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AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener

10-06-2014 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Nidel
Is there any way to set it up to open only empty lobbies?
You mean when you start SFSO that you get an empty lobby and you set the filter?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
10-07-2014 , 02:22 AM
using ps7 here, like u said installed autohotkey then opened the sfso program

Now it says 'idle'?! (ps not on sng lobby?!)

When i press edit, i enter the 'home poker club' lol..?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
10-07-2014 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by belg_owner
using ps7 here, like u said installed autohotkey then opened the sfso program

Now it says 'idle'?! (ps not on sng lobby?!)

When i press edit, i enter the 'home poker club' lol..?

Have to test it on the PS7 beta client.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
10-08-2014 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by katwax
You mean when you start SFSO that you get an empty lobby and you set the filter?
Thank you for reply Katwax

I mean SFSO "sits you in a lobby only if it is empty", in other words, a rule or a filter to avoid opening lobbies where there is allredy someone registered. Is that possible?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
10-08-2014 , 06:01 PM
For the PS7, I'll have a look soon, but because it is still beta and I already ran into some bugs for the filter in the ps7 client I don't think it will work soon. When I have the full version (should be soon) I hope I'll be able to release a new version for ps7.

@Nidel this is only for HU games?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
10-11-2014 , 10:26 AM
yep, only for HU games
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
10-12-2014 , 10:40 AM
First I'll need to get it working again op PS7, they changed so much I have to review all the code.

As I see it for now I'll try to get a version out that is able to register games, but you'll have to set the filter yourself.
Afterwards I'll try to get the autofilter up again, but to be honest this wasn't working flawless in previous versions.

I already have something in mind todo the HU thing, should be rather easy
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
10-19-2014 , 08:35 AM
After speding a lot of time to try to get it up for PS7 i have decided I can't do it on my own.
They changed so much that it could be even better to start allover instead of modifying this one.

The problem is that my free time is limited and all the time I spend to this is time lost from my pokertime. I hardly played this month and there's still a lot todo before it will be working again.
I'm willing to spend some more time on it if there are other people who also will be working on this project, but on my own it will take me months.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
11-07-2014 , 05:32 AM
any progress?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
12-04-2014 , 08:47 PM
hi all,
I will try to post below an updated version of the previous script
It has some new features and may be used for multitabling with PS hotkeys
SittingOut should work without interrupting the flow of the play
Share and have fun
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
12-04-2014 , 08:51 PM
; vim: set foldmethod=marker:

; autoreg.ahk
; a simple poker stars auto register script by castor_ades7
; based on/inspired by SFSO_4.01b.ahk
; Thaks go to: Everlong@2p2, _dave_, chris228, finnisher, Max1mums

; ================================================== ======================
; Log in before starting the script
; In Lobby, activate "Show registering/upcoming only"
; In Lobby, use "Games View"
; Choose the "Classic" Table Theme
; Do not minimize PokerStars Lobby, just move it out of the way
; Enable option: Allow registration(s) without showing Buy-In dialog
; It is suggested that:
; PokerStars hotkeys are used and Go to 'First Action' Table = SPACE
; Tested with PokerStars 6 and Classic Theme for SnG tournaments
; For PS7, enable option: Settings > Lobby > Lobby_Display > Show_Guide_Bar
; ================================================== ======================

; init {{{
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetBatchLines, -1
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
StringTrimRight, thisahk, A_ScriptName, 4
regButton_PS6 := "PokerStarsButtonClass10"
unregButton_PS6 := "PokerStarsButtonClass8"
regButton_PS7 := "PokerStarsButtonClass135"
unregButton_PS7 := "PokerStarsButtonClass133"
regList_PS6 := "PokerStarsListClass3"
regList_PS7 := "PokerStarsListClass13"
unregAll_selBtn_PS6 := "Button1"
unregAll_unregBtn_PS6 := "PokerStarsButtonClass2"
unregAll_selBtn_PS7 := "PokerStarsButtonClass1"
unregAll_unregBtn_PS7 := "PokerStarsButtonClass3"
regButton := regButton_PS6
unregButton := unregButton_PS6
regList := regList_PS6
unregAll_selBtn := unregAll_selBtn_PS6
unregAll_unregBtn := unregAll_unregBtn_PS6
PS_ver := 6
AutoRegister := 0
AutoAutoClose := 0
AutoInfoTab := 0
AutoSittingOut := 0
AutoSittingOut_hh := 0
AutoWindowMaximize := 0
AutoActivateTableWin := 0
ct_Tables_Now := 0 ; number of open tables currently
ct_Tables_SoFar := 0 ; number of tables so far, since start of script
window_position_to_move := "Center"
ScriptStarted := 0
LogFile := "autoreg_" A_Now ".log"
Hero_Name := "noname" ; set in StartScript from lobby title
so_tables_already_clicked_count := 0 ; sitting out
it_tables_already_clicked_count := 0 ; info tab
ct_tables_already_counted_count := 0 ; count tables

