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1/2 AT Preflop 1/2 AT Preflop

03-18-2015 , 10:41 AM
Hero (750): Aggressive, winning image, got pocket KK back to back hands second time 3bet to 80 over V1, got 100 vpip caller who folded flop and stacked a smaller pair that was all in. TPTK every other shown hand for a stack.

V1 (450): Tight weak well dressed guy. Seems unfamiliar with the room/rules as he almost got a hand mucked.

V2 (75): Drunk, belligerent tattooed toothless skinhead looking guy on buyin #2. Floor called on him for language/behavior, now again while the hand goes down and they're threatening to make him leave.

V3 (54): Very well dressed, nice watch, seems like he's out to have fun for a single night. Probably his only buyin, been slowly bleeding chips.

Couple folds to me, I make it 12$ with AT in MP. V1 calls, V2 calls, V3 in BB all in for 54$. I get the sense that he's 'racking off' and could have any small pair, K high type hands a big part of the time. I raise to 135$ to try and remove V1 from the hand. V2 might call with ATC, and the floor is bothering him so I figure he will fold anyway.

Should I have just folded AT in MP? If V1 calls, should I plan to continue to represent the big pair on the flop and cbet or just give up? Should I have folded to the 54$ AI?
1/2 AT Preflop Quote
03-18-2015 , 11:06 AM
I would have folded AT, especially with short-stackers behind me. As played, I would have folded to the shove.
1/2 AT Preflop Quote
03-18-2015 , 01:11 PM
ATo is meh in middle position. It's OK if the table is tight and you will get heads up or take it down a lot, at most 1/2 games it is more fold then raise. In any case, just fold to V3's shove unless he has been shoving left and right, in which case you definitely should not have opened the hand because it isn't one you really want to call a shove with.

What you can do on the flop depends too much on who calls and what the board looks like. Mostly though, it will be too expensive to continue bluffing.
1/2 AT Preflop Quote
03-18-2015 , 01:22 PM
If this was suited, I like the play. Off suit, meh. Probably just fold to the reraise with player left to act
1/2 AT Preflop Quote
03-19-2015 , 02:23 PM
V1 folded and showed AK accidentally, drunk folded and showed Kx suited. Prompting more fighting with floor three ways now. After 7 minutes or so finally, AT held up heads up against V3 QJss.

I agree AT should probably be folded pre most times, but I think (maybe I should have included this) at this super table (it was best table I've had in months probably due to St. Patrick's day) I'm still comfortable raising it in MP.

The real reason I posted is though I've been working on realizing when I'm on positive tilt. Looking back on it objectively I still think weak passive folds, but the drunk guy could have called with a better hand. And I could have been wrong about the racking off. Thanks for the responses.
1/2 AT Preflop Quote
