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1/3: AhJh in MP - 266 BB deep 1/3: AhJh in MP - 266 BB deep

08-16-2015 , 09:31 PM
1/3 $200 cap, Saturday.

I have a major problem playing deep stacked poker, the problem is, I am not very good at it! :P
I don't have a problem playing up to 100-150BB deep, but after being deeper, I struggle with multiple streets.

Same villain as in this game:

Hero: Young Asian, playing very tight today, has shown down only big hands, hasn't been caught bluffing, just taking players around the table to value town with hands. ($1100ish) - MP

Villain 1: Mid 20s guy, seems to be a reg because he knows quite a few people around the room, on his 3rd buy in. He plays a very aggressive style, I let him represent a straight on a 4 card straight board and called down with KK and won a big pot. - Would say loose aggressive, plays a lot of hands, I'd say 33%+ VPIP, but not sure if a good LAG, but is definitely one of the better players at the table.... Table is super soft tho. He is UTG+1. ($800)

V2: Russian lady, really bad throw money preflop in whilst min buying $50 and praying for the best type of player - $40

V3: Young indian kid, seems to be one of those players who is keen for the game, but has read/watched too much poker and not played enough. Bought in for $200 but has $65 left.

UTG blind raises UTG to $8.
V1 - UTG+1 blind re-raises to $17.
V2 - calls
I look down at AJ, I am actually not a very big fan of this hand against V1 if he calls because we're like 266BBs deep and I would be lost on how to play this hand on multiple streets. Despite this, I raise to $45.
V3 calls and says he calls because he is short stacked. Folds around to V1 who tank calls (like 20 seconds tanking). V2 calls as well.

Main pot: 172
Side pot: 15
Flop: A Q 3 rainbow
I know I should be miles ahead of V2 and V3 and should be ahead of V1 but am not entirely sure what he would call me with, with us both being so deep.
V1 checks, I bet $75, V3 calls, V2 tank calls. (Tanked for like a minute)

Turn: T completing the rainbow.
V1 checks, Hero?

Reasons to bet: I can get value from any A that I am beating, and prob can get value from some Queens...
Reasons to check: - Pot Control
-gives him a chance to bluff the river

I still think I am most likely ahead, but am worried about his ability to C/r with draws or equity on this turn, because I think he would be able to....
1/3: AhJh in MP - 266 BB deep Quote
08-17-2015 , 03:22 AM
Raise way more pre. Maybe to $70.

Bet more on the flop.

As played V2 should be all-in preflop. Maybe you meant ''V1 tank called''? V3 only had to put in $20 more on the flop so he can have anything. Side pot should be like $110 bucks.

Kind of torn between a bet/fold and a check behind here. I don´t think we are ahead when called and I don´t think V1 is going to bluff raise us off the best hand. That said, if raised we give up a fair bit of equity against two pair. The main reason for betting was to give V a chance to fold a 9 out draw. I think I´ve talked myself into a check back. Hopefully we have a fair bit of intel on V1´s bet sizing to figure out if he is trying to buy the pot, or if he is value betting on the river.

Last edited by kookiemonster; 08-17-2015 at 03:29 AM.
1/3: AhJh in MP - 266 BB deep Quote
08-17-2015 , 03:27 AM
PF sizing is too small. You're not really 266 BBs deep in a spot where two villains have blind raised. By the time it gets to you, there's already $46 in the pot. A pot-sized raise would be to $78. I'm not necessarily making it that big, but I'm probably raising to $60-65 here.

As played, V2 is all-in PF and V3 is basically all-in (has $20 left on the flop), so we're really basing our decisions on V1 and his range. Given reads, I would give him a fairly wide range PF including all suited aces, ATo+, KTs+, KQo, all pairs excluding QQ+, and some suited connectors and gappers. I like your flop bet for value.