; ----------------------
; User defined variables
; ----------------------
MaxTablesInit:=16 ; Maximum number of Tables to keep open, Initial value
AutoCloseInterval:=50 ; Check if any and close "confirm" windows every X msec
RegisterInterval:=30*1000 ; Register every X millisec
SittingOut:=10 ; Check active table window if Sitting Out every X millisec
SittingOut_hh:=5*1000 ; Check if Sitting Out every X millisec via hh
WindowMaximize:=2*1000 ; Check and Maximize all table Windows every X millisec
ActivateTableWinTime:=10*1000 ; Activate a Table Window every X millisec
InfoTab:=200 ; Check active table win if InfoTab was clicked, every X millisec
CountTables:=3*1000 ; Count physical tables every X millisec
IdleTime:=10*60*1000 ; PauseScript and UnRegisterAll, if Idle for X millisec
MaxTablesSoFar:=700 ; Maximum number of total registered tables so far
SafeguardInterval:=1*60*1000 ; Do safeguard checks every X millisec
Path_to_HH:="C:\Program Files\PokerStars\HandHistory\"
alt_Path_to_HH := "C:\HandHistory\"
; Path_to_HH is combined with Hero_Name in StartScript
; Hand histories are used to check if hero is sitting out
; ----------------------
; ----------------------

ifExist, %alt_Path_to_HH%
Path_to_HH := alt_Path_to_HH

if (SafeguardInterval>0)
Sleep, 37
SetTimer, Safeguard, %SafeguardInterval%
Gosub, BuildGui
; }}}

QuitScript: ; {{{
Return ; }}}

BuildGui: ; {{{
Gui, Color, White
Gui, Font, cOlive
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y12, Max Number of Open Tables:
Gui, Add, Edit, x155 y10 w42
Gui, Add, UpDown, vMaxTables, %MaxTablesInit%
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x5 y30 w92 h130,
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y40 w80 gStartScript
, &[S]tart
Gui, Add, Text, x100 y45, Submit and start/continue script
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y70 w80 gUnRegisterAll
, &S[T]op
Gui, Add, Text, x100 y75, Un-register all and stop registering
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y100 w80 gPauseScript
, &[P]ause
Gui, Add, Text, x100 y105, Cancel all automated functions
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y130 w80 gQuitScript
, &[Q]uit
Gui, Add, Text, x100 y135, Exit script and close window
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x10 y160 vSpaceG2FAT Checked
, &PokerStars hotkeys are used and`nSPACE goes to "First Action" Table
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y190 w190 gSittingOut_via_button
, &Check all if Sitting [O]ut and Go Back
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x205 y190 vAutoSittingOut Checked, &Auto
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x205 y202 vAutoSittingOut_hh Checked, &Auto_hh
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y220 w190 gInfoTab_via_button
, &Check all if [I]nfo Tab is selected
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x205 y225 vAutoInfoTab Checked, &Auto
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y250 w190 gInfoTab_via_button_active
, &Click In[F]o Tab on active table
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y280 w190 gWindowMaximize
, &Maximize all Table [W]indows
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x205 y285 vAutoWindowMaximize Checked, &Auto
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y310 w190 gActivateTableWin
, &[A]ctivate a Table Window
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x205 y315 vAutoActivateTableWin, &Auto
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y340 w190 gAutoClose
, &Close small confirmation windows
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x205 y345 vAutoAutoClose Checked, &Auto
Gui, Add, Text, x10 w255 cBlue
, hotkeys: Ctl + Alt + letter_in_brackets
Gui, Add, Text, w255 cGreen vStatus, Status: Idle
Gui, Add, Text, w255 cBlack vInfo1, n/a
Gui, Add, Text, w255 cBlack vInfo2, n/a
Gui, Add, Text, w255 cBlack vInfo3, n/a
Gui, Add, Text, w255 cBlack vInfo4, n/a
Gui, Add, Text, w255 cRed vInfo_Reg
, Registered now/total: %ct_Tables_Now%/%ct_Tables_SoFar%
Gui, Show, w265, %thisahk%
Gui, Show, x0 y0, %thisahk%
Sleep, -1
Gosub, Wait
Return ; }}}

