Originally Posted by Chumbardo
In game I would've probably 4bet to 80 or 90 and called a shove, but what about a min-raise 4-bet fold to a shove? Some players minraise with weaker hands than you might think like 1010,JJ, 99, AQ, AJ and sometimes suited-connectors to get initiative post-flop for cheap. Given that you've been "treading and leaking water for a few hours", I don't think villain will 5bet shove you light, since a min 4-bet looks super strong like you could have aces. and then if both players call, Shove on any non A/K high board. This is better than flatting because if you just flat, you're getting stacked by any non A/K high board against the aces and kings in his range, and by min 4-betting you get a chance to get away from AA/KK preflop as well as get value from the weaker, marginal hands that now can't fold because they're getting such a good price to call.
I'll have to consider the min 4bet - I should at least try this out and/or mix it in against regs. I think I would only want to do that heads-up though? Like in this case, not with the other caller as if V calls, the 2nd guy will usually call because of lol "pot odds".