinking v1 will push and v2 will fold and with dead money is right odds to race if v1 has lower pp)
Sb fold
V1 pushes but raises are capped at 3 (new casino to me, I didn't know this rule) so it's a call
V2 tanks and looks at my stack and says "$250 behind?" And calls a min later getting 3:1

I flopped a fd and pushed, V2 hit a pair and won with j9, v1 had ak also.

Wrong players to make that play against ? This was the first time I ever tried that type of play.
Raise size since I was sure v1 would call? I didn't think it out that a call would give v2 decent odds to gamble. Would have $150-$175 been better ?

Last edited by Supd001; 11-21-2016 at 12:25 AM.
1/3 ak squeeze Quote
11-21-2016 , 12:35 AM
I'd usually just 3-bet first time it gets to me. Calling is defensible if V2 will fire a lot of barrels post flop.

As played flop 4-bet is fine and I like the sizing. You can get action from worse given that you flatted the first raise.
1/3 ak squeeze Quote
11-21-2016 , 01:42 AM
Yes, I would have normally 3b but I thought v1 was likely to re-raise and v2 would at least bet twice if I hit the flop if v1 didn't.

Once v1 3b and v2 called I was confident v2 didn't have aa or kk so thought it was good spot. hope was to play for v1's stack which ended up not working, obv want to play in position with ak against j9, just didn't work out that hand and got pot committed with fd.
1/3 ak squeeze Quote
11-21-2016 , 02:00 PM
I'm cool with the initial preflop flat. There's no significant dead money in the pot, we'll see a flop in position (often HU) where we'll have postflop options, and if anyone gets funky in the blinds behind us this obviously sets up an idea situation.

I would just shove when it comes around to us again. There's already ~$85 in the pot which is huge relative to stacks, let's just get this all-in now. We'll have some FE against V2 if he has a pair (probably none against V1 but whatever), and V1 has already proven he can get in stacks with dominated high cards. Re-raising limit rule is super weird (this is usually just for Limit), but now we know.

I'm also pushing the nut flopped flush draw if checked to, even in a protected pot as it's for immediate value / protection.

1/3 ak squeeze Quote