Safeguard: ; {{{
if (A_TimeIdle > IdleTime OR ct_Tables_SoFar > MaxTablesSoFar)
Gosub, UnRegisterAll
GuiControl,, Status, Status: Stop registering due to safeguard
FileAppend, %A_Now% Stop registering due to safeguard `n, %LogFile%
Return ; }}}

Wait: ; {{{
GuiControl,, Status, Status: Waiting
Return ; }}}

PauseScript: ; {{{
GuiControl,, Status, Status: Script Paused
FileAppend, %A_Now% Script Paused `n, %LogFile%
Return ; }}}

StartScript: ; {{{
GuiControl,, Status, Status: Started/Continued on %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec%
Gui, Submit, NoHide ; update all AutoX switches
AutoRegister := 1
WinGet, LobbyId, Id, PokerStars Lobby ahk_class #32770
if !LobbyId {
GuiControl,, Status, Status: PokerStars Lobby not found
WinActivate, ahk_id%LobbyId%
WinGetText, Lobby_Txt, ahk_id%LobbyId%
StringMid, Lobby_Txt_short, Lobby_Txt, 1, 256
IfInString, Lobby_Txt_short, Revert
PS_ver := 7
StringSplit, Lobby_Txt_split, Lobby_Txt_short, `n, `r
Hero_Name := Lobby_Txt_split1
regButton := regButton_PS7
unregButton := unregButton_PS7
regList := regList_PS7
unregAll_selBtn := unregAll_selBtn_PS7
unregAll_unregBtn := unregAll_unregBtn_PS7
PS_ver := 6
WinGetTitle, Lobby_Title, ahk_id%LobbyId%
StringSplit, Lobby_Title_split, Lobby_Title, %A_Space%'%A_Tab%
Hero_Name := Lobby_Title_split7
regButton := regButton_PS6
unregButton := unregButton_PS6
regList := regList_PS6
unregAll_selBtn := unregAll_selBtn_PS6
unregAll_unregBtn := unregAll_unregBtn_PS6
Path_to_hero_HH := Path_to_HH Hero_Name "\*.txt"
GuiControl,, Info1, %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec% PS%PS_ver% Hero_Name: %Hero_Name%
if !ScriptStarted
if (CountTables>0)
SetTimer, CountTables, %CountTables%
Sleep, 37
if (AutoCloseInterval>0)
SetTimer, AutoClose, %AutoCloseInterval%
Sleep, 37
if (InfoTab>0)
SetTimer, InfoTab, %InfoTab%
Sleep, 37
if (SittingOut>0)
SetTimer, SittingOut, %SittingOut%
Sleep, 37
if (SittingOut_hh>0)
SetTimer, SittingOut_hh, %SittingOut_hh%
Sleep, 37
if (WindowMaximize>0)
SetTimer, WindowMaximize, %WindowMaximize%
Sleep, 37
if (ActivateTableWinTime>0)
SetTimer, ActivateTableWin, %ActivateTableWinTime%
Sleep, 37
if (RegisterInterval>0) {
Gosub, Register
SetTimer, Register, %RegisterInterval%
FileAppend, %A_Now% Script Initial Start `n, %LogFile%
ScriptStarted := 1
Sleep, -1
Sleep, -1
Return ; }}}

ActivateTableWin: ; {{{
if AutoActivateTableWin
ActivateTableWin() {
Global SpaceG2FAT
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
if !SpaceG2FAT {
WinActivate, Table ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
WinGetTitle, active_win_title, A
IfInString, active_win_title, Table
SendInput, {Space} ; Go to 'First Action' Table
else {
WinActivate, Table ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
WinGetTitle, active_win_title, A
IfInString, active_win_title, Table
SendInput, {Space} ; Go to 'First Action' Table
Return ; }}}

Register: ; {{{
if AutoRegister
Global ; all variables of this function will be globals
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
WinGet, rg_LobbyId, Id, PokerStars Lobby ahk_class #32770
if !rg_LobbyId {
GuiControl,, Status, Status: PokerStars Lobby not found
if (ct_Tables_Now >= MaxTables)
GuiControl,, Status, Status: Set Full at %ct_Tables_Now% tables_Waiting
ControlSend, %regList%, {NumpadUp 20}, ahk_id%rg_LobbyId%
rg_TimesToReg := MaxTables - ct_Tables_Now
Loop %rg_TimesToReg% {
GuiControl,, Status, Status: Registering %rg_TimesToReg% times
ControlGet, rg_regBtnVis, Visible,, %regButton%, ahk_id%rg_LobbyId%
if (rg_regBtnVis = 1) {
ControlSend, %regButton%, {Space}, ahk_id%rg_LobbyId%
ControlSend, %regButton%, {Space}, ahk_id%rg_LobbyId%
ControlSend, %regList%, {NumpadDown}, ahk_id%rg_LobbyId%
GuiControl,, Status
, Status: Waiting _ register %A_Index% of %rg_TimesToReg%
} else {
ControlGet, rg_unregBtnVis
, Visible,, %unregButton%, ahk_id%rg_LobbyId%
if (rg_unregBtnVis = 1) {
GuiControl,, Status
, Status: Already registered game found _ Waiting
ControlSend, %regList%
, {NumpadDown}, ahk_id%rg_LobbyId%
} else
GuiControl,, Status, Status: No games found _ Waiting
Sleep, 30
Sleep, -1
Sleep, -1
Return ; }}}

