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Table Tamer - Multi-Site Tiling and Hotkeys Table Tamer - Multi-Site Tiling and Hotkeys

01-01-2015 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Rant
TT isn't working properly for me on NL10 Bovada Zone tables. At other tables it gets my pre-flop preselected bet size correct. At the $0.05/0.10 tables it doesn't change the bet size pre-flop at all.

Anyone else?
Are you on the latest version? I couldn't test on 10NL because it wasn't running, but it worked at higher stakes Zone.
01-01-2015 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Auto Matic
How do you move the overlay of BBs in stack?
I will add this option at some point soon, but currently it's not possible.
01-03-2015 , 11:40 PM
I just downloaded TT today. When i tried to open the progam i get an error message :

The type initializer for "TableTamer.Core" threw an exception

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'SlimDX, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken...........

WRN :Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind.........

What do i do??
01-04-2015 , 12:24 AM
new to the software and this thread so apologies in advance if these questions have been answered frequently...

1) Under hotkeys/custom bets, I have chosen percentage based bets. How can I make the bets automatic (like you can with the raise button under the other selections). I tried toggling "click raise" but not sure what that does.

2) I'm running the latest version of Hold Em Indicator and the latest version of TT. I've used Holdem indicator in the past but I am on a new computer (win8). I am new to TT. Are there known issues with running both pieces of software together?

3) When running both indicator and TT, indicator only shows stats on one table. All tables work if I turn off TT.

4) Several times now I have clicked my hotkey for fold and instead the table has had me call. I was running indicator at same time when this occurred. I didn't notice it happen with my brief testing on play tables. I turned off TT when it happened the third time. Sometimes it works and folds sometimes it doesn't and calls a bet. I stared at the button the third time to make sure I wasn't misclicking. (see #2 if related).

love the software and look forward to working out my own kinks.
01-04-2015 , 07:54 AM
Hey, this tool also support fullflush poker -> EPN?
01-05-2015 , 02:26 AM
Hi pokecancer bro,

Have not been here for quite some time.
Can you please update me some of my question previously. Thanks alot.

1) Will TT support partypoker automate timebank later?

2) How to stop 888poker table focus got stolen. Tried previously method but not working.

3) When TT will charge fee. Is 1 time payment or by subscription like table ninja.


Best regards
01-05-2015 , 10:39 AM
Played a few Merge/WPN sessions on the new version and Merge tables are stealing focus. Checked all my settings and they're all good
01-06-2015 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by vookenmeister
new to the software and this thread so apologies in advance if these questions have been answered frequently...

1) Under hotkeys/custom bets, I have chosen percentage based bets. How can I make the bets automatic (like you can with the raise button under the other selections). I tried toggling "click raise" but not sure what that does.

2) I'm running the latest version of Hold Em Indicator and the latest version of TT. I've used Holdem indicator in the past but I am on a new computer (win8). I am new to TT. Are there known issues with running both pieces of software together?

3) When running both indicator and TT, indicator only shows stats on one table. All tables work if I turn off TT.

4) Several times now I have clicked my hotkey for fold and instead the table has had me call. I was running indicator at same time when this occurred. I didn't notice it happen with my brief testing on play tables. I turned off TT when it happened the third time. Sometimes it works and folds sometimes it doesn't and calls a bet. I stared at the button the third time to make sure I wasn't misclicking. (see #2 if related).

love the software and look forward to working out my own kinks.
This is mistake. My issue was with holdem indicator. I loaded a new version and toggled/missed the setting to start new tables somehow. my apologies. Still have a separate issue with #4 though. Will clarify.

Last edited by vookenmeister; 01-06-2015 at 01:26 AM. Reason: not an issue with table tamer
01-06-2015 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by vookenmeister
new to the software and this thread so apologies in advance if these questions have been answered frequently...

1) Under hotkeys/custom bets, I have chosen percentage based bets. How can I make the bets automatic (like you can with the raise button under the other selections). I tried toggling "click raise" but not sure what that does.

2) I'm running the latest version of Hold Em Indicator and the latest version of TT. I've used Holdem indicator in the past but I am on a new computer (win8). I am new to TT. Are there known issues with running both pieces of software together?

3) Several times now I have clicked my hotkey for fold and instead the table has had me call. I was running indicator at same time when this occurred. I didn't notice it happen with my brief testing on play tables. I turned off TT when it happened the third time. Sometimes it works and folds sometimes it doesn't and calls a bet. I stared at the button the third time to make sure I wasn't misclicking. (see #2 if related).

love the software and look forward to working out my own kinks.
still looking for an answer on #1.
Curious about #2 though I don't think I've encountered issues yet.
Per #3...

Even though I am tiling only Bovada, I tried this...

