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1/1 check turn oop with AJ on AK5? 1/1 check turn oop with AJ on AK5?

12-30-2012 , 12:36 PM
My image at this table was very tight because ive folded every hand for almost half an hour just because I was getting complete rag not because im really tight.

So I get dealt AJo in UTG +1 with a 95€ stack
UTG limps
I raise to 7€
Everyone folds exept CO

CO is a ~35yo white male who has been running super hot with a stack of about 600€. Looks like he plays ok poker and puts people on ranges etc.


AK5 rainbow pot 16€
I bet 12 he calls

Turn 6 pot 40€
I check he checks back

I thought since he thinks I play really thight he has to think the botom of my range here is ATs or maybe KQs

So I think hes gonna just muck every weak K, pp, or even a Ax<5 if I bet this blank turn. He would only call a turn and river all in bet with hands that beat me imo. So I descide to just check it to make me look weak.

River 4 pot 40€

I bet 25 he thinks about 15sek and puts me allin...

So the pot is ~200 and I have ~50 left so the odds are good but I dont see a scenerio where im good here often enough.

Bad check ott? What about my thoughts that hes gonna fold weaker ott?
The worst hand he would reraise me allin here is AT but even thats really thin imo.
1/1 check turn oop with AJ on AK5? Quote
12-30-2012 , 12:56 PM
In this case given your reasoning I think a check ott is fine. When he checks back I now feel good about my hand and look for value otr
1/1 check turn oop with AJ on AK5? Quote
12-30-2012 , 02:10 PM
I would just continue betting the turn - the pot (40) relative to your stack (76) is worth making a bet that virtually commits you. Given that you checked the turn (to induce bluffs and thin value bets?) you can probably check the river also. As played this is a tough spot and there's not much you beat, aside from bluffs.
1/1 check turn oop with AJ on AK5? Quote
12-30-2012 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Man of Means
I would just continue betting the turn - the pot (40) relative to your stack (76) is worth making a bet that virtually commits you. Given that you checked the turn (to induce bluffs and thin value bets?) you can probably check the river also. As played this is a tough spot and there's not much you beat, aside from bluffs.
Jup i checked for thin value bets because the board was so dry i only see AT A9 calling me here that are worse because om my image.
1/1 check turn oop with AJ on AK5? Quote
12-30-2012 , 03:35 PM
I would bet the turn kind of weakish at around 18. I think as played the river is a call. The only hands you are really losing to are a4 or sets and he is confident so may pounce on the weakness if this is the only way he can win the pot.
1/1 check turn oop with AJ on AK5? Quote
12-30-2012 , 03:58 PM
I use the b/c/b line to get an extra street of value out of villains who may call down light.

However, this isn't the spot for it. Here's why:

1) You said villain is a solid player, can range
2) You have a tight image from being card dead

You said that you think A9 is calling you here "because of your image." While A9 might call you, it's most certainly not because of your image. Let's not level ourselves here. If you saw someone fold for 30 minutes, then raise UTG, are you putting them on A2-A8?

If villain puts you even on the bottom of range (which is AJo+), what does he call with that you beat? IMO you can call here if you think villain is capable of exploiting your check.

The b/c/b line is made to get an extra street of value, since the check underreps your hand and most villains will call down lighter on the river.

I'd have been okay with b/c/b if one of the following:
1) Your image is looser. With a tight image, your hand looks like a scared/weak ace. Unfortunately for you, you have the bottom of your range here.
2) You don't think the villain ever comes over the top with worse. In that case, you can safely b/f the river for value.

As played, cross your fingers and call. I think you're going to see a slowplayed 55 here a lot that didn't want to scare you away on the turn.
1/1 check turn oop with AJ on AK5? Quote
12-31-2012 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by checkoslovakia

If you saw someone fold for 30 minutes, then raise UTG, are you putting them on A2-A8?

Let's not level ourselves here.

If villain puts you even on the bottom of range (which is AJo+), what does he call with that you beat?
Very good point didnt thought about it that way.
I called even tho I was sure im losing but meh very bad call I guess

He showed K4o and won with two pair.
1/1 check turn oop with AJ on AK5? Quote
