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1/2 at Maryland Live: Really weird hand 1/2 at Maryland Live: Really weird hand

02-17-2015 , 08:50 AM
Regardless of results I think I just check reevaluate this hand on flop. Although it looks like you may of run into the bottom of their ranges I think betting the flop is spew though if it checks through you may be able to bet turn and river.

Though maybe Maryland players are that bad but usually you do not get called that light on 8 way flops and guys are looking to flop big.
1/2 at Maryland Live: Really weird hand Quote
02-17-2015 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by eldiesel
Strongrad, you're mentioning a lot about do you get called by worse by shoving, and it's great you're considering that, plenty of players don't understand that. But there's a wrinkle to it called protecting our equity. Usually it's in a small pot, like this:

V limps $2, Hero raises 88 to $12 in late position, V calls.

Flop (~$22) A 9 4

V checks, Hero checks

Turn ($22) A 9 4 - 9

V checks, Hero ?

So V is never checking an Ace to us twice, and since we shut down otf he isn't hitting trip 9s ott and checking it either. TT/JJ is raising preflop. So the only worse hands we might get called by is 66/77 pretty much. And the hands we get to fold by betting are KQ/KJ/KT/QJ/QT/JT but since there are only 12 combos of the smaller pp's and 96 combos of the unpaired broadway hands not including an Ace, we're protecting our equity against those broadway hands rivering a pair. Checking ott, letting them see the river for free and hitting a pair and taking the $22 pot is really bad. If this happens just once every 3 hours, we're foregoing this $22 pot, that's ~$7/hour off our winrate, which is huge.

There are rare time to bet knowing worse won't call, and it's usually in small pots ott, but your hand is an extreme example, we're MW and the pot is huge, but this is the reason I'd shove, even though I don't expect worse to call. There's a $450 pot out there to protect.
I agree with this. First, I think in a generic 1/2 game you will get calls by QT or Q9 and even straight draws that just don't want to fold with so much money out there.
Let's say though that not many worse hands will call us, it's still the right play to win the money out there right now. The whole reasoning behind the worse hands calling/folding is that we don't want to make, as they refer to it in poker terms, a 'mistake'. Well the problem is, checking here is also a 'mistake' because it gives a free card to any draws or single paired hands. So you have to choose now between which is a better 'mistake' to make? 1) AI on turn and folding out all worse hands, or 2) checking turn and giving a free card.

Given the board texture, the way the hand has been played, etc I think the best play is to stuff it in here. What happens if you check and an A, K, J, T, or 9 comes out on the river? Now what? You will most likely have to ch/f the river.

As played: You either want to check and get to showdown or bet AI and get worse top pair hands to call (which they will after you checked the turn, maybe even AJ hands). I would probably lean towards going AI. Anything that had you beat on the turn has you beat now, and I can't imagine someone catching up with that river card. This is also why checking on the turn is problematic bc it puts you in a tough spot on the river where you are not quite sure what to do oop.
1/2 at Maryland Live: Really weird hand Quote
02-17-2015 , 01:30 PM
Ok we've been talking about this hand for about 4 days. Results?
1/2 at Maryland Live: Really weird hand Quote
02-17-2015 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by strongrad50
No, just a mistake.. Why post a hand w/ intentional misinformation if I'm trying to learn anything from how I played the hand? I could receive wrong info. Posted this straight from my notes, so I probably just had had another typo. Which, in turn could result in the same thing as above... It was tough to keep track of all the stack sizes so this was my best attempt at the time. 200 was about the average for 6 people.

Thank you for your input though. I could see why you could think that.
It was nothing personal but I hear people do it all the time. They slightly change a hand history so it seems like a worse beat or they didn't play it as bad. Stack sizes on the turn were kind of important tho!
1/2 at Maryland Live: Really weird hand Quote
02-17-2015 , 02:38 PM
Coming late to this thread, but this scenario does not sound unusual to me. There are nights where it is eight people to the flop in a raised pot, at least five people call a bet on the turn, and I'm the only guy who folds all four hands when this happens four hands in a row.

I usually limp this hand at a loose-passive table where I expect plenty of multi-way pots because I believe I can build a decent pot with the best hand if someone is second-best.

It's too super-complicated to explain my entire thought process, but I would often check the flop to see where I am at. This can be difficult board for top pair in a multi-way raised pot, with two broadway cards out there. I check with the intention of calling, raising, or folding, depending on what action is given by whom. If I bet, I expect multiple callers, with no clue as to what ranges I am up against. I learn more by checking. I'd rather not bet/fold because I don't want to be forced to fold my backdoor flush draw in a multi-way pot.

As played on the turn, I either check or shove, depending on the stacks I am up against. If there are shorties out there, I might give them a chance to shove their Jx hands.

As played on the river, it depends on how many players will only bet if I am beat and how big they will bet.
1/2 at Maryland Live: Really weird hand Quote
02-17-2015 , 03:01 PM
I have this little voice in my head saying "Shoving with top pair/second kicker, into six players, is not a good poker move."

I get the feeling that your table image is pretty LAG and you've pushed this table around a bit. I suppose this is the reason we have so many player in this huge pot. There could be a late position player holding 44 and a rivered set thinking he was ahead of your Ax the entire time.

I listen to the little voice in my head and check the river.

If there is a bet and raise or shove and call, I fold knowing I can win later with better postition.

If I face a single bet, it is time to use physical tells to determine if a call is +EV.
1/2 at Maryland Live: Really weird hand Quote
02-17-2015 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
It was nothing personal but I hear people do it all the time. They slightly change a hand history so it seems like a worse beat or they didn't play it as bad. Stack sizes on the turn were kind of important tho!
I'm sure it wasn't personal. Trying to improve in game note taking as well to not screw up vital information.

And anyone who intentionally does that to their threads is a dumbass and I hope they never improve. That's posting for entirely the wrong reason IMO.
1/2 at Maryland Live: Really weird hand Quote
02-17-2015 , 08:38 PM

Hero tries to get value on the river from weaker hands that called the flop, but don't want to induce folds by shoving. I bet $100, and it folds to the small
Blind who tanks, then calls. Everyone else folds. KQ is good.

My thought process:

I am prepared to get crucified over this if that happens, but I was thinking that there were a lot of Jx hands out there and weaker queens. I only bet $100 OTR because of how 1/2 generic players view absolute bet sizing, but the more and more I thought about it, I felt this was wrong, and I probably should have shoved. The pot is SO BIG, weak players could totally convince themselves to call off, even though I'm never bluffing or shipping for value with weaker.

I think my inexperience in spots like this got the best of me, and caused me to miss extra value. (Although 325bbs in a single raised pot isn't too terribly awful)

Thank you everyone for your input! There was a lot of great discussion that definitely opened my eyes more on how to navigate spots like this, albeit extremely rare spots. If anyone had any final thoughts, please share! Looking forward to posting my next hand history.
1/2 at Maryland Live: Really weird hand Quote
02-17-2015 , 08:46 PM
On the river, a small bet might get multiple callers that you beat while a big bet probably won't unless you are crushed.
1/2 at Maryland Live: Really weird hand Quote
02-17-2015 , 09:21 PM
Your thread will be popular among realtors in Maryland. You should ask them for a referral bonus.
1/2 at Maryland Live: Really weird hand Quote