Once you get to the turn, I think V is folding a lot of the hands that you beat if you bet given that the pot is protected by the all-in players. I'd check back here for pot control and because I just don't think there's much value (if any) to be had. If the river blanks and he checks again, I'd throw out a small value bet. If V leads river, calling or folding depends on a number of factors including whether the river improves his range, his bet sizing, and live reads.
1/3: AhJh in MP - 266 BB deep Quote
08-17-2015 , 05:30 AM
With all this tanking before any tricky decisions have to be made where all the players are getting good pot odds, I am assuming nobody is holding AQo+, QQ-AA. I think shipping turn is wrong, you're usually up against two weak hands, with few drawing outs. Just break up your turn and river bets and you'll take some weak ace to value town.
1/3: AhJh in MP - 266 BB deep Quote
08-17-2015 , 11:14 AM
I'm definitely raising preflop with all this dead money in the pot. The one huge advantage we have against V1 is position, where we'll probably be able to control the size of the pot postflop.

Thanks to all the callers, the SPR is a little over 4 on the flop, which means we could actually play for stacks in just 2 streets. I don't think I'd feel comfortable playing for 266bb stacks in a protected pot with just TP. Board is drawless except for gutshots, so I'd be pretty cool with checking this flop back. I'm basically pretty happy with getting 2 small streets of value, especially against V1 who could get aggro and force us off the best hand (and even though it's unlikely he's going to bluff air in a protected pot, it's possible he might play showdownable hands hard if he feels they are ahead in this big pot). V3 has so little left that he is not a factor to be considered at all.

As played, I think I pot control now on the turn. Just a 1/2 PSB on the turn will leave us with only .8 PSB left for the river; would we feel committed to a shove? The good thing is that in a protected pot there is less chance V1 will bluff, but he could still put us to a tough decision, so we better know what our response will be. If Villain has an Ace, AT moved ahead, otherwise he's likely only got 3 - 5 outs; he might even fold to a bet now for fear of facing a shove on the river. And what's our plan if he does call a bet on the turn; our we betting our remaining stack for value on the river? A bet does protect against ugly 4-to-a-straight cards, but again, Villain is unlikely to bluff river so we don't have to worry too much about those.

But, then again, it's possible I play too passive in big pots. But bottom line for me is that I don't like playing for huge stacks with small hands.

1/3: AhJh in MP - 266 BB deep Quote
08-17-2015 , 11:41 AM
I agree that pre-flop raise should have been much better. I like a little more on the flop, too, but the bet is OK. As played, I check behind on turn for pot control, but I'm calling almost any bet he makes on river -- especially after the four-to-a-straight hand.
1/3: AhJh in MP - 266 BB deep Quote
08-17-2015 , 01:34 PM
Echoing others:

Raise much bigger PF. $65 minimum.

Bet bigger OTF. Check behind turn. Call basically all rivers, probably value betting if checked to OTR.
1/3: AhJh in MP - 266 BB deep Quote
08-18-2015 , 12:00 AM
Yes, looking back, I totally fudged the sizing preflop, whcih at the time didn't even click for me.

Yes sorry bout that, V2 and V3 are all in by the flop, V2 was all on pre....
Just V1 we are really concerned about.

There seems to be a toss up between checking back the turn or going for 3 streets of value.
Also I could bet the turn to see a free showdown even, by any good player wouldn't check the river to me with a big hand?

Anyways, I elect to check mainly for pot control. Not exactly happy about the T that fell on the turn, completed the gutshot too....

River: 2s
V1 checks, hero?

(Lol brag: So saw V3 again last night and took two buy ins off him :3)
1/3: AhJh in MP - 266 BB deep Quote
08-18-2015 , 12:49 AM
If you are not prepared to get stacks in on this hand with top pair then just fold pre (serious).

I think suggestions for pre sizing ITT are bad, I wouldn't go more than 60$, we still want a call from blind raisers and are just wasting money when we get 4bet.
1/3: AhJh in MP - 266 BB deep Quote
