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1/2 river two pair, med sized pot 1/2 river two pair, med sized pot

06-29-2015 , 06:33 AM
Hero CO (250) young hoodie snug image
V EP (500) 50yrold, regish player, snug straightforward type, seems to be playing solid, fast played the nuts earlier on flop won big pot.
V2 MP (300) straightforward mostly irrelevant in the hand.

V limps, there is a raise to 8, one call, I call w KQfew other calls. 5 to flop.

flop (40)


Checks to me I bet 20. V calls. V2 calls.

Turn (100)


V check, V2 check, I check.

River (100)


V1 bets 40. V2 folds. Hero?
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
06-29-2015 , 06:48 AM
call only if V has a bluffy image.

otherwise, instamuck. five to the flop and you think that none of them have the flush draw????
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
06-29-2015 , 11:42 AM
I would have bet a little more on the flop ($25 - $30), but that's trivial. Good check on turn. Call river, but it's a bit of a crying call. He could do this with a weaker A or with a naked Ad.
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
06-29-2015 , 11:54 AM
Preflop I either raise to squeeze or fold. I think calling is a mistake as you are way behind in too many flops.

By calling what flop with a Q or K is that good to you?

AP I call but expect to be beat by a flush or AK at times
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
06-29-2015 , 12:16 PM
If you are going to bet out in a multi-way pot like this I don't mind announcing my hand by betting quite large. The "I have a Queen (and a dream)" bet will clear this mess up quite a bit.

AP .. I don't mind the Turn check, but I do bet this Turn often as if I had the Ad in my hand ... especially since 'we' bet so cheaply on the Flop we can follow up our 'flush draw Flop bet' with a 'I have an Ace' value bet.

AP .. Since we didn't bet the Turn, I don't mind calling this River. I don't like that he donked (and is not putting us on a flush). So this comes down to each image of the other IMO. 50s, reg, snug, straight would seem to know how vulnerable a donk bet is going to look here .. but 'almost' top 2 is worth a call now and again even against this V type. GL
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
06-29-2015 , 12:38 PM
grunch: call

unless you have a real strong read that villain wouldn't do this with less than a flush. he's giving a good price. i call and expect to lose but i'd want to see exactly what cards he's holding. if he has the flush, how high is it?
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
06-29-2015 , 12:41 PM
30 on flop would be better.

3 bet pre is worth discussing.

river is close. you beat all missed straight draws and A2/A4, but does villain bet with these?

V has a ton of flushes in his range., pretty sure river is a fold.

Last edited by everydaygrind; 06-29-2015 at 12:55 PM.
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
06-29-2015 , 06:25 PM
Seems like a flush every time here. But as mentioned, you're getting a good price and knowing his hand in this spot will be really valuable information for later if you plan to play a long session with this villain. Knowing he is capable of betting a low flush in this spot or just an Ace or lower two pair will help us play profitably later. But if you're about to get up from the table soon, just fold and say nice hand. Betting more on flop is also key. 25-30.
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
06-29-2015 , 06:36 PM

Pre is fine with position and predictable opponents.

Flop should be larger as we rate to have the best hand and can get value from worse. I'd make it 30-35.

I think a decent portion of the time the NFD bets this flop so when the ace falls, I don't think it's as scary card as you think. AP I bet the turn for 50 to get value from stubborn Qx and flush draws.

River...straight forward guy bets when all the draws come in. He's not turning 99 into a bluff here. It's probably a fold. He's got plenty of flush draws in his range.
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
06-29-2015 , 06:46 PM
I really wanna turn this hand into a bluff. Make it 125 and fold to a shove. Hate calling or even folding here getting 3.5 to 1.
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
06-29-2015 , 07:11 PM
Ick. He's never folding a flush IMO even though we can reasonably rep one. He'll sigh call it.
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
06-29-2015 , 07:15 PM
Villian has a flush and is not folding to your overshove ever. V bet 40 into 100 as a pure value bet. This type of V never bluffs here, especially OOP when V2 and hero played the hand like they could have the diamond draw as well. This is an easy fold.
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
06-29-2015 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by progress
V limps, there is a raise to 8, one call, I call w KQfew other calls. 5 to flop.
If you're in the blinds facing a min-raise I don't mind a call.

In general calling with unpaired, unsuited hands, hoping to get a lucky flop is a leak.

As played, the Villain could easily have AQ or a flush.
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
06-29-2015 , 08:03 PM
Yeah I just want to. My logic is off but in real time I'm calling it off hoping he was bluffing.
1/2 river two pair, med sized pot Quote
