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11-11-2009 , 06:10 PM

***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-11-2009 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
just because it would feel good doesn't mean that person would want it to happen

i mean, having sex with a 500 pound girl would feel good, but I don't really want to do it.

also, you know getting head from a guy would feel good, that doesn't mean I want to do that either
Well this comes down to individual preference. What you're saying is if a 500lb girl had sex with you without your consent or a guy gave you head without your consent, this would be a net-suffering event for you. In this case I would say the 500lb girl and the BJ giving guy are acting immorally. I.E. they are causing more suffering in the universe.

In Walsh's hypothetical case of having sex with mentally incapacitated people it is not clear what role individual preference plays. By definition this can only be made clear on a case by case basis. So we are free to imagine cases where the event would be a pleasurable one for the aforementioned party.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-11-2009 , 07:39 PM
my favorite lines from ilp's post

Both her parents know about this and they think it's a good thing too.

-this is funny, but kinda sums up what kind of girl they raised

It's all about pressure and time.

Even if there's no bait on your hook, sooner or later some fish will be dumb enough to bite it

-there's someone for everyone man
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-11-2009 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
Well this comes down to individual preference. What you're saying is if a 500lb girl had sex with you without your consent or a guy gave you head without your consent, this would be a net-suffering event for you. In this case I would say the 500lb girl and the BJ giving guy are acting immorally. I.E. they are causing more suffering in the universe.

In Walsh's hypothetical case of having sex with mentally incapacitated people it is not clear what role individual preference plays. By definition this can only be made clear on a case by case basis. So we are free to imagine cases where the event would be a pleasurable one for the aforementioned party.

i understand

from the girl's perspective

if brad pitt got on the ******ed girl = ok

if you got on ******ed girl = rape
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-11-2009 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
Ha! Well prepare to be underwhelmed. Right now I'm just a fish on a hot streak. Most of my existence after puberty has been defined as a continual struggle to get pussy. By struggle I mean the moments of despair far outweigh the moments of ecstasy. This is due to the fact that I am neither good looking, rich, famous, or charismatic. About my hot streak...

Right now I am rotating between 3 women but my skills had nothing to do with that. It was all serendipitous. I dated the black girl for one month in Dec 08. Then for whatever reason she stopped answering my calls so I stopped calling. Eight months later she texts me saying how sorry she was and asked if I'd like to hang out sometime...and you know the rest. At the time I was already dating the Asian girl.

The other girl I have on the side (we'll call her the white girl) is my ex-girlfriend from 2000 to 03. After we broke up we stayed on good terms meaning future sex was always a possibility there. Given her poor conditions (has kid, lives off the state) I gave her this speech years ago, "Look I don't wanna commit but I love having sex with you. It is obvious I'm using you and wasting your time. So let's make this even. How bout I give you $100 every time we have sex? That way you're using me too and we both still get to have a lot of fun." It took her awhile to warm up to this arrangement but now she's very happy about it. Both her parents know about this and they think it's a good thing too.

Anyways I will tell you how I get girls even though your destined to be unimpressed. First of all I don't drink and I hate bars, parties, and pretty much any conceivable social gathering. There's really only one way I can get girls and that's online. My favorite websites are, and Yahoo personals. When I'm single I write as many girls as I can. Probably topping a hundred a month depending on how desperate I am.

One thing I am very good at is lining up dinner dates. I probably average around 2 dates per week. Here's the bad part though. I only get a 2nd date around 10% of the time. This batting average is absolutely horrendous. This is probably due to the fact that I don't really bring anything special to the table but it cannot be ruled out that I may also be a horrible talker. In real life, I get myself in trouble a lot for saying the wrong things which is why I mostly stay inside the house and avoid human contact as much as possible. Anyways, my strategy is simple. Use online to date as many girls as possible knowing that sooner or later I will come across a girl who is desperate and lonely enough to take me.

Here's an example of my strategy in action. From January to late April this year I went on approximately 40 dates. On the first 38 dates I was rejected by 36 girls and two girls liked me I was ultimately not interested in. (One was a virgin 29 year old. Nuff said. The other was the type that would make you wait a couple months before sex. Nuff said part duex) I'm certain that 36 rejections and 2 dead ends would be quite demoralizing for many guys, but that's par for the course for me. Then I meant two girls at roughly the same time in late April. The Asian girl I'm seeing now and a white girl. I liked them both, but I decided to just see the Asian girl cuz sex with the white girl wasn't that good and we had nothing in common.