UnRegisterAll: ; {{{
GuiControl,, Status, Status: Stop Registering
if ScriptStarted
GuiControl,, Status, Status: Need to press Submit first
UnRegisterAll() {
Global regList
Global unregAll_selBtn
Global unregAll_unregBtn
WinGet, LobbyId, id, PokerStars Lobby ahk_class #32770
if !LobbyId
GuiControl,, Status, Status: PokerStars Lobby not found
ControlSend, %regList%, ^r, ahk_id%lobbyid%
WinWait, Registered In Tournaments ahk_class #32770,, 1
WinGet, regid, Id, Registered In Tournaments ahk_class #32770
ControlGet, vis, Visible,, %unregAll_selBtn%, ahk_id%regid%
if vis {
ControlSend, %unregAll_selBtn%, {Space}, ahk_id%regid%
Sleep, 30
ControlSend, %unregAll_unregBtn%, {Space}, ahk_id%regid%
Sleep, 30
WinClose, ahk_id%regid%
Return ; }}}

AutoClose: ; {{{
if AutoAutoClose
Global AutoRegister
Global LogFile
ifWinExist, Tournament Registration ahk_class #32770
WinGet, id1, id, ; Automatically uses the window found above
ControlGetText, btn_text, PokerStarsButtonClass1, ahk_id%id1%
if !(btn_text = "OK")
AutoRegister := 0
, %A_Now% Registration not OK _ Stop Registering `n, %LogFile%
GuiControl,, Info3
, %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec% Registration not OK _ Stop Registering
WinGetTitle, title_id1, ahk_id%id1%
WinClose, ahk_id%id1%
GuiControl,, Info2, %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec% closed: %title_id1%
ifWinExist, PokerStars ahk_class #32770,, Lobby
; closes any PokerStars window that pops up, except Lobby
WinGet, id2, id,
WinMove, ahk_id%id2%,, A_ScreenWidth, 0
WinGetTitle, title_id2, ahk_id%id2%
GuiControl,, Info3, %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec% closed: %title_id2%
FileAppend, %A_Now% closed_win %title_id2% `n, %LogFile%
if a_win_was_closed
if a_win_was_closed = 2
; saves the image of the non-tournament-registration closed window
; to a file, in order to check later
image_file_name := "ahk_closed_window_" A_Now ".bmp"
WinGetPos,,, w, h, ahk_id%id2%
hDC := Dllcall( "GetDC"
, UInt, id2 )
hCDC := Dllcall( "CreateCompatibleDC"
, UInt, hDC )
hCBMP := Dllcall( "CreateCompatibleBitmap"
, UInt, hDC
, Int, w
, Int, h )
DllCall( "SelectObject"
, UInt, hCDC
, UInt, hCBMP )
DllCall( "PrintWindow"
, UInt, id2
, UInt, hCDC
, UInt, 0 )
DllCall( "BitBlt"
, Int, hCDC
, Int, 0
, Int, 0
, Int, w
, Int, h
, Int, hDC
, Int, 0
, Int, 0
, Int, 0xCC0020 )
hBM := DllCall( "CopyImage"
, UInt, hCBMP
, UInt, 0
, Int, 0
, Int, 0
, UInt, 0x2000 )
DllCall( "GetObject"
, Int, hBM
, Int, VarSetCapacity($,84)
, UInt, NumPut(0,$,40,"Short") - 42 )
Numput( VarSetCapacity( BFH, 14, 0) + 40
, Numput( (NumGet($, 44) + 54)
, Numput(0x4D42, BFH) - 2) + 4 )
hF := DllCall( "CreateFile"
, Str, image_file_name
, UInt, 2**30
, UInt, 2
, Int, 0
, UInt, 2
, Int64, 0 )
If hF > 0
DllCall( "WriteFile"
, UInt, hF
, UInt, &BFH
, UInt, 14
, IntP, 0
, Int, 0 )
DllCall( "WriteFile"
, UInt, hF
, UInt, &$ + 24
, UInt, 40
, IntP, 0
, Int, 0 )
DllCall( "WriteFile"
, UInt, hF
, UInt,NumGet($, 20)
, UInt, NumGet($, 44)
, UIntP, BW
, Int, 0 )
DllCall( "CloseHandle"
, UInt, hF )
DllCall( "DeleteObject"
, Int, hCBMP )
DllCall( "ReleaseDC"
, Int, id2
, Int, hDC )
DllCall( "DeleteDC"
, Int, hCDC )
WinClose, ahk_id%id2%
Return ; }}}

