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1/2NL: 3-bet pot & bad flop vs loose villain 1/2NL: 3-bet pot & bad flop vs loose villain

08-05-2011 , 08:08 PM
This is my first hand posted here so be gentle. Comments on any street are welcome.

Hero: $145
Villain: $135

2 folds
Villain (UTG+2) raises to 7 – has been loose pre-flop and raising approx. 3-4 times per orbit since he sat down 2 hours ago. Post-flop he’s still loose but more passive. I hadn’t played a hand against him as I’d been waiting for a spot like this to 3-bet isolate.
Hero (MP1) raises to 22 with Ad Jd.
Folds to villain who calls.

Pot: $47
Flop: Qs 4d 2c

Villain checks
Hero checks
I didn’t want to bloat the pot any more when I missed the flop so badly. I also figured I could still rep an overpair by checking behind on such a dry board.

Turn: 9d

Villain bets $30
1/2NL: 3-bet pot & bad flop vs loose villain Quote
08-05-2011 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by KKcracked
I didn’t want to bloat the pot any more when I missed the flop so badly. I also figured I could still rep an overpair by checking behind on such a dry board.
There are 2 problems with this. In 3 bet pots you don't have to bet as much on the flop. On a dry board like this you could probably bet around 35 and I don't think he's calling very loosely. Your hand doesn't matter as much as you think in spots like this. Even if he does call he is very likely to check the turn and you can get to river and sometimes showdown cheaply.
Second, after you check a flop like that in low stakes don't think you can rep anything by doing anything. He's not going to think you have an overpair at all once you check the flop. If he's thinking at all he puts you on AK or a pair below Q probably TT or JJ.

As played just call the turn and reevaluate on the river.
1/2NL: 3-bet pot & bad flop vs loose villain Quote
08-05-2011 , 08:23 PM
You have to cbet these dry flops. Around 26 is sufficient. It sets you up to make close to a pot sized shove on the turn. What was your plan when you decided to 3bet 1/7 of your stack pre?
1/2NL: 3-bet pot & bad flop vs loose villain Quote
08-05-2011 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by spyu
As played just call the turn and reevaluate on the river.
What do you think is the villain's range? What are we ahead of and what better hands can we successfully bluff OTR? There really is no evaluating to be done on the river. We should know how we will respond to each river card prior to calling $30.
1/2NL: 3-bet pot & bad flop vs loose villain Quote
08-05-2011 , 08:48 PM

I have no problem with the 3 bet preflop. I prefer a cbet on the flop. Very often we win it there, it is a relatively dry flop. We still have equity if he calls, and to me a check here screams of weakness, and is asking to have the pot taken from us.

As played, I don't mind the call on the turn, and see what the river brings.
1/2NL: 3-bet pot & bad flop vs loose villain Quote
08-05-2011 , 09:46 PM

I would bet this flop(30) in this spot against this villain, just because the chances are that he missed (2:1), and because you said that he is loose passive post flop, so we are rarely facing a reraise here and if it happens we can safely fold knowing that most of the time we are behind. If he does call, I am committing my stack if an Ace comes,if K comes and he checks both turn and river I would bet around 70 on the river, for other cards I would c/f.

Now back to the how hand really went, OTT I think call is ok, cause likely we have at least 12 outs and maybe even the best hand, compared to the flop not much had changed regarding the odds of we having the best hand. As played and with this turn card after a turn call I would not bet anything but an A , J or a diamond on the river(because of his turn bet(even though I am not giving much credit, still enough to prevent me from bluffing)

I don't see any point in pushing the turn, cause most of the hands he will fold will lose to us in showdown(unless he bluffs us or catches up).
1/2NL: 3-bet pot & bad flop vs loose villain Quote
08-06-2011 , 01:25 AM
1/2NL: 3-bet pot & bad flop vs loose villain Quote
08-06-2011 , 10:20 AM
Say "I hope you don't have QQ" and shove.
1/2NL: 3-bet pot & bad flop vs loose villain Quote
08-06-2011 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Ibuprofen
What do you think is the villain's range? What are we ahead of and what better hands can we successfully bluff OTR? There really is no evaluating to be done on the river. We should know how we will respond to each river card prior to calling $30.
Really? No evaluating to be done? I would beg to differ, just because you know what YOU would do on a certain river card, you are not first to act hence you still have to take Villain's action to said river card into account BEFORE you take your action.

By reevaluate I'm not implying only whether or not we should bluff(which should likely be never in this spot).
1/2NL: 3-bet pot & bad flop vs loose villain Quote
