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1/2 QQ 1/2 QQ

09-10-2014 , 11:59 PM
1/2 100bb effective with main villain (V1)

Hero has been caught bluffing and making weird oversized bets, but has also shown down the goods. I'm folding a ton, but I probably viewed as aggro with capability to make a big bluff. I made a huge bluff earlier and showed, which got me paid later.

V1 is old lady. She talks a ton and it makes her seem like a maniac, but in reality she is passive pre and nit aggro post with nutty hands and big over pairs. I have played with her one other time and she min raised me with top two. 100bb

V2 is loose passive station. Starts with 80bb

Hero UTG raises to $10 with black QQ
V1 UTG+1 looks at cards and quickly calls $10
V2 is SB and calls

Flop is Tc 9c 5h

V2 checks
Hero bets $20
V1 raises to $50
V2 folds

What range do we assign her?
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 12:15 AM
All in. Raise more pre.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 12:30 AM
Pre is fine but seems like a big raise for 1/2. If you notice people are calling light, I don't mind the bigger raise pre.
On the flop, I MIGHT be more inclined to check. With loose passive behind me, the only person I have to "Worry" about is V2. We have a blocker and straight blocker so we are really only folding out smaller PP and AJ+. You stated she's aggro post with nutty hands and big overs, what is she like without those? passive? calling? I don't like so much calling and reevaluating the turn because there isnt much that can really help us there. IF a Q comes we are still not in great shape (although a TON better).
As played, I hate calling to just check/fold turn. You'll have $140 left if you just flat flop and have $130 in the pot. If you're calling flop you better be willing to play for stacks.

I like raise pre and check/call flop and evaluate turn.

Edit: what is "nit aggro post", btw?

Last edited by RyanAA44; 09-11-2014 at 12:35 AM. Reason: Edit
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 12:32 AM
Calls with draws including big combos. Pretty passive without big hands.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 01:50 AM
I just don't see what betting here accomplishes besides folding out Ax hands and smaller PP's. You might get some value from some Tx, 9x MAYBE some small PP's and straight draws but you're also not in a comfy spot when this happens. Also, those random Tx hands will probably not call a double barrel or triple so you can get value on later streets. If you check and it's checked back, I'm firing the turn. Given your image you MIGHT be able to shove and get called by Tx hands or straight draws. I guess as played I'm just shoving and hoping she calls with a draw to which we have blockers for and hopefully she didn't set or get top two.

Again, what is "nit aggro post"?

Edit: if she's just calling with draws and big combos, playing passively if she doesn't hit anything but raising her big hands... I think she has a set or top two

Last edited by RyanAA44; 09-11-2014 at 01:53 AM. Reason: Didn't re read your comment
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 01:53 AM
Fold against nitty villain pretty easily here.

Why would we check a three way, wet flop with an overpair???
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 01:57 AM
Sorry I was playing when I posted. Basically when she has a hand that she loves she goes all out aggro. Hand earlier she played she raises AhAc to some absurd amount and gets one caller, she is OOP. Flop is J high all spades. She insta ships her stack of like $100. It was a huge over bet. She didn't want to get sucked out on. On all of her big combos she has called bets and then shown me, or announced, every time she has missed. Hands I probably would have raised or got it in with.

Last edited by ryanhowe; 09-11-2014 at 02:06 AM.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 04:06 AM
If she didn't reraise you preflop to "some absurd amount" I think we can rule out AA or KK. JJ is possible here, as is AT or a set. JJ or AT seem like they'll show up a ton here.

I don't hate getting it in but knowing we're running into TT or 99 on occasion. If she had AA or KK and fought her apparent tendency to go HAM the time you happen to have QQ, gg I guess.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 07:17 AM
I was fixing to ask you the same thing.

She's passive pre, meaning? Specifically, has she ever 3bet? If not, there's no upper bound on her range. But if she does have a 3bet button you might could exclude AA/KK from her range.

I'm assuming by "nit" you mean she has a fold button. Reckon she could lay down aces if you bomb the flush card? How bout two pair? How bout a set? A straight? Or is she more of a stubborn sort of nit who has been waiting for her KK all night long and isn't laying it down for nobody?

You have a couple of options.
1. Fold.
2. IF she knows how to 3bet, and therefore you exclude AA/KK from her range, you could click it back. The problem is, your preflop raise was so weak, she is probably not going to believe you have the goods. I wouldn't recommend it here.
3. Call and evaluate. With the plan being, to bomb the crap out of a flush or straight card on the turn. Which, in your case, will probably give you an actual out in case she calls.

If you have some general idea of what she's willing to fold, and how much it will take to get a fold if the scare card falls, I would definitely call and evaluate. She's never on a draw here. And I think a "general idea" is all you need, given stack sizes and the fact that you're holding Qc.

Look at it this way. Pretend in your mind that you have JcQc and play accordingly. Against the right kind of nit, this is money.

ETA: Except don't shove YET. Gotta wait until she doesn't like her hand so much.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 07:39 AM
'Big' pocket pairs are always tough to play with at 1-2 in EP. I think you do need to open for a bit more than 'standard' since you will be OOP for the hand, but I like to be somewhat consistant to the 'standard' opening bet at the table in order to find any other big hands that may be out there. If you table is not 3-betting at all, then you will need to move your opening bets around in order to gage the holdings of the others.

Based on your image, and hers, I see no reason not to peel a card here and then see if you want to c/f the Turn. Pure read, but you are stating that she will only bet out with nut draws and overpairs, eh? You really aren't that deep here once you call the Flop bet, but can still fold if you want .. not many here will though, even with a solid V read. If she bets her draws the same as overpairs then you need to stick around here since AcXc is in her PF calling range.

