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06-30-2015 , 07:31 PM
10pm - Tuesday, 8 handed, £1/£2 (Treat it like $1/$3)

Table has been action packed since I sat down 1 hour ago, there was this maniac Chinese student who blew away his two buyins, since he was gone, now there are 3 Vietnamese kids (Two are TAG, one is LAG), couple of loose passive fishes and a tight shortie.

V1 (£1200) - The LAG Vietnamese kid, plenty of history with HERO, V is a finance student at a good universit and only play long hours during Summer. I have seen him lose more than win this summer. He has been isolating in position with a wide range and take down plenty of pots.

V2 (£200) - Loose passive fish which try to bluff too much, complete loser.

V3 (£250) - Sat down with £60, doubled up twice through V1. Jammed with A8 one hand and flopped a set in another with TT.

Hero (£1400) - Started playing 1 hour ago with £700, first hand I played was riased with 86cc, Chinese student 3bet with KK in SB, Hero flopped trips and stacked CS. CS rebought, Hero won with QQ after raising 4 limpers to £20, CS raised to £75 and called a 200bb 4bet JAM with AK. Hero scooped on a Q high flop.

Hero has 77 in UTG, limps £2, V3 raise to £7, V1 calls on BTN, V2 calls in SB.

Flop (£30)


Checks through

Turn (£30)


V2 leads £15, Hero Calls, V3 calls, V1 Raises to £55, V2 tanks called. HERO?
06-30-2015 , 08:08 PM
Call - you hit the driest flop in the world and only thing can hope for is someone to have 33 or a 5. If you raise, very little is going to call you unless you have the worst image in the world.

You can lead out river
06-30-2015 , 08:49 PM
Flat call turn then 3 bet is announcing you have 53 or better. Flat call and lead river. Size your bet to put V2/V3 all in if they are along because your not likely to get raised.
06-30-2015 , 10:55 PM
So much bad advice in this thread. OP you should reraise turn 100% of the time in this specific spot as played. This is what separates those who crush from average winners, getting max value from all your hands.

Let's see.....we're stacking V2 when he has 5x since he's so short so V1 is the real target. any 4 or 6 (which will happen ~18% of time on river) will kill action when he has 5x. if he has 33, any 7 or 5 will kill action. also you will have to make a huge overbet on river if you want to make up for loss turn value, but he might fold to huge overbet.

what are the downsides of reraising turn??? we lose value against all his bluffs, but unless you think he's bluffing way too often, reraising turn is much better. we also push out 86 and 96 (open enders) but they are so rare and its also rare that it hits on river.

and anyone saying llsnl villains will fold 5x. sure they might fold to a huge overbet shove, but if u size bets right you can build a big pot on turn and make them committed to calling a big bet on river.

ask yourself this: if you had air and reraised turn, would it be spewy and do you think you would get called alot. if you had air and reraised turn and made a decent bet on river, would V1 fold 5x? the answer is likely no. this is the same reason we should reraise turn with the nuts?
06-30-2015 , 11:09 PM
Hero 3b! the turn to $150. With stack sizes as deep as they are, I want to go for maximum value in this spot. It's clear V2 has a hand here after raising a bet and a flat call, and since he is super LAGy he can easily have 5x, 33 and 46 in this spot which will most likely call the 3b! unless hero is a super nit. Since this does not appear to be the case(hero raised with 86s earlier in the session) go for the turn 3bet. Calling here is just losing too much value in this spot. Then we can make a pretty substantial bet on the river if called on the turn and we have built a nice pot for ourselves.
07-01-2015 , 12:06 AM
Calling now, and then leading the river is the absolute worst thing you can do.

You don't get an extra street of value, and you announce you have a strong hand. If you think the Villain is going to be scared of aggression then call turn, and check river. But I think that's seriously missing value.

Originally Posted by Triplerangemerge22
ask yourself this: if you had air and reraised turn, would it be spewy and do you think you would get called alot. if you had air and reraised turn and made a decent bet on river, would V1 fold 5x? the answer is likely no. this is the same reason we should reraise turn with the nuts?
We don't actually have the nuts, but I do agree we should bet. I usually choose about 125 but I'm curious about what sizing you'd use.
07-01-2015 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by au4all
Calling now, and then leading the river is the absolute worst thing you can do.

