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1/2 player grinding 5/10... here's the catch 1/2 player grinding 5/10... here's the catch

08-24-2017 , 01:20 AM
Umm.... that's really, really good. Why haven't you moved out of 1/2, flux?
1/2 player grinding 5/10... here's the catch Quote
08-24-2017 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by QuantumSurfer
Umm.... that's really, really good. Why haven't you moved out of 1/2, flux?
Hey, thanks Quantum.

It's kind of a long story.

I never really had plans for poker. I got barred from blackjack for card counting, but was given permission to play in the poker room. I guess they allow anyone in there, lol.

Never having any talent for the game, it seemed that if a man were patient, waited for good cards, bought in short, and played fast, he could have an edge. A quick google revealed that short stacking was, indeed, a viable means of attaining an advantage as well as the universal condemnation from the poker community.

I had to try it.

Hit-and-running among three of my local poker rooms became standard policy. Many were the night I folded myself into my 1995 Toyota Tercel (lovingly nicknamed the "Nitmobile" by an Israeli who took exception to my brilliant tactics) and puttered throughout the city into the early hours, dreaming of bright lights and big cities.

And blow. Lot's of blow.

To be honest, I didn't even know what blow was, but it sounded like something you did in big cities with bright lights. Anyway ...I didn't have any 2-5 games in town, so I planned to leave for Vegas or LA. But then, during this period, I learned something profoundly important about myself that forever changed the trajectory of my life:

Apparently, I suffer from a disorder known as pathological laziness.

I keep planning on an adventure around the world, but for the moment, I rather like basking in the sun, downing a glass or two of a good organic Merlot, playing a little poker at night, and sleeping deep into the day.

Oh, and taking liberties with Outdonk's daughter.

(just kidding, big guy)

You know, the truth is, no one on their death bed ever lamented the fact they never played more poker in their life. So i try to keep that in perspective regarding this silly little card game.

All the best,
1/2 player grinding 5/10... here's the catch Quote
08-24-2017 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by Badreg2017
What's your 1/2 hourly? Also how is your short stack play?
$38/hr. Short stack play good, not perfect

Originally Posted by fluxboy

I'd much rather be doing other things...

Sick story and insane graph

Originally Posted by Tomark
... An error in perception that this forum causes is the idea that how big a game play is based on the blinds. This simply is not true. Max buyin is going to tell you the stakes of a game to a much higher degree than blinds. 1/3/$500 is gonna play bigger than this 5/10/300, and really wont play much bigger than the 1/2/300.

I can see how this game would be EV+ compared to 1/2, since it punishes limpers much harder. dont limp ever, play tight and raise to like $50+ and make a killing off limp folders.
I completely agree.
1/2 player grinding 5/10... here's the catch Quote
08-24-2017 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Giltech
$38/hr. Short stack play good, not perfect

Sick story and insane graph
Sorry for the self-indulgent post, your hourly is phenomenal. And you need not be too concerned about perfecting your short play for the live game. I learned pretty quickly that if I needed game theory optimization to win, head to another poker room. So don't spend too long with your Nash-Equilibrium equations.

But speaking of Nash, you will not find anyone in the live game that knows the correct shoving frequencies, or defense, for a given stack size, and it is useful against straddles:

And if you wish to go further into the dark arts of short stacking, this is fine little short stack calculator:

Live we make the equivalent of anywhere from 50-100 bb/100 hands. Online a skilled, winning player might do a fraction of that, with rakeback. And whereas he requires GTO, Piosolver, GTorb, and PT4 to accomplish this.

All we need are Clownfish. And a little patience

Take care guys,
1/2 player grinding 5/10... here's the catch Quote
08-24-2017 , 11:46 PM
There's a big edge to be had even at 30bbs. Feel free to take shots at this game but with just $6k you are woefully underrolled to make it your main game. To put it in perspective I buy in for 60bbs ($600) and in a recent session lost a $7k pot when I put all the money in the middle with the nuts.

edit: didn't realize the cap for this game is 30bbs. If that's true then it's going to be far less profitable than I suspected. If others could buyin for 100bbs+ or if they regularly have large stacks then I think it will be much more profitable.

Last edited by Dream Crusher; 08-24-2017 at 11:54 PM.
1/2 player grinding 5/10... here's the catch Quote
08-24-2017 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by flopturntree
One thing I recall is double barrel very cautiously in these games and running a triple barrel bluff is suicide. (When short stacked or against short stack of 300)

Tighten up your opening range but bet your strong hands hard
LoL, double barrelling soft 5/T lineups with a short stack is suicide. Never double barrel without strong equity and rarely bluff. Even stronger bluffs like check-raises are unlikely to work vs many of the players.
1/2 player grinding 5/10... here's the catch Quote
08-25-2017 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by fluxboy
But speaking of Nash, you will not find anyone in the live game that knows the correct shoving frequencies, or defense, for a given stack size, and it is useful against straddles:

And if you wish to go further into the dark arts of short stacking, this is fine little short stack calculator:

thanks Flux for the links.
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
LoL, double barrelling soft 5/T lineups with a short stack is suicide. Never double barrel without strong equity and rarely bluff. Even stronger bluffs like check-raises are unlikely to work vs many of the players.
I agree. One misconception i think is being formed though is that everyone is playing off 30bb. Thats certainly not the case. On average id say at least 3-5 players are sitting on anywhere from 80-100+bb playing TAG-ish. So players w/30bb c-bet freq is fairly low,playing deeper stack IP vs ep 30bb'rs can be very profitable and throwing the $20 button straddle on once you get deep can really throw these older guys for a loop
1/2 player grinding 5/10... here's the catch Quote
