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1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA 1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA

03-25-2015 , 11:38 AM
i dont think V possibly leaving should factor into it. you cant control what you don't know.

plus, you seem to play a lot, how many times have you seen someone, especially Vs playing fast and loose, grow a huge stack then spew it all back plus some?? i know i routinely see that as well
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
i dont think V possibly leaving should factor into it. you cant control what you don't know.

plus, you seem to play a lot, how many times have you seen someone, especially Vs playing fast and loose, grow a huge stack then spew it all back plus some?? i know i routinely see that as well
Great point. Surely there are going to be more +EV spots against this particular villain. While I hate foregoing any EV by "picking a better spot" (god, it sickens me to even type that), if this villain is that spewey, he'll donate his stack. Let's put ourselves in as many good positions to be the recipient.
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 12:22 PM
This precisely the one acceptable "pick a better spot" scenario in a cash game. Deep in a capped game vs an opponent who is deep that we have position on and an edge. There is definite value in maintaining our deep stack since we can't just add on.
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyBuz
If V is a thinking player/aware (I'm not convinced), he would see that hero is playing 80% of hands that V limps in. Hero is limping behind any hand capable of hitting a decent hand (T9o, 86o, Kxs, etc.) vs. this V and raising my standard raising range. We have had skirmishes back and forth where he usually calls a preflop raise from me and folds on the flop or on the turn as I have been double barreling most boards due to actually having a hand.

The rest of the table is basically just watching us go at it as I am targeting V hard. A couple of middle-aged people have gotten fed up and left the table (lol), likely because hero is some "aggressive kid" (28 but I look younger).
About the bolded:

You will often hear it said on this forum--correctly in my opinion (and see the current COTM too)--that most players at LLSNL react to hyper-aggression by calling preflop raises looking to flop huge and folding when they miss. They tend not to respond by playing back with weaker hands than normal.

So if this Villain is aware of your aggression level but is a bad player, this even more serves to tell you that he's probably going to have you beat if you call.

EDIT: One more thing. When you are this deep, not knowing how to react to a raise is a perfectly valid reason to check back the turn in my opinion. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't do it, but I am saying that opening yourself up to make a mistake for deep stacks can be worse than missing one street of value with one pair.
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by CallMeVernon
When you are this deep, not knowing how to react to a raise is a perfectly valid reason to check back the turn in my opinion. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't do it, but I am saying that opening yourself up to make a mistake for deep stacks can be worse than missing one street of value with one pair.
Well said
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 01:13 PM
Whether V is semi bluffing, bluffing with complete air, or has the nuts, I like his turn jam.
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 02:33 PM

Yea this is pretty disgusting. I'd discount AK because he's raising many of those combos preflop or c/calling down. The fact that you can eliminate flush draws argues for checking turn to get value from Kx combos (can you really get three streets from KToff?KQ? Maybe you can. It's tough to say).

Given his genuine discomfort, his most likely hands to ship for value seem like good, but not great, hands that beat you (he may fear KK/77 but then say eff it im allin):
75s (3 combos, he may raise flop or flat turn but this seems like his most likely value hand)
87s (2 combos)
55 (2 combos b/c he probably raises flop sometimes or just flats turn)
77 (1 combos because he'd be less uncomfortable)
88 (1 combo that flatted the flop?)
96ss (this goes against your read of discomfort, but he could be hollywooding or deciding how much to raise...2 combos)

vs. the range above you have 7.5% equity
given the odds you're getting (1.7:1), you need him to be lolspewing such that your equity rises to 37%.

He could spew with hands like:

AK (1 combo seems unlikely)
89hh (1 combo)
KQ or some other Kx hand (?)

to me the question is how often does he lolspazz with Kx that he flatted flop with. Even with reads that villain's a wild card I bet/fold this turn. Checking turn to call or vbet rivers also seems good given the fewer flushdraws in his range.
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by bob_124

Yea this is pretty disgusting. I'd discount AK because he's raising many of those combos preflop or c/calling down. The fact that you can eliminate flush draws argues for checking turn to get value from Kx combos (can you really get three streets from KToff?KQ? Maybe you can. It's tough to say).

Given his genuine discomfort, his most likely hands to ship for value seem like good, but not great, hands that beat you (he may fear KK/77 but then say eff it im allin):
75s (3 combos, he may raise flop or flat turn but this seems like his most likely value hand)
87s (2 combos)
55 (2 combos b/c he probably raises flop sometimes or just flats turn)
77 (1 combos because he'd be less uncomfortable)
88 (1 combo that flatted the flop?)
96ss (this goes against your read of discomfort, but he could be hollywooding or deciding how much to raise...2 combos)

vs. the range above you have 7.5% equity
given the odds you're getting (1.7:1), you need him to be lolspewing such that your equity rises to 37%.