These two bullet points sum up my strategy for getting sex:

1) Remember "The Shawshank Redemption". It's all about pressure and time. Keep applying the pressure in spite of the sheer hopelessness that creeps in, and your time will eventually come.

2) Even if there's no bait on your hook, sooner or later some fish will be dumb enough to bite it.

This Walmart strategy of getting girls may not be very appealing but it works well for me. I've been doing it for 11 years and my longest drought without sex has been 4 months. Not bad considering what little I have to offer and the fact that I don't artificially end droughts by banging fatties.

it's probably a good thing you haven't introduced your new girlfriends to 2p2
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-11-2009 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by DrElo
Grrrrr, f societal norms!

No but seriously, ILP, teach me? Not the psuedo-scientific fuzzy philosophical ramblings part, but the having secks with many womens part.

If you teach me good I promise in return to put 75k on Cereus and try my hardest to spew it all off to you guys playing 100/200+.
Also, if you wanna know the nuts and bolts of what exactly I write a girl to get them to date me. Here is a PM from 3/2/09 between me and another 2+2er. I think everything's covered in there. The actual emails to "the hot blond girl" and "Lauren" are examples of emails that lead to first dates. Warning this is serious tl;dr:

Originally Posted by yukoncpa
Meantime, this Match is sounding better and better. I’d be thrilled with the 3 chicks you showed me pics of. How do you do it?
I could pontificate about this stuff for hours but instead what I'm gonna try to do is focus on SHOWING you what I do instead of telling you. I do think there are some things I'm doing fundamentally right.

1) You want to encourage girls to wink at you. Many girls may feel like winking is lazy (cuz it is). They may feel that writing a nice message is the proper route, but sometimes they'll be too tired to write a message as this does take real mental effort. Clicking that wink button takes no effort and you want to encourage girls to be lazy like that cuz you'll get more action. How do you do that? Simple. Tell them to do that in your profile. Here's an excerpt from mine:

As far as my perfect match...I don't have one. I'm not really after perfection. Just leads to unnecessary misery. If you like doing some of the things I like doing and you're in decent shape then give me a wink and let's see what happens.

2) After a girl winks at you, you're goal should be to line up a first date. Some guys may exchange a few more emails after this point. I don't do this. I don't screw around. Remember, these girls are getting bombarded by emails from other guys. So I get straight to the point. Here is my response to the hot blond girl in my last PM to you, right after her wink:

Thanx for the wink.

I really enjoyed reading your profile. I like the fact that you try to look at things in a positive way. That's the way I approach life. I see you're into dancing. I have basically never danced in my life but I would like to learn.

You seem like a really cool person. Honest, loyal, generous, family oriented...Those are the qualities I want in someone so I'm very interested. If you're down for it, lets meet up for dinner/lunch at Red Lobster sometime. Maybe sometime this week if you're available. There's one in Ann Arbor on Carpenter Rd.

This may sound a bit fast but I love going out to eat and I enjoy meeting new people. I have zero expectations beyond having a nice meal and if we hit it off we can let each other know later through email. You don't even have to look at it like a date. Just two hungry people eating together I'll talk to you later,


Here's my message to Lauren right after her wink:

Hey Lauren,

Thanx for the wink. I enjoyed reading your profile. I feel the same way as you when I think about the perfect relationship. I never see what the girl looks like, but I know my life will better with her in it. I don't mind at all that you have a kid, although I must admit I'm glad it's a boy

I would be very interested in going out to dinner with you some time. Perhaps even later this week if you're free. That may sound a bit fast but I love going out to eat and I enjoy meeting new people. I have zero expectations beyond having a nice meal and if we hit it off we can let each other know later through email. You don't even have to look at it like a date. Just two hungry people eating together If you can't get a babysitter for your son, just bring him. Let me know what your favorite restaurant is in your area and that's where we'll go. I'll talk to you soon,


You can see an obvious trend here. I try to reference something about their profile showing them I actually read it. Then I move in for the kill. Pay attention to the last paragraphs in both emails. That "zero expectations" "you don't even have to look at it as a date" "If we hit off we'll let each other know through email" bs stuff. These lines work like gold.

