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<img /2 EP in loose game, deep stacks <img /2 EP in loose game, deep stacks

08-06-2015 , 02:42 AM
10-handed, very loose 'home' game, mostly passive. Lots of regulars.
  • small stack $120 (60 bb)
  • median stack $400 (200 bb)
  • I have $800 (400 bb) and am covered by 2 players.
  • If I limp, I expect 3-5 overlimps about 60% of the time with a player raising to $15+ about 40% of the time.
  • If I raise to $8-$10, I expect 2-4 callers and very few 3bets.
(I know some people would say to open for $17 or whatever to lower the number of cold callers, but I'd rather have that discussion another time.)

In the first few seats:
1) Should I consider open-limping to avoid bloated multiway pots OOP?
2) Should I play suited connectors?

My thought process:
  • Suited connectors go way up in value this deep.
  • Having straights, trips, or small two pair in my range on lower boards is beneficial against the thinking regs.
  • OTOH, being OOP with deep stacks really sucks.

If you prefer, I'd be interested to hear default strategies in these circumstances.
<img /2 EP in loose game, deep stacks Quote
08-06-2015 , 02:51 AM
This is such a generic question. If the game is as loose and passive as you describe, it couldn't be wrong to limp hands that could flop big like small PPs, medium to high SCs while keeping the pot small. However, getting value from those hands OOP is still going to be very tough.
<img /2 EP in loose game, deep stacks Quote
08-06-2015 , 07:18 AM
TBH based on your questions, you're going to get your ass kicked in this game. Very quickly:

1. The deeper the stacks, the tighter you need to play in EP, not looser. Position becomes more important in deep games.

2. Anyone who is playing SC to get lucky and hit with their hand is losing money. You need to think about how you can win with SC when you miss to make it profitable to play them.

I'll keep it open a bit while longer, but as said above, it is too generic a question to get any type of good response.
<img /2 EP in loose game, deep stacks Quote
08-06-2015 , 08:13 AM
This deep open limping doesn't get you much. Limping and price setting strategies are for tables that are not deep, where you want to keep reasonable odds on your draws and set mining hands. If your going to stack somebody deep you want to bloat the pot a bit. Hitting a set/straight/flush with only $10 in the pot sucks.

With that many deep stacks in the game you will want to play more suited connectors when you are in LP. Your also deep enough to call some raises and make some raises with suited connectors. OOP you still need to be folding most of them but you can play more then you might normally.
<img /2 EP in loose game, deep stacks Quote
08-06-2015 , 09:52 AM
Serious question, why is it in quotes, is it not actually a home game?
<img /2 EP in loose game, deep stacks Quote
08-06-2015 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by eldiesel
Serious question, why is it in quotes, is it not actually a home game?
Basically an underground game, but with a flat fee to play rather than rake. It's unique so I didn't know what to call it.
<img /2 EP in loose game, deep stacks Quote
08-06-2015 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
TBH based on your questions, you're going to get your ass kicked in this game. Very quickly:

1. The deeper the stacks, the tighter you need to play in EP, not looser. Position becomes more important in deep games.

2. Anyone who is playing SC to get lucky and hit with their hand is losing money. You need to think about how you can win with SC when you miss to make it profitable to play them.
I tried to make the situation as specific as possible, although I guess I could ask about a specific hand like 76s UTG or something.

From EP in this game, I feel you can only plan to win money by making hands, although the payoff can obviously be very high. Trying to force scenarios where we get it HU becomes tricky. Having said that, it has been my conclusion so far to play squeaky tight. But I become very vulnerable when my range is big PPs and AK in a super deep game, particularly on low boards vs. regs.

Last edited by SuckoutKing; 08-06-2015 at 11:06 AM. Reason: clarification
<img /2 EP in loose game, deep stacks Quote
08-06-2015 , 11:14 AM
If it's as passive as you say and there are rarely raises, you can limp in early position with SCs but the deeper the stakes get the value of flushes from SCs go way down as we won't be able to stack someone with a small flush and bottom two pairs, etc.
<img /2 EP in loose game, deep stacks Quote
08-06-2015 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by SuckoutKing
Basically an underground game, but with a flat fee to play rather than rake. It's unique so I didn't know what to call it.
Not even hourly? Just one payment for the night? Or it's like a club and you pay monthly?
<img /2 EP in loose game, deep stacks Quote
08-06-2015 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by eldiesel
Not even hourly? Just one payment for the night? Or it's like a club and you pay monthly?
Nightly. The game only runs ~7.5 hours though. The main effect is that people want to get the most bang for their buck after paying up front. They want to see flops and play poker, dammit! You also get a lot of regulars who hate rake. Creates a strange dynamic preflop.
<img /2 EP in loose game, deep stacks Quote
