Originally Posted by kookiemonster
We are all here to learn and improve. No need to call someone out in their own thread for christsakes.
Yea, I am ignorant when it comes to some things. In my response to OP, however, I'm not.
I've been called worse by presumably better people, so whatever.
I was in no way disrespectful towards OP, which is more than you can say in your response toward me.
LOL at providing even a shread of poker insight with your rebuttle.
If You can't handle me constructively criticizing you're boy, maybe you should refrain from commenting on his posts.
On a side note, I'm asking the mods to refrain from doing whatever they would normally do as punishment for openly being such an ass. If you disagree with me, cool, just make an attempt to act like an adult while explaining why and what you'd do different.