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1/2 KJo Failed Isolation Attempt 1/2 KJo Failed Isolation Attempt

07-04-2018 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by NelsonWelson
Thanks for your response!

I personally wouldn't include all NFD's in Vs range here. Also we don't have AJ. I think in almost any call X to win X you can inflate a V's range with draws to make it break even or push it into the fist pump GII category.

Hero's description says he is a decent player who gets sticky pre and post, not that he is shoving all draws and TP fourth kicker..

I'm staying in the fold camp.
I didn’t say villain was shoving, I just said to treat it as a shove to simplify the exercise.

The point was villain doesn’t have a b/f range in this spot. By betting the flop he is pricing himself into calling off a shove from hero, whether that be with JTs or AT. A hand like JTs has 20% vs. an overpair when he’d need 25% to call it off. AX is going to have 42-46%

It’s also rather important that the J is not on the board, freeing up more combos for villain to have.

Folding flop is ridiculous and super results oriented. This is nowhere close to a fist pump GII, but it’s firmly +EV.
1/2 KJo Failed Isolation Attempt Quote
07-04-2018 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyBuz
Your range is ridiculously tight given we have this to go off of...
OP wrote: "He tries to play well, will stab/steal/value bet in obvious spots, but seems to have occasional difficulty folding pre/post (mostly pre)."

Flatting a 3b in the SB with A9-A2ss, QJss, JTss is donk status and I didn't get this vibe from OP's read. I took it to mean he's occasionally playing trash in position or with good odds in more mundane spots.
1/2 KJo Failed Isolation Attempt Quote
07-04-2018 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyBuz
I didn’t say villain was shoving, I just said to treat it as a shove to simplify the exercise.

The point was villain doesn’t have a b/f range in this spot. By betting the flop he is pricing himself into calling off a shove from hero, whether that be with JTs or AT. A hand like JTs has 20% vs. an overpair when he’d need 25% to call it off. AX is going to have 42-46%

It’s also rather important that the J is not on the board, freeing up more combos for villain to have.

Folding flop is ridiculous and super results oriented. This is nowhere close to a fist pump GII, but it’s firmly +EV.
I just can’t get there to include A2-ATs or JTs in Vs range once he leads out into 3-4 people unless we have confirmed he is LAG. Without worrying about results this just isn’t a spot that I’m A) getting in to and B) stacking off.
1/2 KJo Failed Isolation Attempt Quote