You don't get an extra street of value, and you announce you have a strong hand. If you think the Villain is going to be scared of aggression then call turn, and check river. But I think that's seriously missing value.

We don't actually have the nuts, but I do agree we should bet. I usually choose about 125 but I'm curious about what sizing you'd use.
we lose to only quads and there is only one combo so we hav the virtual nuts.
im reraising to 250. its not so big that he has to pot commit himself but it also sets up a good 2/3 pot bet on riv. we want to go for max value against trips+. the rest of his range cant call much and i doubt hes bluffing river often enough
07-01-2015 , 01:15 AM
weird spot. 3b turn is just always a boat so you're going to have to cooler someone's tits off to get more value. It's not like the board is KK77 or AA7. I would probably call and c/r River huge.
07-01-2015 , 02:44 AM
Yeah. V1 has a five for sure. Good spot to call and c/r river. A river 4 or 6 would be bad though and we prolly have to donk and miss a street. Definitely takes balls though. If not, 3 bet the turn. Any plan to call and donk non 4 or 6 on the river is not good because a donk bet will look crazy scary and he will prolly just call unless he has a boat too. Get value now or c/r river.
07-01-2015 , 04:26 AM
Lead the flop.
07-01-2015 , 04:44 AM
I would bet bet bet. And in your case raise the turn. Why you limped? I open 77 to 6 to 8$ , depends on the table. So you could just cbet and nobody knows if it's air or boat or overpair....
07-01-2015 , 05:58 AM
Why limped? I balance my low-mid PP in UTG, UTG+1, I raise some and limp some. For this hand, my boat is disguised until I make a big raise.

From reading here, I remember players never fold trips on dry flop + calling this raise from BTN looks strong anyway, so re-raise is my only option.

I went for £215, fold fold fold. BTN said "You have 77, I folded 85"
07-01-2015 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by Buster65
Lead the flop.
I like this!
07-01-2015 , 06:03 AM
Op have a plenty of history with V1 but hadnt said much abouth his play. And there can be answer, in dinamics betwen two of them.
07-01-2015 , 07:33 AM
In this particular spot I am just calling ...

1) V2 tank calls the Turn from SB ... which might lead to him opening the River betting if he improves somehow.
2) V1 is on B, and we may be able to check River to him in a lot of cases based on our history.
3) While we 'know' that V1 is the target, I want to show the table I am 'worried' about the action so far and tank call myself. Not too much, but enough ...

It's unfortunate that V aren't reversed in the pot since I would be much more comfortable flat calling this Turn bet and we might not get anything more out of the hand if we 'have' to lead a River 'blank' (or any River).

History will play a huge roll here. What does a Hero Turn flat mean to V1?

My take here is that V1 has 5x and is 'seeing where he's at' by raising the Turn. V2 has an overpair or some kind of draw, maybe very weak 5x also. When Hero checks Flop and 3-bets Turn it screams a made hand (better than 'just' 5x), being 33/75/77/46 and it needs protection from a River suck out when multi-way.

The issue with trips never folding is 'ok', but I find that regs can and will fold trips very often against a player they have history with when in a multi-way pot. Now that's a mouth full, but I just don't see where 3-betting is a better value once V2 calls. I may have felt differently HU, but I'm not sure and would rely, again, on history with V.

Can you open the betting on the Flop, sure. I think this actually gives you more options on the Turn. Do you typically slow play nutted hands? We don't know ...

I think you need to downplay the 'never folding trips' idea when multi-way when the action goes like this. It's possible that V2 is never folding, but with V1 having history with Hero and seeing his raise get 3-bet I can certainly see weaker 5x hands getting mucked. We are better off trying to get him to hit a boat/straight on the River for additional value. GL
07-01-2015 , 10:22 AM
I like a call on the turn. If you were going to raise, it needed to be to the $15. Flatting and then raising is super strong. You can lead or c/r river depending on what it is and how you think you'll get the most value.
07-01-2015 , 03:46 PM
grunch: call

you have a boat on a tough board. let one of these villains continue to bluff... or better yet let one of them make a hand on the river.

as for river... c/r is probably best.
