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<img /2 - QQ gets c/raised on turn. <img /2 - QQ gets c/raised on turn.

05-31-2014 , 04:41 PM
Hero - $650 - Late 20's. Clean cut. Regular in the room but completely unknown to villain aside from the 90 minutes played together during this session. Recently raised 63s in the HJ and got three streets against station in BB after flopping straight.

Villain - $345 - In his 20's and what appears to be of Lebanese descent. Hat pulled down over his eyes and very quiet during his time at the table. He did engage in some brief small talk with one of the dealers, and I gathered from this conversation that he was from out of town, and that his visit may be to specifically play poker. Seems to have been playing a good TAG game.

Game - $1/2 NLHE. 6:30pm. Friday evening.

I have decided to play my button one final time before taking off for the day. There are two limpers in front of me and I make it $14 with red QQ. Villain calls out of the BB, and the original two limpers call as well.

Flop - $57 - 853dd.
Villain donks for $20. 2 folds. Hero calls.

Turn - $97 - 7s
Villain checks after about 5 seconds. Hero bets $47. Villain thinks for 30 seconds and makes it $147.

Hero... ?
<img /2 - QQ gets c/raised on turn. Quote
05-31-2014 , 10:08 PM
Villain hasn't really shown us any reason to not believe him. Trivial fold in this spot.
<img /2 - QQ gets c/raised on turn. Quote
05-31-2014 , 10:12 PM
Fold. Take your chips and go home.

V's range is at least 2p but I could see him turning over a lot of straights too. Sets are possible. Check-raise looks strong and villain is solid. I could level myself in to thinking V is making a move if you had all your chips racked up and announced you were leaving to the table. Even if that was the case I'd still strongly consider folding.
<img /2 - QQ gets c/raised on turn. Quote
05-31-2014 , 10:19 PM
He is a solid TAG who is c/r you on the turn.

We obviously dont love throwing away the QQ on this relatively dry board, but I think we haveto. Im smelling a set that is trying to get value out of what he is correctly reading as an overpair, and he thinks he will get it since the board is dry. Dont give it to him.
<img /2 - QQ gets c/raised on turn. Quote
05-31-2014 , 10:25 PM
Not sure if I like the flat otf. What do you put him on when he donks? It looks like a draw to me. I'm gonna make him pay. The turn c/r is cute though. This deep its an easy fold. His stack is going in on the river like always, bluffs and nuts. You have no redraw. Just give it up now.

Whats with leaving otb? Don't you want to see free cards for a few more hands. Even if you only play AA its still +ev to play til your BB.
<img /2 - QQ gets c/raised on turn. Quote
05-31-2014 , 11:22 PM
Raise more pre. Raise the donk bet on the flop. I absolutely hate the way this hand was played. As played, I'm probably letting this one go.
<img /2 - QQ gets c/raised on turn. Quote
06-01-2014 , 01:27 AM
I think you could raise it more pre. Avg open at 1/2 is 10-14, so with limpers in front, you could argue making it as large as 20-22 ish, just a little extra value.

Gotta raise the flop. I just can't see a really good reason to flat.

As played, it seems as if he's getting rather tricky with a donk OTF and turn c/r. Usually 1/2 players who get tricky with lines like these are usually doing that with a strong range of hands, not really with medium hands or bluffs, so I think this is a fold. If he turned some weird made hand OTF in to a bluff, good for him. You can note that for future reference. His range should be a lot of two pair type hands, maybe a set although I don't see a lot of guys that aren't good who fast play made hands.

I just haven't seen enough 1/2 players do this not for value unless I have history and prior reads. It just doesn't happen often enough.

Am interested to hear results.

Last edited by strongrad50; 06-01-2014 at 01:33 AM.
<img /2 - QQ gets c/raised on turn. Quote
06-01-2014 , 02:20 AM
Such an easy spot to bluff at too though probably has a read of your preflop raise range which makes it so easy to know ur not anywhere near the flop. So easy to represent hitting it. It's also very possible he did as he doesn't originally raise preflop which is very often suited connectors. Etc. either way it's fold though.

The only time u try to call something tricky like this is when you get some reads on his check raise plays.
<img /2 - QQ gets c/raised on turn. Quote
