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1/2: KK line check 1/2: KK line check

04-29-2011 , 01:21 AM
Hero is in highjack with $102, picked up a couple pots to start, but hasn't seen a flop in over an hour.

Villain one is in SB, covers hero, has played moderately, not overly aggressive, nor tight--has lost a couple showdowns without showing.

Villain two is in BB, covers hero, has lost a showdown for over 50bb with 89 on an 8 high board vs. an overpair, and rebought.

Table is a mix of tight and loose, with a bit of limping but also a couple blind steals from mid for only $6, and even a couple folds all the way around to the BB. Table may be observant overall but SB and BB probably aren't.

Folds around to hero, hero raises to $7 with KsKh. SB calls, BB calls.

Pot is $21, flop Qd9d4c. SB bets 10, BB raises to 30

Hero thinks for a while, shoves remaining 95.

How was the preflop raise, and how was the shove?
1/2: KK line check Quote
04-29-2011 , 02:02 AM
Raise to 10-12 pre
1/2: KK line check Quote
04-29-2011 , 03:45 AM
It was a relatively tight table for 1/2, and 10-12 raises were rare, and I hadn't played for an hour. I didn't want to chase away all the action.

SB had AA and called. BB folded as expected. Probably had top pair, as I thought (which is why I shoved. knew I'd get a call from his top pair if SB folded)

1. So let's say I had made it 12, and SB flat called, and BB called. Can't avoid a shove on that flop, I think, given that one of them would bet before me.

2. Let's say I had made it 12, and SB flat called, and BB folded. Now the pot is 26. Is there any way I could get away from KK in that situation?

3. Let's say I had made it 12, and SB reraised to 36. BB folds. I can't see myself not shoving here, because queens are as likely as aces, and AK and JJ are probably in SB's range as well.
1/2: KK line check Quote
04-29-2011 , 03:57 AM
This thread belongs in the BBM.

Both of your money is going in regardless, there's really nothing to figure out.
1/2: KK line check Quote
