Typical SSHE table, 5-7 people seeing every flop and calling down with any piece of the board.
3 limpers, I'm in the CO with A
and I raise, BTN, BB and all limpers call.
6 players, 12sb, flop 9
BB checks, UTG bets, one caller, I raise, BTN coldcalls, BB folds, UTG 3-bets, caller folds, I call, BTN calls
I have UTG on two pair or better and BTN on a flush draw, understanding that at an SSHE table anything could mean anything.
3 players, 17bb, turn 2
My plan here is to try to get to showdown as cheaply as possible. If UTG bets I'm probably calling but I'm going to be very unhappy if BTN raises. If UTG then 3-bets I can safely fold, but if UTG just calls I have to call getting 22 to 1.
There aren't very many rivers I'm going to be happy to see - one of the last two nines in the deck is about all I can hope for and even trips may be no good. If I hit a non-heart Ace it's probably no good, but the pot's going to be gigantic. Even if the river is an overcard to my 9 it's going to be hard to fold for one bet.
I raised the flop to try to buy the button and charge gutshots and second/bottom pair draws. Now that I look back on it, the villains were getting 8 to 1 with implied odds so my raise actually didn't protect my hand. Is this a situation where I should have waited for the turn to raise as long as the turn was a blank, like the 2 of clubs or something?
Now suppose I did just call the flop, BTN and BB just called, and UTG bet the turn. Would a turn raise have been correct there even though the turn put 3 hearts on the board?
Last edited by DalTXColtsFan; 06-30-2024 at 09:06 AM.