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1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot 1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot

01-18-2012 , 11:28 PM
Hero's image is a rock. However, has shown capability of opening wide when table drops short-handed. Table is full again. Important villains have seen Hero open up and change gears a little. Hero sits on about 275 chips.

V1: BB (white hoosier mid 40s wears sunglasses and listens to iPod): ~350.. Basically a straightforward player. Has propensity to get a little aggro. Too loose, but not noticeable by game standards. More aggro than average. Have seen him bet draws. However, villain is a bit stationy, even vs Hero who he knows is rocky tight. We have good rapport and have been chatting sports betting all night.

V2: UTG (white near 50 male here with wife who's playing slots) ~500.. Luckbox fish that every table has. Overreps marginal hands based on their strength off some hand chart most likely. ie, saw him raise AJ into 3 players with both flush and boat likely out when AJ was rivered 2pr. V2 was lucky he covered all involved because both players had him beat. Loose and chases draws, bets when he makes a hand "he" likes.

V3: HJ (white hat-wearing early 30s sports fanatic that keeps going on about how everyone likes local hockey team and he is just "keeping it real" sort of a wannabe pro that is "facebook friends" with the current dealer) ~450.. Decent player. Likely closest to TAG this table has to offer. Opens wider in position and cbets boards that hit his range. Also seems to read hands "ok" because he's picked the fish off a couple of times with some decent bets for thinner value. Doesn't showdown w/o decent hand.

V4: CO (white late 30s and balding that is friendly and nice but obviously nitty) ~150 (and complaining he's stuck and running bad over a few sessions) Nit like Hero preflop but stationy post and bets only with strong hands he marries until the board gets uber scary.

(missing villain is completely irrelevant to the is V4)

1/2 NL Action...

Hero on BTN. Table limps 5ways. Hero looks down at T 7 and overlimps. BB raises to 6. All call.

Pot $36 and flop brings A T 7 Checks to hero?

I would like to hear merits for everything.

Last edited by chopper5654; 01-18-2012 at 11:38 PM.
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-18-2012 , 11:34 PM
Even given position and multi-limps, I fold T7s pf, but meh.

AP, bet pot and most likely fold to a c/r.
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-18-2012 , 11:57 PM
Bet 20 or so and see what happens....? Fold to most big raises
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-19-2012 , 01:19 AM
$30 and fold to a raise
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-19-2012 , 10:46 AM
Bottom 2, monotone flop that also has straight draws. Everyone agrees to bloat a pot when so much can come vs 5 villains that shuts us down? Nobody thinking "schooling effect?"
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by chopper5654
Bottom 2, monotone flop that also has straight draws. Everyone agrees to bloat a pot when so much can come vs 5 villains that shuts us down? Nobody thinking "schooling effect?"
I think you can win it on the flop quite a bit by just 3/4 potting it, and if anyone calls, 3/4 potting turn unless a spade/A hits. I'd rather fold out **** like Kd2s which has absurd equity vs our specific hand.
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-19-2012 , 12:38 PM
bet 25-30 on the flop, fold to a raise.

barrell 1/2 pot on any non spade, non ace turn.
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-19-2012 , 02:41 PM

i bet/fold $30ish on flop to tax Ks, Qs, Ax, and to start building a pot when you hit the T or 7 on the turn and 4th spade comes through on the river.
if checked to on the turn, bet again if no spade or A comes, $55 or so.
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-19-2012 , 02:51 PM
I like making it $25 on btn pre..

as played, I'd *bet $25.

I would never check!
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-19-2012 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
bet 25-30 on the flop, fold to a raise.

barrell 1/2 pot on any non spade, non ace turn.
this ainec
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-19-2012 , 04:31 PM
I probably also overlimp preflop. We have a piece of crap hand, but we're getting into a multiway pot for cheap and have position, and we're over 100 BBs deep. I reluctantly pay off the sweetener raise and also see a flop with everyone else.

