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1/2 flop 2nd nuts 1/2 flop 2nd nuts

03-18-2017 , 03:09 AM
Hero has 105 bb and has not played many hand at this table
villian 1 no real info
villian 2 we seen him call 6x pre in the sb with 4 6 of 7 ways and jam his stack on a 345 board 110 bb deep so i would say lag
both have us covered villian 1 maybe 250 bb
and villian 2 about 150 bb

so on to action were in the button and dealt k 9

there was 4 callers before us so we call 2 dollars and sb and bb call
so 6 ways
flop comes qj10
so checks to us and we bet 8 both blinds fold villian 1 raises to 35 utg +1 another guy folds villian 2 calls in cutoff so pot roughly 90$ now
(what should hero do here?) i ended up raising to 90 villian one throws 70 in there end dealer said 90 and said he didnt want to call for 90 and let him take his chips out which i said he shouldnt be allowed dealer said it was fine but not during hand because i didnt want to look to strong and villian 2 calls
turn comes J he checks (hero should?) i jam under a pot size bet

my evaluation is a little smaller 3 bet flop maybe to 70
1/2 flop 2nd nuts Quote
03-18-2017 , 09:18 AM
Keep in mind that a good angle shot here is to put in less than the full amount, then judge your reaction and decide to top it off or ask for their money back depending on what they see. I would have called the floor immediately. While there is a rule in some places that allow the call to be returned if the player substantially misunderstood the action, it is more intended for the situation where someone says call to a $2 bet when it was raised to $15. The villain knew it was a raise and there is little difference between $70 and $90. Everyone knows you're strong (you just bet and 3bet), there's little to hide. If the floor refuses to force the player to call, then ask for names and badge numbers. Tell them you plan to speak with the manager after the hand and then the gaming commission. You don't want to play where there is cheating going on anyway.

As played, I'd jam the turn. If someone has a FH, the money is going in anyway. You might be able to get a straight to fold, worried about your FH. And there's a possibility that a draw will call.
1/2 flop 2nd nuts Quote
03-18-2017 , 11:13 AM
i jammed he folded villian 1 says he folded 89 i doubt it
1/2 flop 2nd nuts Quote
03-18-2017 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
Keep in mind that a good angle shot here is to put in less than the full amount, then judge your reaction and decide to top it off or ask for their money back depending on what they see.
Excellent point about the possible angle here.

As for the hand, stack sizes are a little awkward on the flop. I probably just call the flop, intending to jam any turn that's not a king. There are some action-killing cards that can come on the turn (A, K, 9), but not that many of them and you block the K and the 9. Plus, there are probably just as many cards that can improve villains and get them to stack off with less.
1/2 flop 2nd nuts Quote
03-28-2017 , 07:23 AM
Interesting spot on Flop .. You bet 8 into 14 and get c/r to 35 AND a call between. Pot is now 90 (120 if you only call) and you have 200 behind (170 if you only call). Stacks get kind of awkward if you raise.

You have 12 (K-T) cards you don't want to see and 2 opponents. We should assume at least one hand is at least slightly made and the other is a draw and we have the 2nd nuts right now.

I think re-raising here is a pretty strong move when we have position in a limped pot. If we plan on gong with this hand all the way I think I might flat or shove before I just raise, but all choices are viable. I think it's pretty strange that a player is more willing to call a min raise than a slightly larger raise.

So one of the 12 'bad' cards come, but we only have 115 behind a 230 pot and 'need' to shove. I think we are good 25% of the time or more that V calls (Jx, draws, 89) or we just take it down.

A Flop shove is probably too much without a bluffy image but could work but I don't mind raising to try for HU play either .. really no wrong way to go here. GL
1/2 flop 2nd nuts Quote
