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1/2 flop decision 1/2 flop decision

09-30-2010 , 08:14 AM
villain1 - not much known about him cept he's fairly aggro
villain2 - typical calling station, bets/raises with strong hands and calls with marginal hands, his line is usually fairly straightforward nothing really fancy
but he sometimes limp preflop with big pp like QQ and will hero call down with bottem pair if you take some lines that look like spew/bluff


villain 1 limps
couple limpers
villain2 limps
another limps
hero (btn) A2 limps
all limped - 9 to flop

flop (pot 18$)
villain1 leads 10$
villain2 raises to 30$
is this a easy fold??

villain2 calling range is Ax, 10x, fd
villain2's raising range is never draws, 10x clubs he'll probably just call
his range for raising is at least 2 pairs given that range
{1010, 22, aa, a10, a2} and no, 10deuce is never his range
is this easy fold?
but im pretty sure im ahead of villain1's betting range

a better question would be what if hero had
A10 instead of A2
are we raising then folding to another reraise if we had a10 on this flop?
folding seems a bit tight
calling seems a bit higher variance with 2 more streets to come
because if we raise and he has a weaker hand he'll put on the brakes but if he doesn't he'll want to get it in
1/2 flop decision Quote
09-30-2010 , 09:10 AM
based on your own analysis i cant possibly see how you can call... every single hand combo you put him on crushes you. however i think theres a % of the time he does limp with like AK and is now overvaluing...

however im fine with a fold. only put in 2$, plus if you call u give v1 odds to call with his flush draws and if u reraise then v2 can play perfectly vs you (fold worse call better)
1/2 flop decision Quote
09-30-2010 , 02:42 PM
i didn't analyze too deep live
i only knew he had tight raising range
yet i didn't look too deeply
anyway i reraised, villain1 shoves, villain reraised again and hero folded

but anyway, the better question is what if hero had A10
what's the best line??
1/2 flop decision Quote
09-30-2010 , 03:39 PM
lol this is a really tricky spot imo
1/2 flop decision Quote
09-30-2010 , 08:57 PM
I think this is a pretty easy fold given the read of the situation. You don't really have any better way to help you figure out where he is at except to raise here, and I don't really like coming over the top for what, 75 maybe, into a limped pot that has shown that kind of action.
1/2 flop decision Quote
10-02-2010 , 12:08 AM
Based on your description of villain and what his raising range is then this is a easy fold.
1/2 flop decision Quote
10-02-2010 , 11:42 AM
This is an easy fold.


If you aren't willing to go with two pair on the flop, you should have never been in the hand in the first place.
1/2 flop decision Quote
10-05-2010 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
This is an easy fold.


If you aren't willing to go with two pair on the flop, you should have never been in the hand in the first place.

I disagree. The situation has changed. Limping preflop into a multiway pot late with A2 is just standard good poker. However, you do not ever just turn on the blinders and say " Well this is why I called pre so I have to shove". Judge every street and act accordingly. Nothing wrong with a fold here, and same goes if you hold A 10.
1/2 flop decision Quote