Originally Posted by pokecancer
This is a problem with 'Fold is check when possible'. To disable it for WPN only, go to site setup and then edit site. Go to the advanced tab, and shut off 'Check for fold visibility'.
result was instead of calling automatically, it now min bet raises every once in a while. Seems to happen mostly in spots where it is blind vs blind and someone has raised. However, it doesn't complete action. Instead of folding when I click my fold hot key it puts the min raise amount in the window and does not complete (soat least I can just move the cursor and click fold). It also does not fold when someone is all in and I have more chips and am last to act (if that helps).

any thing you want me try, lemme know. This **** is great now that I have holdem indicator working in tandem. Oh and so far my misclicks have been +EV. variance...
01-06-2015 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by supadphat
I just downloaded TT today. When i tried to open the progam i get an error message :

The type initializer for "TableTamer.Core" threw an exception

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'SlimDX, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken...........

WRN :Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.
To enable assembly bind.........

What do i do??
It seems like SlimDX didn't install properly. Try downloading and installing it from the following link:
01-06-2015 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by Zrebna
Hey, this tool also support fullflush poker -> EPN?
It does, but only the basic hotkeys and tiling functions will work.
01-06-2015 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by penangpoker
Hi pokecancer bro,

Have not been here for quite some time.
Can you please update me some of my question previously. Thanks alot.

1) Will TT support partypoker automate timebank later?

2) How to stop 888poker table focus got stolen. Tried previously method but not working.

3) When TT will charge fee. Is 1 time payment or by subscription like table ninja.


Best regards
1) I tried to add this, but I am from the US and can only sit at play money tables. On those tables, I don't see any sort of timebank button. If someone wanted to volunteer to help, I could add this through teamviewer with them.
2) In game settings, make sure pop up the game window is disabled.
3) Soon. It's going to be a subscription.
01-06-2015 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by TomoDaK
Played a few Merge/WPN sessions on the new version and Merge tables are stealing focus. Checked all my settings and they're all good
I will look into it.
01-06-2015 , 03:13 AM
1)'Click raise' should press the raise button after entering the bet.
2)There shouldn't be any issues.
3)I will have to try to replicate the problem. No one else has reported an issue like this though. Are you sure you didn't just press the raise hotkey by accident in those situations? All TT does is click where the button is located. I don't see any reason for it to click raise instead of call.

About the fold issue.... are you saying fold never works?

I can understand why fold wouldn't work when you are last to act. The fold button moves to the right when you are in that situation, and since we shut off 'fold is check when possible', it clicks where fold is normally. If we had that turned on, it would check for the visibility of the fold button. If it isn't visible then it would click call instead. Since that was giving you issues and we had to shut it off, you will have to use the call hotkey in that spot.

I am sorry about the misclicks, and I'm glad they have worked out in your favor at least.

Also, take a look at this tutorial and make sure your setup is correct:

Originally Posted by vookenmeister
still looking for an answer on #1.
Curious about #2 though I don't think I've encountered issues yet.
Per #3...

Even though I am tiling only Bovada, I tried this...

result was instead of calling automatically, it now min bet raises every once in a while. Seems to happen mostly in spots where it is blind vs blind and someone has raised. However, it doesn't complete action. Instead of folding when I click my fold hot key it puts the min raise amount in the window and does not complete (soat least I can just move the cursor and click fold). It also does not fold when someone is all in and I have more chips and am last to act (if that helps).

any thing you want me try, lemme know. This **** is great now that I have holdem indicator working in tandem. Oh and so far my misclicks have been +EV. variance...
01-06-2015 , 10:17 AM
Thanks. Fold button works most of the time. I wasn't clicking wrong button (at least I know sometimes I fed wasn't). I'll put a little more thought into where the buttons are when it happens. Behavior is adding a min raise. Perhaps I misconfig'd that button.

More later and muchas gracias.
01-06-2015 , 09:57 PM

I'm trying to use this on a Boss skin, but when i'm adding a new skin and start searching for tables it says it can't find any tables. Am i doing something wrong or is it just not possible to use this together with a Boss skin?

01-06-2015 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Rant
TT isn't working properly for me on NL10 Bovada Zone tables. At other tables it gets my pre-flop preselected bet size correct. At the $0.05/0.10 tables it doesn't change the bet size pre-flop at all.

Anyone else?
Originally Posted by pokecancer
Are you on the latest version? I couldn't test on 10NL because it wasn't running, but it worked at higher stakes Zone.
Still not working. I tried it just now with
01-07-2015 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by pokecancer
1)'Click raise' should press the raise button after entering the bet.
2)There shouldn't be any issues.
3)I will have to try to replicate the problem. No one else has reported an issue like this though. Are you sure you didn't just press the raise hotkey by accident in those situations? All TT does is click where the button is located. I don't see any reason for it to click raise instead of call.