After a girl winks at me, I would say I get a first date over 90% of the time. And I do think those lines have something to do with. I'm basically trying to take all the pressure off the girl. You're basically letting the girl know that you'll both part ways after the meal whether you like each other or not. This eliminates like 95% of the pressure and girls love that.

The fact that I say we will let each other know if we like each other through email afterward is very important because it means I will never reject her on the first date and she'll never have to reject me. Girls also love that. They know instantly that they'll never have a bad experience with me. In fact sometimes I emphasize this point further by saying, "Even if we don't hit it off we'll still have a fun time and have some good food"

Other fundamentals to keep in mind. Always suggest meeting the girl near where she lives and obv if she says what her favorite food/place is in her profile, utilize that info. I told the hot blond girl lets meet at Red Lobster in Ann Arbor cuz her profile said she loves sea food and that's where she lives. We ended up meeting in a different city due to her school schedule so I just picked the best seafood place there.

Originally Posted by yukoncpa
Do you wait for a woman to email you or blink at you?
I always operate as if no girl will ever wink at me. No use hoping something will happen, I'd rather try to make something happen. When I'm in my active mode (I go through spurts) I try to write around 5 girls a day on average.

Once I get around 3 responses, I stop writing new emails and focus on the responses but there's no set rule here. Ideally, you'd like to have some girls you're trying to set up dates with and a farm system of girls you're trying to get responses from. And ideally, if the dates don't work out some girls from the farm system will conveniently step up so you can work on the next generation and build a new farm system also.

Originally Posted by yukoncpa
Or do you send mass emails off to every good looking one?
I actually don't. Since I crave sex so much I generally try to email girls I think I can get. My ideal girl is a butterface skinny girl. I'll loving ****ing her cuz she's skinny and I have a decent chance at her cuz of the butterface. I also focus on skinny girls with kid(s) since other guys will probably not write her as much, Skinny girls with no pics for same reason and all skinny Asians cuz I seem to have better luck with them. I'll also write girls that are 10-20lbs overweight, but I prefer not too.

Funny thing is, I never would've wrote the Lauren girl or the hot blond. They are too hot. But they winked at me, and I took it from there.

Also, I have nothing against writing lots of hotties. I really should be doing that too and I have no way of deflecting criticism on this account. One of my friends even said, "You only try to go for the base hits. You never try to hit the homerun." He has a point. I just think that the return on writing hot girls is not high enough to compensate for the energy it takes to write them. Of course one could argue that you may strike out with the hot girl more often but all it takes is one success and now you're ****ing a hot girl! My response:

1) Whether I'm with a butterface skinny girl or a hot girl, my penis can't tell the difference. All my penis cares about is that a girl's skinny. So why write hot girls that almost never write back?

2) Even if 1) is not true. Even if I would get turned on more by the hot girl, a hot girl is still no panacea for me. Hot girl or BF skinny, it's still going to get to the point where I can't stand them and I'll end up breaking up with them as I always do. That's the summary of my existence. I hate being single and I hate having a girlfriend. The only time I'm happy is the first month I'm banging a girl (yay pussy!) and the first month I'm single after I break up with a girl (yay freedom!).

Originally Posted by yukoncpa
Do you email them or send winks on the first go around?
Never ever ever wink at a girl. I can tell you from direct experience that I have a 0% response rate from winks. There were times when I used to wink at girls just cuz I was too lazy to write, or they werent hot enough to waste my time with a well thought out email or they were too hot so I didn't want to waste my time that way either. Bottom line: No girl ever wrote back and that makes perfect sense. It's almost as if they know you thought they weren't worth a real email Winking was really made for girls, not guys. Women expect guys to do some work. Try to be lazy and you'll be penalized.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-11-2009 , 08:57 PM
OK so in Hip's case of getting head from guys (theoretical I think?) it is a net bad thing b/c he was gaining the pleasure under false pretenses. I know this is a bit of a stretch but isn't this similar to the false pretense the black girl is getting thinking she is the only one with you? I'm not calling you a terrible person or anything. I just believe sex is something anybody can enjoy in any way they want (straight, lesbian, swinger, orgy, etc.), as long as they are honest with the other person.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-11-2009 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by walsh313
OK so in Hip's case of getting head from guys (theoretical I think?) it is a net bad thing b/c he was gaining the pleasure under false pretenses.
I would call it a net bad thing because TheHip doesn't prefer 500lb girls or guys giving him head due to biological and cultural conditioning. That fact that TheHip's erogenous zones can be stimulated in both cases does not overcome his preferred desire to not be in sexual contact with these people. An analogous example would be a girl getting raped.

