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1-2,1-3.Is EV+ open raise mp with J8s,Q9s,K10s? 1-2,1-3.Is EV+ open raise mp with J8s,Q9s,K10s?

04-07-2015 , 10:35 AM
Hello 1-2,1-3 is a good move open these hands if the table is tight and bad if everyone is going to call your 3,5x-4x raise?if I dont play 1-2 orbits maybe more and I see these kind of hands I feel inside me the need to play because I dont want to pass for tightest guy,but from what I can remember the money I loose is more than what I make..instead Q10s,J9s,108s,97s is mandatory to open raise in MP?ty
1-2,1-3.Is EV+ open raise mp with J8s,Q9s,K10s? Quote
04-07-2015 , 10:44 AM
in general, if everyone is going to call, raise bigger or limp those hands if you don't think anyone will raise.

No hand is mandatory to raise, you always have to take the table dynamics into consideration.

most of the hands you posted might be ok to open raise if you were on the button, not good mid position unless you think if you limp it will get limped around with multiple players.
1-2,1-3.Is EV+ open raise mp with J8s,Q9s,K10s? Quote
04-07-2015 , 12:38 PM
I open all of those hands just about 100% of the time if stacks of players behind me are over 100bb.
1-2,1-3.Is EV+ open raise mp with J8s,Q9s,K10s? Quote
04-07-2015 , 12:51 PM
If you're OK with double and triple barreling in a raised pot and OOP then go ahead. Fit or puss out won't get it done.

So...your stack WILL be in play in some very uncomfortable spots.
1-2,1-3.Is EV+ open raise mp with J8s,Q9s,K10s? Quote
04-07-2015 , 02:26 PM' s what i if I have only 20BI for 1/2 I should most of the time fold- limp(if aI limp,everybody behind have 100BB, and after maybe 1-2 more limpers the B or the blinds raise let's say 8x I should always fold also if I think one limper maybe call),play more tight to have less variance?
1-2,1-3.Is EV+ open raise mp with J8s,Q9s,K10s? Quote