You could shove and just live with it, but does she like to lead the betting on her draws or will she call it off with a draw? If she wont call it off 'aggro' with a draw then you 'have' to flat here and let her continue on the Turn IMO.

I don't like to hand nits chips that I can't get back from them later. Some may say you are not deep and missing value here ... Against nits I slow down and don't reward them for their play. GL
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 10:37 AM
The question here is how often is she doing this with AJcc, KJcc, AKcc, A5cc, 87cc or perhaps some other random flush or straight draw. From the way you described her, I kind of doubt it, frankly. When she raises that large, she polarizes her range to hands ahead of you by a good margin (TT, 99, 55, T9) and draws that have decent equity versus your OP, even with your blockers. Any A, K, J, T, 9, 6, 5 or club is bad news on the turn and you're OOP to the aggressor. Sorry, but I think you have to fold, unless I'm just grossly underestimating the effect your table image is having on your opponents.

I would raise a bit more pre, unless you think it just turns your hand up with a hand like QQ-TT. The c-bet on the flop is fine too. You get plenty of value from second best hands versus two typical opponents.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Lanzalot
The question here is how often is she doing this with AJcc, KJcc, AKcc, A5cc, 87cc or perhaps some other random flush or straight draw. From the way you described her, I kind of doubt it, frankly. When she raises that large, she polarizes her range to hands ahead of you by a good margin (TT, 99, 55, T9) and draws that have decent equity versus your OP, even with your blockers. Any A, K, J, T, 9, 6, 5 or club is bad news on the turn and you're OOP to the aggressor. Sorry, but I think you have to fold, unless I'm just grossly underestimating the effect your table image is having on your opponents.
I would raise a bit more pre, unless you think it just turns your hand up with a hand like QQ-TT. The c-bet on the flop is fine too. You get plenty of value from second best hands versus two typical opponents.
If anything my table image makes people tighten up and trap a bit more.

As far as how often she 3bets, not a ton. I do think she 3bets AA pre, but I also believe that she is capable of flatting pre. I think she 3bets pre more often than not though. KK she very much is the type that wants to see a "safe" flop first and could very easily flat pre.

I am not sure if she is playing hands like T9 to raises, especially my raise, but it's not impossible. TT, 99, and 55 are definitely all in her range.

I don't think she gets out of line with JJ. Same goes with TPTK hands.

When I say she is a nit what I mean is she does have a fold button, but she is the stubborn kind to where when money starts going in like this she is hard pressed to find a fold.

When she raised I did ask her a few questions. Mind you we have been friendly up to this point and she has been teaching me words in different languages and what not. She has shown me her cards or told me what she had in certain hands. When she made the raise she went quiet, sat upright, and focused on the flop. I asked, "That good huh?" She responded with a calm and very confident voice, "I guarantee I have you beat." I felt it was sincere. Then she threw in a sort of needling, "C'mon, go ahead and raise me." At first I was a little confused by the statements. They seemed to throw mixed signals. I went with her tone though, coupled with her tendencies, and made my decision based on that.

What do you do with the verbal information she gives us? How much weight do you put behind it?
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 01:54 PM
With all that new stuff, I probably fold. As a general rule: Trust old ladies playing 1/2
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Tanner
With all that new stuff, I probably fold. As a general rule: Trust old ladies playing 1/2
I would have added it to the OG post, but I wanted to get an opinion on just the old lady tendency part and the info we had. Also, some people don't put a ton of weight into things like this.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 02:31 PM
The stuff about her potentially playing KK slow there is important.

Most moderately experienced 1/2 players know to 3 bet AA-QQ pf to protect their hands and get value. Newish (or bad) players like the "call behind, make sure no over falls on the flop" line.

She's telling you you're beat but her pre-flop action (if she's not awful) doesn't allow for a ton of hands that beat you. If she is bad enough to call behind, you can probably trust her.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by matzah_ball
Why would we check a three way, wet flop with an overpair???
Especially when one of the two villains is described as a calling station.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 02:36 PM
Fold. She has 10/9 here or a set so often.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 03:30 PM
If she is the stubborn kind, I would just fold. Wait till you are deeper and have a better read on her (see eldiesels post in this months COTM ). Then you can start running her over. She will no longer like you, unfortunately.

Not totally clear you can make a ton of money off this lady. "You can't cheat an honest man." Or woman.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by RyanAA44
On the flop, I MIGHT be more inclined to check. With loose passive behind me, the only person I have to "Worry" about is V2.

I like raise pre and check/call flop and evaluate turn.
No...don't ever do this
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by matzah_ball
Fold against nitty villain pretty easily here.

Why would we check a three way, wet flop with an overpair???
My initial thought as well but you would bet here with the idea of folding to any re-raise? Don't see the point in betting in the first place really, if that's the case.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 06:08 PM
You bet to be called by worse. A raise at this stakes is almost always a better hand, read dependent, so you fold. But a ton worse will just call you.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-11-2014 , 10:56 PM
Raise more pre. First thought was she was on a monster draw, but all that verbal opened the door to JJ+ overpair, 109 2p or unlikely but possible set.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-17-2014 , 10:27 AM
Folding here, against an old lady easily a set or 2p.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-17-2014 , 02:03 PM
Im probably folding here too. Seems like 109. I think with JJ or even A10, she just call.

KK, (maybe depends how nitty tight she is), Flush draws straight draws doubt it (i rarely if ever see old ladies semibluff)

1010, 99, 109 probably most likely hands.
1/2 QQ Quote
09-17-2014 , 02:29 PM
Raise more pf utg. Fold to old lady's raise.
1/2 QQ Quote
