Originally Posted by hardinthepaint
That makes sense, but I think a lot of people that started playing during the boom skipped LHE entirely. If they've played it, it was probably because they were waiting for another game or visited a casino without NL, etc. Then, they probably lose (as you point out) not necessarily because they are new, but because they don't understand LHE.
surfdoc always told us we were too lazy to switch over to NL during the boom, and that we were stupid for missing out on the real money. I can't argue with him. Some of us switched over to mixed games, and a few of them are famous/robusto at this point.
People also hate the idea that they can't "protect their hand," that it seems like bingo, etc.
Having played a bit of O/8, this whole idea cracks me up. I used to absolutely crush LO/8 games where I was the only person who ever folded preflop and the only person who raised preflop. "Protect your hand" is impossible in that game. However, playing for $0 when you have garbage, playing for normal $ when you have OK hand, and playing for 2X the $ when you have good hands is printing money. Split game are just so good when you play bad opponents.
But real games are still soft enough that there are tons of multiway pots, etc., plus there is plenty of room for exploits. I'd take the action of any former LHE crusher in basically any game I've seen spread anywhere.
Don't know if I ever crushed, but you're inspiring me for the next time I find myself in Vegas. Soft live games are always fun.