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12-30-2012 , 08:27 PM
Hero (cutoff): Covers.. Playing straightforward.No need to get crazy in this game,theres only 2 people who really have any idea what they are doing.

Villain (MP): $140 one of the players above who is decent.Loves to call draws and thinks i bluff alot.He is down probly about $300 at this point.He likes to chase his losses with some plays that dont make much sense.

8 handed..2 limps to hero (including villain) i make it $8 with pocket 3s.Folds to v who calls

Flop: ($18) K66 rainbow

V checks i bet $15,V calls

Turn: ($45)K

V checks i bet $15 again(Dunno why i only made it 15 here looks pretty weak i guess) id like some thoughts on this for sure.V calls

River: ($74) 3

V checks again. I think im ahead alot here against this guy so i elect to bet.I make it $30. V thinks for about 30 seconds and shoves $62 more...Hero??
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12-30-2012 , 08:48 PM
betting big on the flop then small on the turn is really weird. Its like you are trying to get it so only hands that beat you call on the flop, and then on the turn its like you want to be 100% sure they call you again. pretty bad result with our hand.
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12-30-2012 , 08:49 PM
Never betting turn small there. Either betting big as it is now much less likely he has a K, and getting him to fold his 77-JJ range, or just giving up if he thinks we bluff a lot, since we beat nothing.

AP, river is a b/f. You now beat his PPs and he's a non believer. His only raising range is boats though, and both possible beat yours, or air, and with you betting 3 streets on a double paired board there should be very little air in his range.
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12-30-2012 , 08:52 PM
Limp Preflop
Flop Bet is Okay
Turn Bet I don't understand, K improves his range.
River Check Back, Why are we value betting ourself? What is calling us here that we beat? Absolutely Nothing
Fold to his shove.
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12-30-2012 , 09:12 PM
What is calling us here that we beat? Absolutely Nothing
Nah. With a bluffy image, a lot off PPs will call the small bet. Def agree about folding to the shove, though.
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12-30-2012 , 09:30 PM
Your preflop raise is silly small. Either raise bigger so you will be heads up or overlimp.

Flop is fine though I like a slightly smaller bet of say 12. Once he calls that I would be tempted to give up. If I did carry on I would be really big on the turn to fold out a highs and mid pocket pairs. The same bet as the flop is completely absurd and you may as well have whipped 15 out of your wallet and handed it to him.

Once he has called both streets I would probably not bet the river but if I did I would go all in. This would enable me to win the pot. Betting 30 into 70odd is bonkers as he will call with all his range that called 15 on flop and turn.

ah i missed you rivered a house. Probably checking river.
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12-30-2012 , 09:52 PM
Limp behind PF. In the game you describe and the dynamic of villain who already limped who is chasing and thinks you bluff a lot anyways; 33 is way too weak to be raising with.

And even if you are going to raise, make it more than 8. Check back the turn. Betting 15 is really awful. River bet is ok since he just checked 3 streets so has a lot of pps that will pay you off, but I would fold to his shove.
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12-30-2012 , 10:12 PM
lol @ folding river. Edit missed turn was another K. Def fold then
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12-30-2012 , 11:43 PM
I dont agree with raising more than 8.In a bigger game im all for larger opens but it was a tiny,non casino game.8 was pretty much standard

I agree i butchered the turn.Bet sizing is a leak i need to address immediatly.
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12-30-2012 , 11:53 PM
what was your reason for raising pre then? Did you want to take the initiative since most of the opponents were fit n fold? trying to build the pot so if you bink a 3 you could get stacks in easier?

i'd check back ott. no use trying to push a short stack off a hand with the way he is playing. doesn't look like we are getting much folds, especially with that bet size
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12-31-2012 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by fogodchao
what was your reason for raising pre then? Did you want to take the initiative since most of the opponents were fit n fold? trying to build the pot so if you bink a 3 you could get stacks in easier?
Yea pretty much.
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12-31-2012 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by TrubyKGB
Yea pretty much.
then the raise pre is fine. but once you are called otf its time to adjust your strategy and give up. don't have to win every pot, especially the smaller ones.
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12-31-2012 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by TrubyKGB
theres only 2 people who really have any idea what they are doing.

2 limps to hero (including villi make it $8 with pocket 3s.
OP just for some general game theory here. Remember that for every action we take, we must ask ourselves "Why am I doing this?"

We raise preflop for three reasons:
1. To get more money in the pot (Value-bet)
2. To Steal the Blinds
3. To balance our range against our opponents

Now, with 33 we are certainly not value-betting with our hand so why is it neccesary to get more money into the pot unless we need to fufill reasons 2 or 3. Well it doesn't seem that we are going to steal the blinds so we now cross out number 2. This leaves us with balancing our range. Now, if our opponents are incompetant why is this neccesary? Especially because the value from pocket 33s comes from flopping a set and building a big pot after we make our hand, not before we do.
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12-31-2012 , 12:47 AM
I think the flop is 100% a value bet... but like dude said above i dont have to win every pot,especially the smaller ones.Something i will deff realize in the future

Results: I pretty much snapped called,Villain had the King.I thought i had a read and went with it so thats a plus but if i put all the pieces together correctly i can make the fold.
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