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1/2 royal flush draw disaster donk bet scenario 1/2 royal flush draw disaster donk bet scenario

12-30-2016 , 11:57 PM

-Hero is currently playing tag, was caught bluffing all 3 streets with a busted nut flush draw about an hour ago but then got paid off with a flopped set due to that image. V1 and V2 both saw all of this. Hero is planning on leaving the table once he gets past utg and is currently just autofolding anything outside premium hands.

-V1 is also playing tag, is the deepstack at the table with about 1200, pretty solid player although he sucked out on Hero a few hands ago by turning 2 pair with tpgk to Hero's tptk.

-V2 is a fish, won a big pot last hand with tpnk but has mostly been losing and rebought once already.

Effective stacks going into the hand in question:
Hero - 300
V1 - covers
V2 - 270

Hero holds K Q utg

Preflop: Hero limps in, folded around to V1 who raises to 10 on the button. folded to V2 who calls from big blind and Hero calls.

(31) Flop: A J 5

V2 checks, Hero checks, V1 cbets 25. V2 calls, Hero calls.

(106) Turn: 8

V2 donk bets 50. Hero is facepalming hard inside at the implications of this but calls, and of course V1 smashes it out of the park and raises to 170. V2 flat calls. Hero?
1/2 royal flush draw disaster donk bet scenario Quote
12-31-2016 , 12:05 AM
WTF are we limping for? Shoot yourself in the foot for that. ****ing raise that ****.

As played call that **** with our shot up foot.
1/2 royal flush draw disaster donk bet scenario Quote
12-31-2016 , 12:45 AM
Pre-deal, get up and go. If you aren't playing optimally because you plan to leave, just leave.

Pre flop, fold or raise. Given your mental state, just fold and go.

Flop, this should be a c/r. If you are too far gone mentally to take that risk, just fold and leave.

Turn: Not sure why the small donk scares you, but now is a good time to shove or fold, because if you flat, V1 is going to raise as he 100% knows that you are on a draw. AP, the pot is $446, and it's $120 to you to call, so you'll be paying 21.6% of the pot. You have 12 outs to the nuts, so you have approx 24% equity. Even with no IOs, you are are getting the right expressed odds, so call.
1/2 royal flush draw disaster donk bet scenario Quote
12-31-2016 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
Pre-deal, get up and go. If you aren't playing optimally because you plan to leave, just leave.

Pre flop, fold or raise. Given your mental state, just fold and go.

Flop, this should be a c/r. If you are too far gone mentally to take that risk, just fold and leave.

Turn: Not sure why the small donk scares you, but now is a good time to shove or fold, because if you flat, V1 is going to raise as he 100% knows that you are on a draw. AP, the pot is $446, and it's $120 to you to call, so you'll be paying 21.6% of the pot. You have 12 outs to the nuts, so you have approx 24% equity. Even with no IOs, you are are getting the right expressed odds, so call.
+1 to all of this except I actually like the turn flat a lot and don't think we really have much fold equity if we raise with both opponents playing like they have a piece of the board. The preflop raiser/flop bettor hasn't even acted yet, and our hand blocks the hands they'd most likely fold + we don't really rep that well with a raise, just 55 really. Straightforward call imo.
1/2 royal flush draw disaster donk bet scenario Quote
12-31-2016 , 03:19 AM
Man every hh posted on here people get lost post and they always start with, I have xx and I limp pre. Raise your hand so you can establish a range and others ranges.
1/2 royal flush draw disaster donk bet scenario Quote
12-31-2016 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
Pre-deal, get up and go. If you aren't playing optimally because you plan to leave, just leave.

Pre flop, fold or raise. Given your mental state, just fold and go.

Flop, this should be a c/r. If you are too far gone mentally to take that risk, just fold and leave.

Turn: Not sure why the small donk scares you, but now is a good time to shove or fold, because if you flat, V1 is going to raise as he 100% knows that you are on a draw. AP, the pot is $446, and it's $120 to you to call, so you'll be paying 21.6% of the pot. You have 12 outs to the nuts, so you have approx 24% equity. Even with no IOs, you are are getting the right expressed odds, so call.
It's not that the donk scares me, it's that i know if the donk bets that's going to seriously swell the pot more than i'd like because V1 is very likely going to raise, and I'm going to have to pay a worse price on my draws. I put V1 on something very serious here and the reason I didn't shove was because I decided I didnt have much fold equity on him.
1/2 royal flush draw disaster donk bet scenario Quote
12-31-2016 , 03:39 AM
I think it's definitely correct that I should've raised pre though and probably correct that the only time I ever had fold equity on V1 was if I c/r the flop pretty big, although after seeing his hand turns out I didn't but hypothetically. Usually I'd raise pre with QKs here but I was definitely just checked out because I was supposed to have just picked up garbage again and folded and left.

Hero called the 120 more knowing that he's priced in and gave up when the river bricked again because at this point everyone's pot committed and there is no fold equity.

Checked around to V1 who shoves, V2 calls and Hero folds, V1 shows AdJd and V2 shows Jc8c
1/2 royal flush draw disaster donk bet scenario Quote
