Originally Posted by checkraisdraw
if you’re playing 8/16 and you know people behind you act out of turn if you wait more than 5 seconds to act, is it unethical to purposefully wait a few seconds to act on that info?
I was wondering because I won a hand due to making a call preflop I wouldn’t have made had I not known how players behind me were going to act (they called behind me). I always find these spots really awkward to traverse.
Yes unethical.
IRL, to each their own.
Discussed this while HUHU LHE EV advantages of purposeful actions to obtain info
PS: Answer I came up is very valuabUle to take purposeful action to obtain info.
BTW, I would never do this per unethical actions lead to negative impact in poker eco system imo.
PM ninefingershuffle who may know answer
Last edited by maka2184; 01-21-2023 at 12:48 PM.
Reason: ninefingershuffle #1 AINEC (●^o^●)