I'd make a big bet, probably pot. No one has shown any strength. We'd love to take this thing down now. We don't want lone spades to be drawing for free. If anyone check/raises, I'm done with the hand and let it go. If anyone calls, my plan would be to bet 1/2+ PSB on the non-flush turn cards, maybe being a little careful if a broadway card peels off. If I make it to the river, I'm probably checking behind.

1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-19-2012 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by chopper5654
Bottom 2, monotone flop that also has straight draws. Everyone agrees to bloat a pot when so much can come vs 5 villains that shuts us down? Nobody thinking "schooling effect?"
Even though there could easily be a bunch of draws out there against us, I'm thinking a big bet on a monotone board drops a lot of those draws. I mean, I highly doubt a Tx hand or non-spade gutshot or whatever is calling on a montone board, and if they are, well, I think long term that'll work in our favour.
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-19-2012 , 04:46 PM
Thanks for the help, guys. I felt it was a mandatory bet, but I'm a wuss right now at live tables. If it's online, I'm not thinking twice in this spot.

Of course, I checked back like a weenie. Flame away, but it won't do any good....I already know it was

Turn was 8

Anyone's 1/2 pot bet into a caller or two change assuming we bet the flop to 2/3-3/4?

(If I bet the flop, I pot it. And, it crossed my mind. I just wanted to see a safe card come out being I didn't think I could fold them all and I felt better wouldn't raise yet and some worse wouldn't fold. In other words, I have no idea where I am on any turn.)
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-19-2012 , 04:58 PM
Was it checked to us on the turn as played? If so, I definitely go ahead and bet now (two rounds of checking indicates pretty big weakness). I think if there's a bet and a call or two we're in a tough situation; I'd probably call and re-evaluate the river, but I could also see considering folding here as well.
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-19-2012 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Was it checked to us on the turn as played?
Sorry. No, it wasn't checked to us the 2nd time. BB checks, V2 (fish that overvalues his hands) leads out $15. Called twice instantly. Hero?
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-20-2012 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by chopper5654
Sorry. No, it wasn't checked to us the 2nd time. BB checks, V2 (fish that overvalues his hands) leads out $15. Called twice instantly. Hero?
We're getting 5:1 and pretty much closing the action, plus have fairly massive implied odds if we hit our boat, plus have the best seat in the house (not only for making money on the river but also for getting away from two pair). So I call and re-evaluate the river.
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-20-2012 , 12:33 PM

Lame as it sounds, there can be times where checking back the flop can save you some money when your behind to a flopped flush, set, etc. Especially in 1/2 NL where if someone hits the flush they insta check it. Is this the case here? Bottom two are still pretty vulnerable to many hands.

I would take my shot on the turn. Betting 3/4 pot, etc. You give yourself a chance to boat up (7's, 10's). If you are ahead you can still bet the turn and river and get value out of your bottom two. People are likely to give you less credit and may call you down with Ax, middle pair, etc.

If the flush comes on the turn its a easy check fold. Although not the strongest line, it is simple and easy to play.

There is good merit for raising / betting the flop. However what happens if someone reraises you? Villains history says they can bet draws; what if they reraise your raise with a flush draw? Its very difficult to know where villain is in this hand. Plus if stacks get in, you are drawing very thin to boat up (4 outs at best).
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
01-20-2012 , 12:41 PM
I limp behind with T7s here on the flop....You may need to steel some amount to make this hand profitable...but even if your not capable of raising a flop bet on the right board its close to a call just on odds...

Once the pots sweetened, i would argue for a fold.... The small raise eats up a lot of your implied odds...You're creating (have it created) a 7.5 spr...with a bad drawing hand that's most likely flopping a draw or second pair type hand....that's not going to play well even in position...

Your steel equity also drops since players will commit much sooner now, or shove it in against your "draw" too protect their hand...
1/2NL:  T7s in questionable spot Quote
