Originally Posted by hardinthepaint
Yeah, I will admit that it's been a very, very long time since I've played a game smaller than 8/16, and maybe I'm not very well attuned to just how bad people play, which is really why I was emphasizing the principle of garbage in/garbage out. My point isn't necessarily that my ranges are the right ones and OP's were wrong, but rather that the results are very sensitive to our assumptions, so we should be careful to not extrapolate too much.
Agreed. Memory bias to "wtf I lost to that" to a rec may imprint on other recs and we will think more play that way than actually do.
I play mostly during the days on Sundays and once during a good HH promo during the week. When I stay later the player comp changes and while still loose not as crazy wtf as some of the daytime recs/bored retirees.
Driving the extra 15 mins to the local 'big games' casino and playing some 8/16 would probably help my perspective.