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1/2 full ring hand criticism 100 bbs 1/2 full ring hand criticism 100 bbs

12-30-2012 , 01:10 AM
Would like some criticism of how to extract max value from 2 players or how hand is played & bet sizing. TY All critics welcome

Effective table stacks between 150-460

V1 is BB with (150$)
Hero is in the cutoff (204$)
V2 is on the button (200$)

No reads on V2 as he just sat down with 100$ and busted out in his 2nd hand after flopping trips vs jacks that filled on turn. He auto rebuys this time for 200 and folds the next 2 hands until it gets to this one

V1 tries to float alot of flops seems pretty passive to me

utg makes it 7 to go
utg1 2 3 fold
utg4 calls
Hero in CO with AK makes it 30 to go
V2 BTN smooth calls
SB folds
V1 BB calls
utg 1 2 3 4 fold

FLOP (102$) 4 4 5
V1 bets 10 [da fuq]
Hero raises to 65
V2 calls
V1 folds

^ raise big enough or no?
TURN (242$) 2

Hero checks
(pot control ldo? or just jam it? CRITICIZE THIS)
V2 jams
Hero ?
1/2 full ring hand criticism 100 bbs Quote
12-30-2012 , 01:48 AM
ship the turn yourself. you only have 109 left and the pot is ~240. if you check and he shoves your getting roughly 3 to 1 on a call and you have great equity against a range of 99s-JJs and other possible flush draws and can never fold.

sizing of your raise otf could actually be smaller to allow for a more threatening shove ott. a larger raise is never going to fold out monsters, and our equity against over pairs and draws is very good. a smaller raise will also increase our fold equity ott if we plan to ship it while keeping around dominated draws that might fold to a huge raise otf but get committed ott when drawing dead.

AP call
1/2 full ring hand criticism 100 bbs Quote
12-30-2012 , 02:08 AM
Definitely ship turn yourself. If he calls you probably have 18 outs and if you jam he may fold 66-QQ hands since you are playing it the same way you would with AA/KK. If he has 55 or you brick river just reload and move on.
1/2 full ring hand criticism 100 bbs Quote
12-30-2012 , 02:30 AM
i lol'd at "V1 bets 10$"

you both are playing your hands face up, you have two big overs and V2 has 88-QQ

im usually just shoving turn giving us at least some fold equity to help us win, we have ~40% equity right now if we get it in, and theres enough money in the pot already to make this a profitable shove

1,320 games 0.057 secs 23,157 games/sec

Board: 4d 4h 5h 2c

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 38.636% 38.64% 00.00% 510 0.00 { AhKh }
Hand 1: 61.364% 61.36% 00.00% 810 0.00 { QQ-88 }
1/2 full ring hand criticism 100 bbs Quote
12-30-2012 , 03:45 AM
you need to shove once you've raised the flop (which is fine by the way, I might go a little bigger, but with stack sizes, it's no problem at all). There's only 1/2 PSB left so easy shove. Maybe he folds the probably mid PP, and if not you still have about 30% to win, which ironically is about all you need to call his shove.
1/2 full ring hand criticism 100 bbs Quote
12-30-2012 , 07:29 PM
Thanks for info guys.

Much appreciated!
1/2 full ring hand criticism 100 bbs Quote
12-30-2012 , 08:37 PM
with SPRs this low, you should have just jammed the flop over top of the $10 bet.
1/2 full ring hand criticism 100 bbs Quote
12-30-2012 , 08:47 PM
I'd raise to 80-90 on the flop to try and get 88-qq to fold and jam any turn. Just ship turn urself since ur going to call off anyways.
1/2 full ring hand criticism 100 bbs Quote
12-30-2012 , 11:28 PM
Yeah shove the turn here. You dont want to give up any fold equity that you have. I think you can get some folds here. Checking here just shows too much weakness.
1/2 full ring hand criticism 100 bbs Quote