Originally Posted by walsh313
I know this is a bit of a stretch but isn't this similar to the false pretense the black girl is getting thinking she is the only one with you? I'm not calling you a terrible person or anything. I just believe sex is something anybody can enjoy in any way they want (straight, lesbian, swinger, orgy, etc.), as long as they are honest with the other person.
You're right. That's why I said this to Palo:

Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
It's ok I was expecting this. I realize I'm a sleazeball and I have no good defense.
From a moral perspective, I don't think that lying is innately bad. The old chestnut of the Nazi's knocking on your door asking if you are hiding Jews shows that much. I'm a utilitarian so what matters to me is, does my lying to the black girl and the Asian girl cause them potential suffering? To answer this question, all I can do is try to imagine what would happen if they found out.

I think they would both be peeved at the deception itself, but I think the suffering would be minimal. The reason I think that is because I have been very frank with them letting them know I never want to get married or have kids. I have even literally told the black girl that I see no long term future with her cause we have absolutely nothing in common. Amazingly and inexplicably, she still wants to see me. So since they both want to get married, they both know they're wasting their time with me. One of the biggest crime in lying to a girl in these situations is wasting their time, but they already know that is the case. The other main crime involves hurting them emotionally, but this is primarily a function of how emotionally invested they are in our relation. I will address this at the end of the next paragraph.

I believe if they found out what was going on they would both stop seeing me but I honestly think they would be over it in a few hours at most. Possibly even instantly. The Asian girl has already tried to break up with me twice. Once cause I mentioned to her I would like to have sex with my friend's girlfriend (Yes sometimes I am that stupid) and the other time was cuz I planned a Vegas trip and never asked her if she wanted to go (whatever, it's not a vacation if you have to bring your girl). So I told the black girl "we have no future" and the Asian is already itching to break up with me so I doubt either girl is that emotionally invested in our relationship.

So yes my lying may cause them potential suffering and that alone makes it immoral in my book, but it's not a large enough amount to concern me or make me feel guilty. Spoken like a true sleazeball!
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-11-2009 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
I would call it a net bad thing because TheHip doesn't prefer 500lb girls or guys giving him head due to biological and cultural conditioning. That fact that TheHip's erogenous zones can be stimulated in both cases does not overcome his preferred desire to not be in sexual contact with these people. An analogous example would be a girl getting raped.

You're right. That's why I said this to Palo:

From a moral perspective, I don't think that lying is innately bad. The old chestnut of the Nazi's knocking on your door asking if you are hiding Jews shows that much. I'm a utilitarian so what matters to me is, does my lying to the black girl and the Asian girl cause them potential suffering? To answer this question, all I can do is try to imagine what would happen if they found out.

I think they would both be peeved at the deception itself, but I think the suffering would be minimal. The reason I think that is because I have been very frank with them letting them know I never want to get married or have kids. I have even literally told the black girl that I see no long term future with her cause we have absolutely nothing in common. Amazingly and inexplicably, she still wants to see me. So since they both want to get married, they both know they're wasting their time with me. One of the biggest crime in lying to a girl in these situations is wasting their time, but they already know that is the case. The other main crime involves hurting them emotionally, but this is primarily a function of how emotionally invested they are in our relation. I will address this at the end of the next paragraph.

