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1/3 AK HU flop play 1/3 AK HU flop play

07-30-2019 , 07:17 AM
1/3 NL @ SugarHouse in Philly

Been playing for about 30 minutes. Villain is a young Chinese fella who is playing fairly loose. I had bluff caught him earlier on a $100 river bet and the vibe was a little bitter. On to the hand...

Effective stacks ~ 200bb
Villain raises to $13 UTG.
Hero UTG+1 3bets to $45 with AK
V quickly calls

Pot $94
HU to a flop of A22

V checks and hero bets $55
V check raises to $135

1/3 AK HU flop play Quote
07-30-2019 , 07:18 AM
call and call down

he likes to bluff let him bluff
1/3 AK HU flop play Quote
07-30-2019 , 08:59 AM
Get it in
1/3 AK HU flop play Quote
07-30-2019 , 11:09 AM
I flat the initial raise. We're deep so a raise is unlikely to setup a great SPR (albeit in position), and we actually mostly hate life if an UTG raiser sticks in a reraise. We're fine with a bunch of people calling and just playing our hand for it's multiwayness properties. There's also no significant dead money in the pot at this point, although if there are a few other callers and then someone squeezes we put ourselves in an awesome spot to resqueeze and take down huge significant dead money.

I would check back the flop. We have his KK- crushed and it's unlikely we'll get multiple bets from him postflop, especially if we start threatening his stack with a bet on the flop. We're not really worried about the flush draw killing our hand or action. We'll easily get two bets out of Ax (which is fine). We also might induce bluffs out of wonky hands.

As played I probably just flat the reraise so as not to induce hero folds from worse Ax / bluffs and then get it in later (perhaps even calling turn to get the rest in on river unless stacks are stoopid short by that time).

1/3 AK HU flop play Quote
07-30-2019 , 11:20 AM
Call. And then just keep calling unless something crazy happens.
1/3 AK HU flop play Quote
07-30-2019 , 12:07 PM
Thanks as always for the replies. I dont think I thought too deeply into the hand. I was more or less playing the dynamic that had developed between us over a short period of time. I had him on AK at best and Ax the rest of the time.

I decided to do the overbet raise, playing the dynamic, hoping he'd think I was stealing and jam. I raised to $400 and he insta jams for like $150 more. I of course call and after the board runs out he tables A2 for the flopped super yacht.

I shrug and rebuy because I feel like 99% of the time my hand has to be the nuts here.

I guess that's my reason for posting this otherwise boring hand. Would everyone else gladly jam such deep stacks on a board like this the way the hand played out?

Thanks again
1/3 AK HU flop play Quote
07-30-2019 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by M-Lo
Thanks as always for the replies. I dont think I thought too deeply into the hand. I was more or less playing the dynamic that had developed between us over a short period of time. I had him on AK at best and Ax the rest of the time.

I decided to do the overbet raise, playing the dynamic, hoping he'd think I was stealing and jam. I raised to $400 and he insta jams for like $150 more. I of course call and after the board runs out he tables A2 for the flopped super yacht.

I shrug and rebuy because I feel like 99% of the time my hand has to be the nuts here.

I guess that's my reason for posting this otherwise boring hand. Would everyone else gladly jam such deep stacks on a board like this the way the hand played out?

Thanks again
In 1/3 games I rarely see anyone put in a substantial amount of money without the effective nuts. Obviously this was one specific scenario, but I’ve found that the majority of my big pots that I’ve lost have been from me paying off/not giving credit to opponents big check raises. Maybe it makes me exploitable, but I have made some big time lay downs recently in situations like these. I do believe you have to GII in this spot though, as the board is decently dry.

This is why we have healthy rolls
1/3 AK HU flop play Quote
07-30-2019 , 12:27 PM
With this SPR we were likely destined to lose our stack when he has 2x, so that part I'm ~ok with (preflop has committed us, although we likely limit damage just checking back flop and calling 2 streets which might also be ok although that may admittedly lose value against some worse hands that are ok with getting in stacks on the river).

But I don't think we played it well against the parts of his range that could consider folding (such as worse Ax which we can easily get value from by calling down, and of course flat out bluffs).

1/3 AK HU flop play Quote
07-30-2019 , 02:39 PM
Get it in, he might have spades. If turn is say 9d he might check, if you shove now he might want to GAMBO!!!!
1/3 AK HU flop play Quote
07-30-2019 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
With this SPR we were likely destined to lose our stack when he has 2x, so that part I'm ~ok with (preflop has committed us, although we likely limit damage just checking back flop and calling 2 streets which might also be ok although that may admittedly lose value against some worse hands that are ok with getting in stacks on the river).

But I don't think we played it well against the parts of his range that could consider folding (such as worse Ax which we can easily get value from by calling down, and of course flat out bluffs).

I'm beginning to think I played it pretty bad. By essentially moving all in on the flop with my 4bet I make all bluffs fold, denying him the opportunity to follow through on the turn. Possibly push out weaker aces and also don't give myself a chance to get away from it if something smells fishy.

A flop check could've maintained my plan to get it in considering I never would've put him on a 2. It also could've potentially lessened the damage had he continued slow playing.
1/3 AK HU flop play Quote