He could spew with hands like:

AK (1 combo seems unlikely)
89hh (1 combo)
KQ or some other Kx hand (?)

to me the question is how often does he lolspazz with Kx that he flatted flop with. Even with reads that villain's a wild card I bet/fold this turn. Checking turn to call or vbet rivers also seems good given the fewer flushdraws in his range.

Pretty much this.
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 04:55 PM
he could have 109 of hearts.

But being this deep, I am probably folding. I'd wait for a better spot. Like other have said $2000 pots at 1/2 hardly every contain just one pair hands.
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 04:59 PM
This guy sounds crazy. But this is always a fold with one pair.

I feel like you folded and he showed a combo draw... I'd put him on 2 pair here though FWIW considering the cr*p he's been calling pre with.

Either way, you need to fold. Wait for a better spot - sounds like a great game.

To be honest against this villain, this deep, I check back the turn and assess the river.

Consensus is clear here anyway, fold turn. I'd make it more pre by the way. Flop bet is fine.

Unlucky. I hope you didn't level yourself.
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 05:05 PM
Sick hand if he has 88 or ugh 68hh.
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 05:13 PM
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by CallMeVernon
About the bolded:

You will often hear it said on this forum--correctly in my opinion (and see the current COTM too)--that most players at LLSNL react to hyper-aggression by calling preflop raises looking to flop huge and folding when they miss. They tend not to respond by playing back with weaker hands than normal.

So if this Villain is aware of your aggression level but is a bad player, this even more serves to tell you that he's probably going to have you beat if you call.

EDIT: One more thing. When you are this deep, not knowing how to react to a raise is a perfectly valid reason to check back the turn in my opinion. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't do it, but I am saying that opening yourself up to make a mistake for deep stacks can be worse than missing one street of value with one pair.
Couple thoughts on this

1) Can we add some very real non-zero % of the time that V is playing back at us due to adrenaline and loving the rush of gambling? We already saw him ship once with an 8-high flush draw.

2) Can we add some very real non-zero % of the time that V plays back at us because he is fed up with hero taking pot-shot sized pots off him without showdown and now he wants to take a stand?

Not sure if either of this is enough to sway the decision in our favor though
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyBuz
This hand was pretty ridiculous and I couldn't even wait until the morning to post it. Hero and villain have both been at the table for only about an hour and have both built up stacks from $200 to $1000, hero through some good aggressive play and building pots; Villain through some binking nuts with weird hands and getting paid.

Villain is a mid-20's Spanish/Brazilian guy with headphones in one ear, diamond stud earrings. Villain is sitting directly to hero's right (jackpot)! My reads after an hour are the following:

Villain is loose-passive pre. He routinely limps, even in EP, overlimps straddles in EP and has defended his limps/straddle limps to Hero's PF raises. His raise size is weird/small, like $6-7, and he does weird things like raise to $7 from SB after a few limpers and later showed down 43hh.

Hand reads on V:

H1: UTG straddled, UTG+1 called, V called UTG+2, Hero raised to $25 in MP with AJss, only V called. Pot $60, Flop 6 8 9 r. V checks, hero checks. Turn Qr, V checks, Hero bets $35, V raises to $85, hero folds and V shows two pair 98o

H2: V calls a raise from BB, bets $15 on flop into $30, PFR raises to $45, V calls. Turn completes flush, V checks, PFR bets $60, V re-raises AI for $200 effective, PFR folds and V shows A8ss for nut flush

H3: V is in SB and calls a raise from MP. 5 to the flop, $75 in pot, checks to PFR who bets $60 on a AQT board. V c/r AI to $200, PFR calls showing broadway KJ (no clubs). V shows 86 and binks a club on the river, wins pot with flush.

So V is a total wildcard and his favorite move in the whole world is the check raise. He's C/R three times and had two pair once, nut flush once, and an 8 high flush draw the third time. What the hell do we make of this?


Hero is aggressive as **** as I've been getting great PF cards for the last 15 minutes. Pretty much raising every other hand. Folds around to short stack woman in CO.