I believe if they found out what was going on they would both stop seeing me but I honestly think they would be over it in a few hours at most. Possibly even instantly. The Asian girl has already tried to break up with me twice. Once cause I mentioned to her I would like to have sex with my friend's girlfriend (Yes sometimes I am that stupid) and the other time was cuz I planned a Vegas trip and never asked her if she wanted to go (whatever, it's not a vacation if you have to bring your girl). So I told the black girl "we have no future" and the Asian is already itching to break up with me so I doubt either girl is that emotionally invested in our relationship.

So yes my lying may cause them potential suffering and that alone makes it immoral in my book, but it's not a large enough amount to concern me or make me feel guilty. Spoken like a true sleazeball!

10,150 and counting...
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-12-2009 , 04:36 AM
let's play "spot that lie"

1. I really enjoyed reading your profile.

2. I have basically never danced in my life but I would like to learn.

3. I have zero expectations beyond having a nice meal

4. You don't even have to look at it like a date.

5. I don't mind at all that you have a kid

6. If you can't get a babysitter for your son, just bring him. (my personal fav)
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-12-2009 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by walsh313
OK so in Hip's case of getting head from guys (theoretical I think?) it is a net bad thing b/c he was gaining the pleasure under false pretenses. I know this is a bit of a stretch but isn't this similar to the false pretense the black girl is getting thinking she is the only one with you? I'm not calling you a terrible person or anything. I just believe sex is something anybody can enjoy in any way they want (straight, lesbian, swinger, orgy, etc.), as long as they are honest with the other person.

but you are missing the point. here, i'll explain

black girl =/= wes
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-12-2009 , 01:31 PM
<<<<*** IT>>>> ILP FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-12-2009 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
let's play "spot that lie"

1. I really enjoyed reading your profile.

2. I have basically never danced in my life but I would like to learn.

3. I have zero expectations beyond having a nice meal

4. You don't even have to look at it like a date.

5. I don't mind at all that you have a kid

6. If you can't get a babysitter for your son, just bring him. (my personal fav)
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-17-2009 , 04:16 PM
There was an update on UB today. The old defualt skin was the black background with the red chairs. The new defualt is different, and out of all the new skins you cant get the black background (the old defualt skin). Could somebody who hasn't updated yet upload the old defualt skin with the black background please? For HU/6max/9max.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-17-2009 , 09:28 PM
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
11-17-2009 , 10:48 PM
Tables look the same to me. The lobby is different though. Little icons for jackpot, turbo, etc, then a BIG cashier button instead of the little guy. Looks good.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
12-03-2009 , 06:13 PM
Does anyone else's lobby jump around all the time since the last update?

Any fixes for it? It's kind of annoying when I'm looking for a good game and the tables and position of focus on my lobby keep moving around.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:03 AM
yes its annoying

i have no solution

***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
12-04-2009 , 11:14 AM
thread appropriate imo

Bankok Nights heat changing-strip coffee mug
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
12-04-2009 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by thorleif
OMFG. I swear to god I am buying this for my dad for Christmas. He even admitted to me that Ladyboy made him realize he's not as heterosexual as he once thought (a big statement coming from the older homophobic generation). What a perfect gift!

Edit: F**k, nevermind. I can't justify spending $28 on a mug.

Last edited by ILOVEPOKER929; 12-04-2009 at 03:53 PM.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
12-10-2009 , 11:43 PM
i've dug around for 15 minutes and can't find my answer so i'll just ask here --

what's the rakeback % for bonus clearing at the lowest VIP level?

and its separate from affiliate rakeback completely, amirite?
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
12-12-2009 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Scorcho
i've dug around for 15 minutes and can't find my answer so i'll just ask here --

what's the rakeback % for bonus clearing at the lowest VIP level?

and its separate from affiliate rakeback completely, amirite?
Not sure at the lowest level but at the highest it is around 10% if I remember correctly. And yes it is seperate from Rakeback deals.
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
12-13-2009 , 01:46 AM
just checked up on our good friend chuckk99

cruel irony warms the cockles of my heart
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
12-13-2009 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by thorleif
just checked up on our good friend chuckk99

cruel irony warms the cockles of my heart
What of it?
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
12-13-2009 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by DrVanNostrin
What of it?

i love he got the triple check raise money bag.


PF: F you are 173% looser than optimal

PF Agg: F you are 122% more aggressive than optimal

so awesome
***Official Cereus Regs Thread*** Quote
