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1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls 1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls

06-27-2017 , 01:15 AM
Hero ($600, BB): Super tight image, hasn't played many hands

V1 ($220, UTG straddler): Raised $20 in BB with K7s last orbit after BTN and H in SB limped $3, then called down 3streets with K hi board vs drunk BTNs K6o for ~$120 total to double up.

V2 ($300, BTN): Semi-aggro loose fish playing every hand pre for raises/calls, likes to bluff 2 streets then give up. Views H as tight.

V3 ($400, SB): Whale playing every hand pre, calls raises liberally. Doesn't fold any pair postflop. Hasn't played a hand with H.


V1 straddles, V2 calls, V3 calls,

H decides to just complete with AJo as there's no FE at this table and I don't want to be in a bloated pot OOP against 3 callers,

V1 now raises to $32, V2 calls, V3 calls, H ????

Fold? Call? Raise?
1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
06-27-2017 , 02:57 AM
With villains as described you do want to bump this up preflop, as they pay you off enough postflop that it makes up for the positional disadvantage. The preflop raise in isolation is probably a little -EV, but the increased bet sizes postflop when you flop Jxx and Axx are worth it. I'd also expect you to get some folds cbetting boards like Kxx 2 or 3 handed, even in this lineup.

As played, with the dead money in there I'd toss my stack in and hope for the best. You're certainly going to run into AK and AQ a bit, but your loss allin against them is only $90 and there's more than that up for grabs in the pot right now.
1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
06-27-2017 , 03:42 AM
1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
06-27-2017 , 05:35 AM
I would have just raised the first time around to $35-40. We are going to stack the <100 BB stacks on Axx and Jxx boards in these 2-3 SPR pots.

As played jam is cool. Take your 60/40 to showdown with some dead money overlay and reload and try again if they take this one down.
1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
06-27-2017 , 11:30 AM
Tricky spot preflop the first time around. I do just complete here a lot. But knowing that I can easily get action from some of the fish with ATC, I'm tempted to raise. The problem is that some of the stacks are getting a little bit too big to easily commit postflop with TP, plus if we whiff these guys could make our life difficult. If everyone was sitting on V1's smallish stack size, I'd lean towards a raise to commit with TP. Since two of the stacks are decent, and we're OOP, I'm fine with leaning to just completing.

Do we make anything of raisers change in raise size from $20 to $32, or has he raised this size before with junk / just taking into account this is a straddled pot? I think this is a pretty clear fold versus jam spot. We can't just call off this much of our stack with an extremely mediocre hand that'll often whiff the flop. The raiser seems aggro and is kinda in a stack size that can still be gambooled with lol cards, and there is a bunch of dead money in the pot relative to stacks. The other guys have just limp/called so they are unlikely to have much. If raiser has been raising a lot with ATC, I jam. Otherwise if I'm reading he might actually have a hand (raise size read?), then I just fold.

1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
06-27-2017 , 11:33 AM
i shove here and feel good about it
1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
06-30-2017 , 12:42 AM
Problem is, what do we rep by shoving? Not much. I'd expect a good hand reader (original raiser is kind of an okay player) to call my shove with stuff like JJ/AQ here as well, against which I'm doing horribly. And if he has better, I'm literally crushed.
1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
06-30-2017 , 12:45 AM
Picking up 33bb uncontested a lot of the time is a pretty big deal. You have blockers to premiums, and if he has a good hand, you can always just suck out
1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
06-30-2017 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by momo_uk
Problem is, what do we rep by shoving? Not much. I'd expect a good hand reader (original raiser is kind of an okay player) to call my shove with stuff like JJ/AQ here as well, against which I'm doing horribly. And if he has better, I'm literally crushed.
Not repping anything is good considering we have a hand. I don't expect to fold out anything better, I'm shoving because I expect him to have worse enough. If he gets suspicious and calls me with AT or something that's fine.
1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
06-30-2017 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by momo_uk
Problem is, what do we rep by shoving? Not much. I'd expect a good hand reader (original raiser is kind of an okay player) to call my shove with stuff like JJ/AQ here as well, against which I'm doing horribly. And if he has better, I'm literally crushed.
You are repping something given gameflow. If he's an ok player than he's both aware you've been tight and most importantly aware that you're aware he popped it w K7s 10 minutes ago, all of which amp up your perceived incentive to limp monsters.

Besides, who can even stand playing poker without a merged back shoving range?
1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
06-30-2017 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by momo_uk
Problem is, what do we rep by shoving? Not much. I'd expect a good hand reader (original raiser is kind of an okay player) to call my shove with stuff like JJ/AQ here as well, against which I'm doing horribly. And if he has better, I'm literally crushed.
Welcome to poker - a game of small edges.
1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
06-30-2017 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by momo_uk
Problem is, what do we rep by shoving? Not much. I'd expect a good hand reader (original raiser is kind of an okay player) to call my shove with stuff like JJ/AQ here as well, against which I'm doing horribly. And if he has better, I'm literally crushed.
I mean you did say he raised like this once before from BB with K7s. His range can be pretty wide here.
1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
06-30-2017 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by JB Clark
i shove here and feel good about it
1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
07-03-2017 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by WarPig6565
I mean you did say he raised like this once before from BB with K7s. His range can be pretty wide here.
Yes, but his sizing is bigger here, and I think he's less likely to raise his straddle twice in a row with junk. His range smelled strong to me.

Also, with just $3 invested in this hand, do I really need to stake $300 on a guessing game with a mediocre hand like AJ?
1/3: AJo 4-handed in BB facing straddle raise and 2 fish calls Quote
