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<img /2 9-10ss limped pot flop FD turn MP , multiway <img /2 9-10ss limped pot flop FD turn MP , multiway

05-01-2013 , 07:19 PM
UTG+1 $500+ I just sat and have never played with this guy , so far out of the 2 orbits he's running very hot , picking up big hands and betting them well IMO
From 2 orbits of observation I'd say he's TAG , and far better then the average player i encounter at live 1/2

HERO $300- Not much going on. I called a LAG borderline maniacs MP $5 raise with K10o (after CO who is UTG flatted as well) and flopped TP king kicker on
a dry board. MP Lag bet $10 OTF 3way into $18 , call , i call. Turn he leads $10 , call , call. River he leads 10 i still have TP board is still dry
CO folds , i make a small raise to $25 & get called by 8x (throws his 8 in face up)

CO $unknown (forget not relevant) limps

BTN (main villian) $110 - Big spot. Young indian guy who plays very eratic. For example in a raise pot 3 way , sandwhiched in between me (the preflop
raiser) and the other caller he 3bets my flop bet with K2 , for Top pair worse kicker and gets it all in OTF.
Calls a huge raise i make pre (i think to $50 given it was $10 straddle and few limps) and ships a gutshot OTF into my 2nd pair.
but at the same time he's flatted TP worse kicker vs me and then bet it on the turn when checked to when i was the preflop aggressor and continuation bet.
So he doesn't always go nuts with TP no kicker.

In short , very bad but unpredictable

SB $ irrelevant completes

BB $ irrelevant checks

UTg folds , UTG+1 limps , Hero limps with 9-10 spades , CO/BTN/SB limp BB checks

K-4-5 , 2 spades

Sb/BB/UTG+1 checks , Hero bets $9 , CO folds , BTN calls , UTG calls

Turn (pot$36)
10 giving me second pair + my flush draw for a board of
K-4-5-10 2 spades

UTG checks , Hero bets $18 , Btn raises to $57 ($39 more to call) , with $45 behind....

Now heres the "table talk" possible tell.

BTN just sat. First he went to the wrong table that floor told him to and a few guys (not me) at our table complained saying he is suppose to be at our
table (he's known as a big spot at the game) so he's moved and puts in a table change request with the floor. During the hand the floor asks if he's still
interested in moving , actually right after his turn bet and he quickly says excited "no , not anymore".

i call the $39 more.

River brick 4 , giving me 10's and 4's with a king kicker.

I check , he goes all in for $45 more. $45 to call into $192

I think i like just bluff catching on the turn. In game I felt i could value bet as he'll call turn with 3rd pair & straight draws , flush draws & given how
I've seen him play TP i don't expect him to have it that often and don't expect him to raise turn if he decides to flat it on the flop (though for
the most part I've seen him play TP very agressive OTF , something like K10 is a insta raise - get it in for him). I wasn't to worried about UTG having Kx
as so far (but only a couple orbits so maybe i shold hold off on assumptions) he's shown to be fairly straight forward , betting his made hand and not
showing that he has a loose limping range.
<img /2 9-10ss limped pot flop FD turn MP , multiway Quote
05-02-2013 , 11:52 AM
I also overlimp preflop if there's a good chance we don't get raised. It's a little early, but we should still have position on a large part of the field.

With 3 checks to me and only 2 to act behind me I probably also take a 1/2+ stab at the pot. We have okish equity, might win the pot outright, or might be able to setup a free card play on the turn perhaps in position.

When I'm called in two spots on the flop, I'm simply going to try to hit my hand (and second pair ain't the hand I'm trying to hit). I check the turn and hope I'm given a good price if someone bets.

As played, I also call. We probably have at least 9 flush outs, plus our T/9's might be good. If we assume he's never folding on the river after putting in this money (a fair assumption), then we're getting ~4:1, which is enough with our 9+ outs.

Even though we are getting good odds to call the river, I fold. I just don't think this guy is raising the turn into two players with a hand we beat.

<img /2 9-10ss limped pot flop FD turn MP , multiway Quote
05-02-2013 , 12:09 PM
I think I'd check the turn in a 3 way pot, decently likely one of them has a king and isn't folding, especially given our read on the button.
<img /2 9-10ss limped pot flop FD turn MP , multiway Quote
