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1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop 1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop

01-20-2012 , 05:41 PM
Hero has been at the table for around 30-40 minutes, has been folding a lot and hasn't won a hand yet. The other players either haven't noticed, or if they notice then I'm sure they think hero is a nit.

Villain #1: I saw him make a few big bluffs when I first arrived, including a big bluff on the river with ace high (he had AQo) when the board had flush draws and straight draws, and he was heads up. However, he hasn't done much in the last 20-25 minutes. He either mucked preflop or limped in and saw the flop, and then folded before the river.

Villain #2: Is a woman who seems pretty straightforward so far

Villain #3: He has been in a lot of pots. He likes to bluff a lot on the flop and turn if the other players seem weak. If his bluffs don't work then he tends to check the river.

Villain #4: Another loose player, but he seems more passive/timid than the other one. He makes a lot of bets on the turn and river that are too small when the pots get large. He often doesn't even increase the size of his bets at all when the pot gets bigger.

Villain #5: Seems like one of the tighter players at the table, but I don't know much about this guy.

Most pots have been raised preflop with around 3-4 players typically seeing the flop, although occasionally it does go to the flop heads up. A lot of the preflop raises were raises to 10-12 dollars. Even though 6 players are seeing the flop in this hand, the pot is smaller than usual because it hasn't been raised. I'd say that most flop bets have been around 10-15 dollars, and those bets were made in larger pots.

Hero is in the BB with 32 and has 170 dollars. Everyone has hero covered except for villain #5, who has around 120-140 dollars.

Preflop: All 5 villains limp, the sb folds, hero checks. The pot is 19 dollars

Flop is A45

Hero is first to act and ???
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
01-20-2012 , 05:56 PM
Check/Call with 5 people behind you.

You have the nuts. Hope someone has a weak ace / pair or better they are willing to value bet with.
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
01-20-2012 , 06:12 PM
I lead the flop, probably $15 to $20. The Ace probably hit someone, maybe even giving them two pair (no raises preflop so any Aces in play probably are small). Someone else could have a straight draw, or even a two pair / set hand, or even just get out of line and raise with anything. Let's start building that pot.

ETA: If no one calls, there was no money to be made unless someone hits like a 2-outer for a set on the turn, so I wouldn't be concerned if everyone ended up folding.
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
01-20-2012 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by JeeWell
Check/Call with 5 people behind you.

You have the nuts. Hope someone has a weak ace / pair or better they are willing to value bet with.

dont you know villains get scared when they have A7 on this flop? Of any top pair hand, people are most scared to vbet an ace, but are willing to call bets.
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
01-20-2012 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I lead the flop, probably $15 to $20. The Ace probably hit someone, maybe even giving them two pair (no raises preflop so any Aces in play probably are small). Someone else could have a straight draw, or even a two pair / set hand, or even just get out of line and raise with anything. Let's start building that pot.

ETA: If no one calls, there was no money to be made unless someone hits like a 2-outer for a set on the turn, so I wouldn't be concerned if everyone ended up folding.

I´ll do your sign off for you
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
01-20-2012 , 06:38 PM
Lead $15 here. You are either getting paid or you arent when the board is not drawy and there contains an ace. You will get callls from 67, Ax, sets and 2pair will raise and you can build the pot up quickly.
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
01-20-2012 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
Lead $15 here. You are either getting paid or you arent when the board is not drawy and there contains an ace. You will get callls from 67, Ax, sets and 2pair will raise and you can build the pot up quickly.
this. And you have no chance of improving your hand. If you check you take the chance of of giving FIVE PEOPLE a free card. One of them could easily have 78, 67 etc and turn a straight.
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
01-20-2012 , 07:04 PM

i would lead out 100% of the time into this many players.
you may get raised, and players at this level generally have zero clue about position, and how strong leading at this really is. If anything, you are also disguising your hand, because they would never do it.
you will get action from any ace/ gutter.
in a limped pot, you want to build it up as much, and as quickly as possible with the nuts, and betting right out is the best way to do this.
having it get checked thru on the flop would be a catostrophy.
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
01-20-2012 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Pay4Myschool
Lead $15 here. You are either getting paid or you arent when the board is not drawy and there contains an ace. You will get callls from 67, Ax, sets and 2pair will raise and you can build the pot up quickly.
This (or maybe $10 into $17) and hope that somebody hit 2 pair or better.

Sorry if you didn't get any action - chances are the turn wouldn't have helped us get much more action.
C/R folds out almost everything but A4+
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
01-20-2012 , 07:34 PM
I believe there's a lot more value in leading out here than otherwise. Most of us know not to go broke in an unraised pot, but I'm guessing most of the people at your table haven't heard that rule. Bet,bet,bet.
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
01-20-2012 , 07:47 PM
I donk lead small depending on the table dynamics, if you have seen lot of small raises go with $10, if its common people bet more on the flop go with $15-$20. Check raising or slow playing here will not get you much more money and might get you less. If someone is strong enough here you will get them to put the money in, as many cards might scare them, and of course I wouldn't like seeing a 6 OTT since it will kill all your action or will get someone the higher str8.
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
01-20-2012 , 09:24 PM
Lead out for $12 here to build the pot.
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
01-21-2012 , 04:07 AM
I agree with leading out here. I do not think that c/c here is going to get you any more value overall than leading out. I know that leading out here will look quite strong, but I think that against this many villians in a 1-2 you are likely to get called by an Ax type hand and certainly any big draws. If you were to check and give everyone a free card and happen to fall behind on the turn, you probably will not be able to fold.
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
01-21-2012 , 05:30 AM
I made a mistake in the title of this thread. This was 1/3 NL, not 1/2 NL. I usually play 1/2 so I overlooked the fact that this was actually 1/3. I included the pot size on the flop though, so I doubt this really matters that much ITT.
1/2 NL: 32s makes a straight on the flop Quote
