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1/2 24 Buy In Downswing PLUS 8 2/5 Buy Ins along the way 1/2 24 Buy In Downswing PLUS 8 2/5 Buy Ins along the way

04-07-2011 , 10:55 AM
I know we discussed this before and bad beats happen and bad runs happen... I get all of that. But at what point do you just walk away?

I have taken 2 one week breaks the past 2 months and have been getting the money in good. I know we say thats all you can ask for but I have to have a leak here. To be on a -30 Buy-In swing in 2 months for live poker is very hurtful.

Now before we said play straight forward poker and be patient. I agree and have done that and more for the past 1.5 months. Losing is part of the game but the last 2 sessions I have only played good hands in good positions and have been crushed.

Quick examples:

AdQd on Button, utg $7, call, call, CO raise $15, I flat, BB flats and 2 callers. Flop 8d7d2d checks to CO he bets $30, the BB raises before I get my bet out so I flat. BB makes it $150 and CO goes all in and I shove and BB calls. I am vs KK (co) and 97o.

1010 UTG and I raise to $11 and URG+1 makes it $24 and there are 2 callers so I call. Flop K95 checks around. Turn 10 I bet $70 and folds to Button who makes it $175. I make it $400 he shoves for a little more and I call. He has K10.

KK in co and it is limped to me and I make it $20 and get 2 callers. Flop Qd7d2s checks to me and I bet $50 and get 1 caller. Turn 8h he checks to me and I shove (he has $120). River 3x. He has Q2o

QQ in co and UTG (TIGHT) makes it $15, guy who had Q2o flats and I flat and button calls. Flop 233 UTG bets $30 and MP makes it $100. I fold.

1010 UTG and I make it $12 and get 4 callers. BB makes it $50 (thinking player) I call and guy who had Q2 in other hand calls. Flop Q108. BB makes it $100 and I have $160 left to shove. He calls w JJ.

Now for all this to happen in 2 sessions and lose everyone is tough. Now add that on top of 2 months of gross beats and it makes you think your doing something horribly wrong.

How many buy ins is enough to just walk away? Am I playing bad poker? What could I have done differently? Any advice would be nice as this is not a bad beat story at all-Its not a run of bad beats it is something more. Is there another adjustment I have to make?
04-07-2011 , 11:01 AM
Also, I am thinking of buying in for $100 a few times and see where that takes me. I never do this at 1/2 but I have no other options. Only other one is to just walk away from the game.

Now that I think about it there are 3 other buy ins that I have lost at another casino that wasnt put in here. I got KK aipf vs JJ and lost and then AK v AJ lost then top 2 vs set and set.

Again, no bad beats complaining but it has to be me... Variance cant be this tough.
04-07-2011 , 11:18 AM
std responses-

ur not that good

all i can say without knwoing anything about you is that 30BI DS at live is brutal due to amount of hands live players see. OBV ur hurting right now, confidence shot, sure u were a winning player before since u ahd 30BIs to lose to begin with.

no matter what people tell you here it doesnt matter cause on the surface yea 30BIs is bad but no one here knows who you are. If your writing this to try to find people to tell you its std variance and make you feel better about yourself then fine.

poker, like everything else in life we strive to be good at, has these moments where you have to decide if this is for you and how much you want it.

so...whats your answer?
04-07-2011 , 11:18 AM
Switch casinos and play against different opponents.

Look for weak spots and take down pots no matter how small.

Cash out when you're ahead, no matter how little.

Avoid all hands OOP if possible.

Sounds like you're not only running bad, you are also losing a lot of confidence. Others can see that, and probably put more pressure on you for that reason. So my recommendation is to build your confidence back, that being the most important aspect, and hopefully variance will be gone by then.
04-07-2011 , 11:54 AM
Locked for future reference.

Last edited by venice10; 04-07-2011 at 12:30 PM.
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