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1/2 EP AA vs straight draw 2 V 1/2 EP AA vs straight draw 2 V

07-10-2019 , 01:47 PM
Hero UTG +2 $230 ) 20s African American/asian female. Seen as tight.
Played 2 orbits so relatively new to the table. Running good cards
The last two hands. Raised to $15 with A10s and KK back to back. Took the blinds, no callers

V1: (CO $300) 40s African American Male. He appears to be a good player but she's new to the table so that's a mere assumption.

V2 SB $120) late 20s Caucasian male. Appears to be a college grad with his friends. ( two of his friends at the table were wearing college hats teaching their friend on the BTN how to play)
Skill level is unknown but it seems they are mainly to play for fun.

Hero is given A A , her 3rd premium hand in a row

Folded to Hero, she makes it $16

Two callers

$50 -rake

V2 checks, Hero makes it $50

V1 calls v2 fold


Turn 9 (complete a rainbow)
1/2 EP AA vs straight draw 2 V Quote
07-10-2019 , 03:41 PM
Pre is good

Flop looks too large but cant be bad at 1/2 trying to get max value from stations.

Turn you have only 1 psb behind and I don't think he calls a jam with worse, and I don't think another bet size makes sense, so I am going to check and evaluate.
1/2 EP AA vs straight draw 2 V Quote
07-10-2019 , 03:48 PM
I think you need to continue betting here. KQ and KJ are right in villain's range here, so the last thing you want to do is give a free card for them to hit one of the 11 outs. I don't think it needs to be a jam, but maybe half the pot.
1/2 EP AA vs straight draw 2 V Quote
07-10-2019 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by WehrmatsWormhat
I think you need to continue betting here. KQ and KJ are right in villain's range here, so the last thing you want to do is give a free card for them to hit one of the 11 outs. I don't think it needs to be a jam, but maybe half the pot.
I did consider this but KQ and KJ are just two hands in his range with plenty of two pairs, straights, slowplayed flop sets. A bigger disaster imo is putting in a committing amount of money with 0%-20% equity.
1/2 EP AA vs straight draw 2 V Quote
07-10-2019 , 04:47 PM
Your post formatting with the colons and parens are creating random frown emojis. What was our reason for betting full pot OTF after being checked to? We are folding out too much of Vs ranges with this sizing IMO. I would go around $35. Now that we have $164 and there's $150 in the pot we really cant bet/fold. I like a check here and eval river. If V checks to us again we can bet $95 on brick rivers and never fold. If V can have QJ he can also have KT, TT, 77, K9. It's not only the straight we need to focus on. I think we are good more often than not here though. Given our flop sizing though I feel like jamming or even a smaller double barrel sizing is rarely getting called by worse. If we go bxb we are more likely to get 2 streets that way and we'll have one more street of info from V since we are in position. If we x and V leads river we can eval from there.
1/2 EP AA vs straight draw 2 V Quote
07-10-2019 , 04:50 PM
Flop is big, but it worked. I continue on the turn for about $75.
1/2 EP AA vs straight draw 2 V Quote
