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1/2 NL - Proper post-flop adjustments to make vs certain opponents 1/2 NL - Proper post-flop adjustments to make vs certain opponents

02-28-2015 , 07:49 PM
1) multiway on the button with 2 callers. I've raised 99 and the flop comes something like K74r. 2 checks to me, one is a more loose calling station EP with the other in MP being a TAG.

If checked to me is this a good flop to fire on to try and isolate the loose fishes range? The flop misses a vast majority of what TAG calls with (22-JJ, AJ, KQ, KJs, JQs, ATs maybe other SCs if hes aware of the fishes image) and I can fire a second barrel on any 9 or non-broadway that hits to extract value, check/fold broadway turns/rivers since fish has a lot of Kx, Ax, Qx, Jxs in his range.

2) HU im in CO vs TAGish dude to my right. Seen him fire 2-3 barrels with TPGK, have seen him donk bet OOP with his made hands multiway OTF and seems capable of floating with high broadways (dont know if I should give him credit unless he proves otherwise?). Have seen him make loose calls PF IP with suited 1-2 gappers.

I raise 6x CO with AQo, board comes low 784 2 tone. Is it safe to assume him checking to me implies a missed flop and I can fire a cbet? OTT I'd fire a second with any A,Q,2. Fire a 3rd on the river only if the turn hits+he misses his draws. c/f cards hitting the flush/straight. Against a loose-passive player I would likely cbet if I notice him folding to cbets and just check it down if he truly is a calling station. Would love feedback if you believe this line of thinking is incorrect

3) Assume the table is fairly loose PF with 1-2 solid regs. If I'm expecting 2-3 callers PF, are raising hands like KQo, JQo, ATs, AJo from EP/MP smart to do?

I know these aren't the best hands in bloated pots and often I feel like I'm left to check folding when I miss the flop if any of the tighter/better players call behind me. I dont like donking these hands against calling stations when I miss. How does this dynamic change in later position when facing a raise from a loose player? A TAG?

Thanks guys
02-28-2015 , 07:55 PM
Too many questions for one thread, and each of them is missing important elements such as stack sizes. Please post these questions separately and with more detail.

#3) If you're opening these hands and getting 2-3 callers pretty much every time, you're opening them too small. Generally JQ and KQ aren't good to open with in EP, because at a loose table you're playing a million ways OOP in a huge pot, and at a tight table you're playing OOP with a hand that is dominated by the caller's range. If you're at a table where "pot sweetener" raises work, these hands are good for balancing your small PP opens, as they play decently multi-way, even OOP, if the pot's not silly big.

The other two questions are way too "it depends" to answer, especially in a group, though. Please post them separately with all of the cogent details.
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