About the fold issue.... are you saying fold never works?

I can understand why fold wouldn't work when you are last to act. The fold button moves to the right when you are in that situation, and since we shut off 'fold is check when possible', it clicks where fold is normally. If we had that turned on, it would check for the visibility of the fold button. If it isn't visible then it would click call instead. Since that was giving you issues and we had to shut it off, you will have to use the call hotkey in that spot.

I am sorry about the misclicks, and I'm glad they have worked out in your favor at least.

Also, take a look at this tutorial and make sure your setup is correct:
I think I found the issue. I had "fold to show" enabled in the bovada client. WHen that option pops up it shrinks the size of the buttons. I disabled that option and now clicking fold works. this appears to have fixed everything.

I also re-enabled "click to raise" on the percent bets. They work as well now. Not sure where I screwed up testing that. I think everything is behaving solidly now!!!!!

My only issues now appear to user created and when the tables slip out of focus. THis software rocks. Do you take donations? I would be happy to contribute $50 or something as a show of good faith.
01-07-2015 , 07:38 AM
I'm having an issue with table tamer when used in conjunction with holdem manager. In order to get my hud to work i need to be able to use the table finder in holdem manager to place my hud on the correct tables. However, it seems that while table tamer is running, i can't drop table finder onto the table. As soon as i stop the program i'm able to. I could just stop and start the program, but this is sort of annoying to do mid session since i have a tiled layout and then lose track of which table is which when they get reorganized upon starting the program again.
01-07-2015 , 09:54 AM
I'm also having 2 other issues with table tamer. The first problem has to do with the scroll wheel increments. I have it set to increasing every .5bb, but it seems to be increasing every 1bb no matter what i do but even that seems a bit buggy.

What happens is this:

I'm playing .5/1 and it's folded to me. I have the betting set up so that i open to 2.5bb automatically + 0 for each limper. When i try to scroll up to open to 3bb, it instead takes me to 3.5bb. However, then i scroll down and it resets to even numbers when i get to the minimum bet amount. Then if i try to scroll up again, it increases in increments of 1bb rather than 1sb, so 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.

Any idea what could be causing this issue?

The other issue is that I have the remove title bar option selected, but it doesn't seem to be removing the title bar on Bovada. Maybe i'm just misunderstanding the feature, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
01-07-2015 , 11:54 AM
Ok i dled Slimdx and its working now. Thanks alot pokecancer. Loving the software and still playing around with the options on a trial and error basis.

One thing thats troubling me alot right now is when i have my tables stacked and when i go to fold another table will pop up and i'll misclick. I've played around with the options on table focus but can't seem to fix this issue.
01-07-2015 , 03:00 PM
Hey pokecancer!

Regarding making OCR reading of the amount of the pot. How do I specify in advanced settings for the room where to look for the pot amount on the table?

01-07-2015 , 05:46 PM
I noticed in version 9.1 that the "Fold is check when possible" setting is gone and I am curious if you moved it or got rid of it because I thought it was helpful when it worked. It worked fine for me on bovada, but was having issues with it on WPN causing the fold hotkey to call. I fixed it on WPN by unchecking the "check for fold visibility". I noticed another setting right next to it "check for bet box visibility". What is that setting? I have it checked for Bovada but not WPN so I am curious what it is.
01-08-2015 , 12:25 AM
If you shut off borders, do you still have the issue with HEM?

Bovada only scrolls by a full BB unfortunately. Also, the remove title bar option doesn't work for bovada because they don't use a standard window titlebar.

Originally Posted by Warder
I'm also having 2 other issues with table tamer. The first problem has to do with the scroll wheel increments. I have it set to increasing every .5bb, but it seems to be increasing every 1bb no matter what i do but even that seems a bit buggy.

What happens is this:

I'm playing .5/1 and it's folded to me. I have the betting set up so that i open to 2.5bb automatically + 0 for each limper. When i try to scroll up to open to 3bb, it instead takes me to 3.5bb. However, then i scroll down and it resets to even numbers when i get to the minimum bet amount. Then if i try to scroll up again, it increases in increments of 1bb rather than 1sb, so 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.

Any idea what could be causing this issue?

The other issue is that I have the remove title bar option selected, but it doesn't seem to be removing the title bar on Bovada. Maybe i'm just misunderstanding the feature, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
01-08-2015 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by supadphat
Ok i dled Slimdx and its working now. Thanks alot pokecancer. Loving the software and still playing around with the options on a trial and error basis.

One thing thats troubling me alot right now is when i have my tables stacked and when i go to fold another table will pop up and i'll misclick. I've played around with the options on table focus but can't seem to fix this issue.
Make sure that you turn off pop to front or the equivalent in your poker client. If you still have issues, let me know what site you are playing on.
