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1-2 ... too weak? 1-2 ... too weak?

10-03-2013 , 12:11 AM
1-2 live (I'm new to no limit)

I open UTG to 10 with AQ. There are 4 callers. Everyone has around $200.

Flop ($50): Q 7 2.

I check, check, check, check, BUT bets $30, I fold.

OK? Other options?

Thank you for your thoughts.

(In limit holdem this is an obvious flop cbet, then call a raise, and definite calldown if no other club comes ... but thats limit I guess.)
1-2 ... too weak? Quote
10-03-2013 , 12:23 AM
I think you can still c-bet this and will take it down enough to make it profitable.
1-2 ... too weak? Quote
10-03-2013 , 12:27 AM
Lead flop for ~30. As played, folding in this spot is way too weak. Call and see a turn
1-2 ... too weak? Quote
10-03-2013 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by Mark L
I think you can still c-bet this and will take it down enough to make it profitable.
You'll also extract value from opponents who have a high club or Qx. This is a mandatory cbet.
1-2 ... too weak? Quote
10-03-2013 , 03:29 AM
Raise $15 or more pre when OOP. As played cbet pot.

If raised....depending on villain fold or ship.
1-2 ... too weak? Quote
10-03-2013 , 04:15 PM
Pre $12-15
Flop- bet fold flop $35
As played - it sucks but you can't fold to the checked around to BU. I'd call and most likely bluff catch good runouts. This option sucks donkey&@/! Tho because you are left guessing whereas betting flop defines there range more.
1-2 ... too weak? Quote
10-03-2013 , 04:48 PM
Yeah, bet $35.
1-2 ... too weak? Quote
10-03-2013 , 06:35 PM
meh... table/opponent dependent. without knowing anything i'd probably c-bet/fold expecting to take it down a good amount of time and maybe get value from a flush draw if called.

c/f isn't bad either. 4 callers... could very well be a flush or set out there and sucks to be out of position with this many villains holding tptk. not bad to find a better spot.

also make a mental note to increase pre-flop raise size at this table.
1-2 ... too weak? Quote
10-03-2013 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by LotGrinder
Raise $15 or more pre when OOP. As played cbet pot.

If raised....depending on villain fold or ship.
Thank you for your thoughts.

Ok, everyone said to raise more pre. I'm a beginner at NL. I thought standard preflop raises are usually like 3-5X the BB level. Can you (or animal kingdom? or 85chicksaw? or any other experienced/math-based NL player) give me some bullet points, or wax poetic if you like, about standard preflop raise amounts based on postioning.
1-2 ... too weak? Quote
10-03-2013 , 07:43 PM
it really varies in low stakes no limit. the games typically don't play based on the size of the blinds... in fact it's usually fairly arbitrary on how much most players are willing to bet/call. if anything, stack sizes/buy-in amounts have more influence on the bets.

at a typical 1-2 game with most stacks 150 - 300 i'd say ten dollars is usually around the common pre-flop raise. however, it's very table dependent so you have to adjust. if betting 10 from early position is getting 4 callers... then make your opens 15. adjust till you get 1-2 callers (assuming that's what you want).

i usually start with opens at 10... raise or lower (rare) as needed.

you could do some mathing and figure out the optimal way to make money based on the blinds... come to the conclusion that everyone is opening way too big and try to exploit it... but you'd end up playing 5% of your hands and taking it down preflop 99% of the time... it'd take a long time to make money or get into a good hand since live play you're only getting 30 - 40 hands an hour.

oh... and most players at 1-2 don't pay attention to position... this you should exploit. most players are going to look at their cards, regardless of position and think "i'll call up to 12 dollars with this hand and see what the flop shows" or "i'll limp this hand but nothing more". you don't necessarily need to adjust your bet size based on position... but adjust your ranges.

and set mining pays off huge in live poker because the pots get bigger quicker and people hate folding.

good luck
1-2 ... too weak? Quote
