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1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way 1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way

05-05-2014 , 07:49 PM
About 45 min into session at a feeder table. There's a 33+3 tourney that started ~2h ago. Some of the players knocked out of the tourney stop by the cash table before going home, almost invariably buying in for 100 (300 max). There's a lot of coming and going--3 players either got moved to the main table or lost their stack and left. Two of the players are new to the table since I arrived. Hero's played w/every Villain he's seen at the table. They're all regs or semi-regs. Hero's a developing player who's probably played the fewest hours at this casino of all. However, he's probably spent a lot more time on 2+2 than all, but maybe one Villain. He sits to that Villain's left (trying out something learned from gobbledygeek's 1,000 hours of live play thread). Hero feels comfortable w/ the other 5 players at the table. You're right, let's get to the hand already!

Villain 1: Retiree, came for the tourney, never seen him at the cash table. Thinks he can push Hero around--seems to be attempting to isolate hero. Hero's ready to slowplay when he hits and let this V overplay his hand.

Villain 2: 40-ish, played cash table w/ at least a couple of times. Seems like a basic rec player. Not a fish, but nothing Hero is afraid of either.

Hero: Looks late 20's, orange hoodie, conducting himself w/confidence. Played tight and aggressive so far, but table prob views Hero as more loose than he is(hoodie prob helps).

1/2 NL 7-handed
UTG+1 Hero (160)
UTG+2 V1 (180)
CO (80)
BTN (90)
SB (100)
BB V2 (270)

Folds to Hero, Hero limps, V1 raises to 10, folds to V2 in BB, V2 calls

Hero reasons that either Villain could easily be playing w/something like K7o, which we out-kick. Otherwise, flopping a concealed straight seems likely to win a lot of chips as these two V's have been gii w/ much less.

Flop(28) KK8
V2 bets 15, Hero thinks for 20 sec and calls, V1 folds

Hero thought about raising for protection against the fd, but what do u guys think about the call? I will post the next part of the hand later.
1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way Quote
05-05-2014 , 08:00 PM
I probably raise there. You either get a flush draw to fold, which is what it is, complete air to fold, which is fine, or you get a flush draw to put more money in the pot and have to earn his flush. You could also get called by an 8-9 or 7-8 who thinks you are trying to buy it.

You can call it nitty, but I don't like being sucked out on without making the person pay for it. If the next card is not a diamond you better be getting a lot of chips in there.
1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way Quote
05-05-2014 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by EdNealy

Hero reasons that either Villain could easily be playing w/something like K7o, which we out-kick. Otherwise, flopping a concealed straight seems likely to win a lot of chips as these two V's have been gii w/ much less.
1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way Quote
05-05-2014 , 08:11 PM
I would call and bet/raise any non diamond turn, setting up a river shove. Pretty standard hand with a 80 bb stack
1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way Quote
05-05-2014 , 08:12 PM
I've never seen a tag player get iso'd by an old guy tourney reg. Don't limp pre, raise or fold 1st in. Just raise the flop. This hand is not interesting enough to do street by street imo
1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way Quote
05-05-2014 , 08:15 PM
Oh and TAGs don't limp kj off utg+1
1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way Quote
05-05-2014 , 11:07 PM
Fold pre.
1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way Quote
05-06-2014 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by jwostr
Oh and TAGs don't limp kj off utg+1
Originally Posted by daniel9861
Fold pre.
Yeah this.

Fold pre.

I always love the 'Folds to Hero' phrase when it's 1 person that folded..
KJo is not generally the hand you want to be playing with 7 players still to speak.
1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:06 AM
Both Villains seemed to be playing like maniacs. V1 was prob playing >= 50% of hands. I had seen him stack off w/ V2 w/AsJs. Board: Ks Jh 8s 3s 4d. I don't remember the exact bet sizes and sequence, but my jaw dropped on the inside when he showed AsJs. V2 had K8 for 2 pair. I think V1 tried to turn his hand into a bluff otr when his flush didn't come in and then after V2's shove he figured he was priced in to call. I could be way off here--I'm not that good. But this is what I saw.

Originally Posted by jwostr
Oh and TAGs don't limp kj off utg+1
I certainly thought about folding pre. But the table was playing so loose that I thought playing KJo here would be +ev. I never quite labeled Hero as a TAG, despite describing his play as "tight and aggressive so far". Instead of trying to play TAG or LAG I hope to become proficient in adapting to the table and simply play in the most +ev fashion I can.

After seeing V2 call a raise pre w/K8 (I can't remember if it was suited--not sure it matters) it seemed likely that we'd have Villains out-kicked if we hit a K otf.

Also, it seemed like V1 was still in tournament mode. It's been a while since I played a tourney, but if I remember correctly when the blinds are high enough your stacking off requirements go way down. That hand I described above seemed evidence of this. Maybe I'm wrong here.

The rest of the hand:

Turn (58): 3

V2 bets 20, Hero thinks and calls

River (98): 4

V2 bets 40, Hero calls

V2 shows red 66, Hero nets 93 w/KJo for trip K's

My two main questions in posting this hand were about protecting my hand against the fd and wtf was V2 thinking? Was he betting like this for value? Or was he value-bluffing? idk
1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:21 AM
I would've just raised flop or turn or river for value but if he spews and keeps bluffing flatting flop and turn might be better.
1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:31 AM
I couldn't begin to guess what his thought process was. Why didn't you raise the turn or river? You probably got the max in this particular hand by not raising the turn (v would have folded probably) but I think you're missing value not raising
1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:36 AM
Have you raised fd's IP before and have Vs seen you show down those hands?

Has this V been double barreling oop?
1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way Quote
05-06-2014 , 04:32 AM
To answer your questions eldiesel, no and not that I've seen. But I had only been at the table for 45 min and I have only played w/ him maybe an hour or two outside of this session.

Thanks for the effort everyone. I know it's kind of a boring hand. I probably need to improve on how I post hands in the future and get better at collecting pertinent info too.

I'm sure I will play w/ Villain 2 again. Maybe I will post another hand down the road.
1/2 KJo on KdKs8d board, 3-way Quote
