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New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars

07-29-2008 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by KJM
How do I get this script to recognize all ins? I tried solid background + same sized tables + all in detection checked on but the tables just go haywire and I have the script alternating tables quickly that don't need action until I uncheck the allin option.

i posted a fix in a mod i made to this. search for my name and slider and you should find it. basically (h+l)/2 should have been h/2 + l or something like that so for resized tables it doesn't work.
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
07-29-2008 , 08:35 PM
commented out lines are original that didn't work

;rh := 578
rh := 573 ; brad
  ;x := x+475
  ;y := y+555
  ;x := Floor( (x / rw ) * w )
  ;y := Floor( (y / rh) * h  )

x := Floor( x + ( (475* w) / rw )   ) ;brad
y := Floor( y + ( (555* h) / rh )   ) ;brad
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-02-2008 , 05:18 PM
I don't understand why.. the move mouse fonction works perfectly on NL tables but not at all on FL tables.

Any help please ?
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-03-2008 , 08:25 PM
maybe I'm a dumba$$ but trying to use this new script for black theme of pokerstars. I am new to the ahk stuff but what i did is download ahk; then downloaded stars assisant. then what do i do open the script delete it then copy and paste the new black theme script.
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-04-2008 , 10:29 AM
great script...
was puking when i have to play ipoker without it...
is there a similar script for full tilt?
with mousemovement to the buttons? not only a color bar like the tablehighlighter.ahk??
dont want to get carpal again...
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-04-2008 , 10:38 AM
Full Tilt Shortcuts ($30) is awesome, IMO.
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-04-2008 , 10:57 AM
looks good, but has no mousemovement to the buttons on the highlighted table like stars assistant right?
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-04-2008 , 11:02 AM
It has mouse move also. Read thru the documentation, or read the thread here. I recall nano just mentioning mouse movement, and adjusting the coordinates so the mouse would move to above the fold button.

Its on the Table 1 Tab of FTSC. - 'Move mouse to home position, if table auto-activates.'
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-04-2008 , 11:59 AM
doesnt work properly for me...
mouse isnt moving to the coordinates...
but ty anyway...
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-06-2008 , 10:08 AM
have the same problem with the test version,mouse pointer isnt moved to its destiny...just the function i would have liked best for fulltilt
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-06-2008 , 12:02 PM
i'm sure this has been talked about but don't feel like looking at all the pages :P. When someone goes all in it's bringing up every other table making me timeout sometimes. This just something that i have to deal with or is there a way around this? Also does the stars activate table option do this?
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-10-2008 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by redeyez
Dear Chris,
Thank you for spending your time to create something which benefits an unlimited amount of people by saving them time.

Why does red box that highlights an active table sometimes not move to the active one?

Also, are there any other scripts which highlight active tables?
Mine never moves. The red box just settles on one table and stays there. Anybody else?
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-12-2008 , 12:16 AM
is there an approximate FT equivalent to this? Or really any FT program that brings the most urgent table to the top of a stack?
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-12-2008 , 12:21 AM
FTP and Vista have a Focus Stealing issue, from what I have read. Try asking in the Full Tilt Shortcuts thread, if anyone there, on vista, plays stacked. I have a feeling that will be what you need, but I am not certain.
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-12-2008 , 10:08 AM
Great script! Most people want to add functionality, I'd rather take some features off which I don't need. So instead of:

Originally Posted by chris228
- Fast SNG registration: Just mark the desired SNG in the Lobby and press one hotkey for the whole registration process
- Popup Blocker (just kills popups which have only a OK button)
- Highlight urgent table (even fixed limit tables and all-in situations, see for details)
- Activate urgent table
- Auto time bank clicker (works with 9max tables, too)
- Auto mouse movement to urgent table
- Toggle automatic mouse movement per hotkey
- GUI for en-/disabling most of the functions, like table highlighting, mouse movement etc.
- Close all Tournament Lobbies at once per hotkey
- Activate/Minimize Stars lobby per hotkey
How do I amend the script so I would only get:

Originally Posted by chris228

- Popup Blocker (just kills popups which have only a OK button)
- Auto time bank clicker (works with 9max tables, too)
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-13-2008 , 01:33 PM
Any advice to the previous post? Thanks.
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-13-2008 , 03:45 PM
Um, I think you just uncheck what you don't want.
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-13-2008 , 05:33 PM
oops, I never actually ran the script, didn't know there was this panel thingy. Sorry. Looking good now.
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-14-2008 , 07:15 PM
Would it be possible to activate the table that the mouse is over like FTSC does?
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-15-2008 , 01:39 AM
I'm using this script I modified. One annoyance is you have to pause the script to move tables around.
; AutoHotkey
; Language: English
; Platform:
; Author:
; Script Function:
; activates stars table with mouse over and sets focus to slider box
; use Pause key to pause/resume script

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

SetTimer, WatchCursor, 100

MouseGetPos, , , id, control
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id%
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%
WinActivate, ahk_id %id%
ControlFocus, PokerStarsSliderEditorClass1, A
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-16-2008 , 09:14 AM
Click timebank broken for anyone else?
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-16-2008 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by natefive
Click timebank broken for anyone else?
you have vista? if so find the betpot thread and follow the OP's post for vista.
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-19-2008 , 05:57 AM
for some reason the highlighting tables get all confused a lot. tables needing no action highlight while the ones that do, wont.

Originally Posted by sprstoner
you have vista? if so find the betpot thread and follow the OP's post for vista.

you did follow PLOlover's change on this page to fix, right?
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-26-2008 , 10:24 PM
question: any way to disable the highlighting of urgent tables with this script? I want mouse movement to urgent tables but just not the highlighting since it blocks some HUD stats.
New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
08-26-2008 , 10:33 PM
Right Click > Show on the System Tray Icon..

New AHK: StarsAssistant - Easier multitableing at PokerStars Quote
