Originally Posted by Bob148
I don't like it. I'd check call and feel totally fine about my betting range, which is basically 88-JJ, QTs+, KQo, KQs, AQo, AQs, KK, AA, and QQ.
They're getting 11:1 for a flop call, which means that they're correct to call with any Qx, 7x, and 3x, which are plentiful in limpers' ranges. By betting AdKd here, you're just making their calls more profitable for them. You're hardly ever taking it down on the flop against four opponents. You're just setting yourself up to get isolated by a stronger hand with basically no upside.
My Devil's Advocate response.
I don't think there are many 3's in limpers range. I agree with Q's and 7's.
I agree we don't take this down on the flop often, but it does happen.
We have decent equity with the back door flush and depending on just how loose these players are, we may actually have an edge.
I don't think we get raised and isolated as much as you think especially at a 4/8 game were players tend to be Mubsy and give the BB credit for a monster.
By betting, we can create implied food equity if the turn is a diamond or J. Somebody with a 7 or smaller pair may be convinced they are beat.
I would rather bet/call than check and probably have to fold if it's two back to us when holding the backdoor.
Betting creates deception. We don't always have a pair when we bet.
These are just some of my thoughts. I can't see how betting here is necessarily bad and it may in fact be better than checking. That being said, I get the arguments for checking as well.