CO raises to $7 ($150 effective)
V calls $7 in SB ($1000 effective)
Hero 3! to $35 in BB with AA($1000 effective)

I wasn't really thinking of SPR's in this situation because a) I have so little experience playing this deep and b) there's no easy way to build a small SPR with 500 BB effective stacks unless V has a monster like KK/QQ here. Although, if I just flatted the $7 the SPR would be ~48 on the flop but that is a ridiculous proposition and is incredibly scared/weak in my opinion when we are potentially trying to play for stacks.

Pot: $100

Flop: K 7 5

V checks
Hero bets $75
CO folds
V calls $75

Standard? I can hear wj94 somewhere saying "pot the flop."

Pot: $250

Turn: 8

V checks
Hero tanks for a good 30-45 seconds before announcing "$150"
V goes into the tank himself for a good 1-2 minutes

V is sighing and seems noticeably discontent. Has a stack in his hand bouncing them up and down on the table like a nervous tick, though I am trying not to watch him. I don't necessarily think he is Hollywooding here as in previous hands he C/R very quickly, like less than 10-20 seconds from the original bet. Here he is doing some mental gymnastics in his head and I have no idea what he is thinking. Hero is preparing for V to fold and ready to scoop a nice pot, until out of nowhere...

V announces "All-In" for $890 total, $740 on top of Hero's bet

What the eff? Where did this come from?

*As an aside, should hero be betting or checking this turn? I know I only have one pair, but as deep as we are and the potential Kx and flush draws in V's range (although I have the A so maybe not as many), can we afford to let a card peel here? Is the fact that we are so deep mean we have to go into "pot control/protection" mode and get to a cheap showdown? Or is this a standard, albeit deep, value extraction spot? All I could think in my head was "2+2 is gonna crucify me for not bet/folding in this spot if I don't bet here ... but I really don't want to be forced to bet/fold this deep."

Should I have just checked it back and called any river bet up to $300 or so (slightly more than pot)?

Anyway - back to the topic at hand. What the hell do we do here? Is calling just straight up gambling, or is the fact that there is >$550 in dead money in the pot make this a +$225 EV call if we believe there is a 50/50 chance V has us crushed or we have V crushed? This guy is clearly capable of spazzing, but do we want to find out if this is the hand with just TPTK for 500 BB's? Still ... this almost seems like a dream flop to stack off on with AA > AK.

Extremely interested in reading thoughts/line check/feedback when I wake up in the AM.
I think given villans tendency to spew and the fact that we have an awkward SPR for AA we should be checking at some point to get to show down. We can check turn and call river. If we know our Villan is Xraise happy we should be exploiting that and checking back. Then allow him to either:
A) value own himself
B) spew/bluff
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 05:50 PM

Hero tank-folds after having clock called on him by some short stack

V is all to happy to flip over his K2 bluff

Part of hero dies inside as this is basically an impossible call 500 BB's deep EVEN THOUGH MY READS SAID HE WAS A GAMBOOLY TYPE AND COULD BE FOS

Villain got up shortly after this hand and left to play "Spanish 21." He was just playing poker for the rush.
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 06:13 PM
so sick...wish we wouldve seen him do a similar turn spazz with a crap hand before but even then it wouldnt have been this deep likely so its just so hard to know the degree to which this kid able to spazz for super deep stacks

he spazzed on flop before too, not turn, which is so key

this "2) Can we add some very real non-zero % of the time that V plays back at us because he is fed up with hero taking pot-shot sized pots off him without showdown and now he wants to take a stand? " is also a crucial question...

I often level myself into thinking that bad players are making a stand against me but usually I get stacked in these spots when I call

I really resonated with what CallMeVernon talked about (current COTM as well like he mentioned) about bad villians readjusting to aggression by trying to spike not by making stands with mediocre hands, I think its super accurate

1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 06:33 PM
Vernon's answer crushed it. Against this villain, this deep, I'm checking the turn if I don't know what to do against a check-raise.

It seems like a weak line, and it fails to charge his draws. But his one-pair hands (the value hands we beat) are either folding to this bet or check-raising this bet as a bluff. The draws are probably calling, but sometimes check-raising. And the two pair+'s are check-raising.

If we check behind, then his one pair hands either bet for value or check/call for value. His draws either bluff at us (if they miss) or bet smaller for value (if they hit). And two pair +'s bet smaller for value.

Pot controlling with AA on a wet board shouldn't be our line very often. This seems like the right time, though.
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
03-25-2015 , 06:53 PM
Yea turn check is beautiful here we get to river having kept villians range nice and wide in preparation for bluff catching, villian chucks out a sizable bet, we snap it, so much easier
1/2 NL: 500 BB Deep Facing Absurd LOL-LIVE Turn Jam With AA Quote
