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1/2 Adjusting to Agression on Your Left While Fish Poaching 1/2 Adjusting to Agression on Your Left While Fish Poaching

02-28-2015 , 07:54 PM
Dream table the other night that gets a ton worse as some new players take my left.


Hero is in the 7 seat covering the table with 350 bbs. Half the table is willing to limp/call-10 fold to single barrel vs me. Great image.

A donkey takes the 2 seat with 50 bbs. His history is as follows:

I raise 5 limpers from the BB with AQs to 28. Seat 2 calls with 40 behind. He ships the flop on a 7-3-4 rainbow single spade with 7-8 off. I call.

Seat 2 limp-calls 12 and stacks off for 100 on the flop with 9-3 on a 9-4-6 board ends up vs 9-4 and runner runner chops the pot.

Then seat two runs well for 20ish minutes and runs his stack up to 150 bbs. Maybe wrongly my game plan at the table shifts to limping in with a ton of hands hoping to catch 2-pair plus and stack him.


Two laggy sticky players take the 8 and 9 seat with full stacks. They are raising all my limps and are sticky post flop. Pretty soon one of them gets 200ish bbs deep.

At this point I've been playing for about 8 hours and I'm really not super interested in getting into a big pot with these guys I just want to take my piece of the fish and get out of there.


I think these guys will require double barreling and they are not scared money. I consider significantly tightening my pre flop raising range and playing tight, but I don't want to lose out on seat twos money.

I start limp calling. I do limp from the hijack with KK and reraise to 60 after 5 callers of buttons 6 dollar raise and I limp raise from middle position with AK -- both times getting folds around the table. I also limp call with some AJs JQs type hands that play well but I do some limp folding with my scs and s1gps.

Thoughts? Suggested other adjustments? I mean tightening up is the standard thing to do but I think I leave a lot on the table and I'm greedy.

Last edited by Joee; 02-28-2015 at 08:00 PM.
1/2 Adjusting to Agression on Your Left While Fish Poaching Quote
02-28-2015 , 08:01 PM
aybe wrongly my game plan at the table shifts to limping in with a ton of hands hoping to catch 2-pair plus and stack him.
Bleh! Why would you want 2-pair plus. TP4K seems to be plenty against this guy. Keep raising and c-betting, giving up if called (he'll still fold his complete whiffs) and you hold less than TP, getting 3 streets with TPGK+

At this point I've been playing for about 8 hours and I'm really not super interested in getting into a big pot with these guys I just want to take my piece of the fish and get out of there.
Seat change, please.

My adjustment is pretty bad but I start limp calling.
Yes, this is terrible. You are OOP and will end up folding a ton of flops.

If they are relentlessly raising limps, and your l/rr are working, start L/RR the hands you would normally open.
1/2 Adjusting to Agression on Your Left While Fish Poaching Quote
02-28-2015 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Bleh! Why would you want 2-pair plus. TP4K seems to be plenty against this guy. Keep raising and c-betting, giving up if called (he'll still fold his complete whiffs) and you hold less than TP, getting 3 streets with TPGK+

Seat change, please.

Yes, this is terrible. You are OOP and will end up folding a ton of flops.

If they are relentlessly raising limps, and your l/rr are working, start L/RR the hands you would normally open.
Thats interesting. I guess if there adjustment is to raise less often pre following limps thats good for me. If there adjustment is to flat a lot then I still am playing OOP in bloated pots without really a great idea of the card they are holding. But my value l/rr range is killing their flatting range despite the playability issues.

Great thoughts, thanks.
1/2 Adjusting to Agression on Your Left While Fish Poaching Quote
03-01-2015 , 12:09 AM
just play normal man

over thinking in this game often costs you money
1/2 Adjusting to Agression on Your Left While Fish Poaching Quote
03-01-2015 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Joee
I raise 5 limpers from the BB with AQs to 28. Seat 2 calls with 40 behind. He ships the flop on a 7-3-4 rainbow single spade with 7-8 off. I call.
Is your ace-queen suited spades? Why do you care about a back-door flush draw?

I don't understand your call. He's playing his cards in a totally face-up manner. When you have ace high and someone shoves you adjust to that aggression by folding.

If you're going to double him up when he flops a pair he's getting implied odds to call your pre-flop raise. You're making him a profitable player.
1/2 Adjusting to Agression on Your Left While Fish Poaching Quote