InfoTab: ; {{{
; looks at every active table on screen if info tab is selected, once
if AutoInfoTab
Global ; all variables of this function will be globals
it_found := 0
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
it_id := WinExist("A")
WinGetTitle, it_active_win_title, ahk_id%it_id%
IfNotInString, it_active_win_title, Table

Loop %it_tables_already_clicked_count% {
it_id_already_clicked := it_tables_already_clicked%A_Index%
if (it_id = it_id_already_clicked) {
it_found := 1
if it_found

WinGetPos,,, it_w, it_h, ahk_id%it_id%
VarSetCapacity(it_rc, 16)
DllCall("GetClientRect", "UInt", it_id, "UInt", &it_rc)
it_client_w := NumGet(it_rc, 8, "Int")
it_client_h := NumGet(it_rc, 12, "Int")
VarSetCapacity(it_rc, 0)
it_win_frame_sides := (it_w - it_client_w) / 2
it_win_frame_top := it_h - it_client_h - it_win_frame_sides
it_x := Round(0.244 * it_client_w) + it_win_frame_sides
it_y := Round(0.77 * it_client_h) + it_win_frame_top
MouseGetPos, it_mouse_x_init, it_mouse_y_init
Click %it_x%, %it_y%
MouseMove, it_mouse_x_init, it_mouse_y_init, 0
Sleep, -1
it_tables_already_clicked_count += 1
it_tables_already_clicked%it_tables_already_clicke d_count% := it_id
Sleep, -1
Return ; }}}

InfoTab_via_button: ; {{{
; looks at every table if info tab is selected
activated := 0
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
WinGet, TableWindows, List, Table ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
if TableWindows = 0
Loop %TableWindows% {
id := TableWindows%A_Index%
WinGetPos,,, w, h, ahk_id%id%
VarSetCapacity(rc, 16)
DllCall("GetClientRect", "UInt", id, "UInt", &rc)
client_w := NumGet(rc, 8, "Int")
client_h := NumGet(rc, 12, "Int")
VarSetCapacity(rc, 0)
win_frame_sides := (w - client_w) / 2
win_frame_top := h - client_h - win_frame_sides
x := Round(0.243 * client_w)
y := Round(0.77 * client_h)
x := x + win_frame_sides
y := y + win_frame_top
WinActivate, ahk_id%id%
activated := 1
PixelSearch,,, x, y, x+1, y+1, ColorID, 20, ahk_id%id%, Fast
if (ErrorLevel=0) {
MouseGetPos, mouse_x_init, mouse_y_init
Click %x%, %y%
MouseMove, mouse_x_init, mouse_y_init, 0
Sleep, -1
activeid := WinExist("A")
if (id != activeid) {
; another window might have poped, press key again
WinActivate, ahk_id%id%
MouseGetPos, mouse_x_init, mouse_y_init
Click %x%, %y%
MouseMove, mouse_x_init, mouse_y_init, 0
Sleep, -1
if activated
Sleep, -1
Return ; }}}

InfoTab_via_button_active: ; {{{
; presses info tab of currently active table window
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
id := WinExist("A")
WinGetTitle, win_title, ahk_id%id%
IfNotInString, win_title, Table
WinActivate, Table ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
WinGetTitle, active_win_title, A
IfInString, active_win_title, Table
id := WinExist("A")
WinGetPos,,, w, h, ahk_id%id%
VarSetCapacity(rc, 16)
DllCall("GetClientRect", "UInt", id, "UInt", &rc)
client_w := NumGet(rc, 8, "Int")
client_h := NumGet(rc, 12, "Int")
VarSetCapacity(rc, 0)
win_frame_sides := (w - client_w) / 2
win_frame_top := h - client_h - win_frame_sides
x := Round(0.243 * client_w) + win_frame_sides
y := Round(0.77 * client_h) + win_frame_top
MouseGetPos, mouse_x_init, mouse_y_init
Click %x%, %y%
MouseMove, mouse_x_init, mouse_y_init, 0
Sleep, -1
Sleep, -1
Return ; }}}

SittingOut: ; {{{
; looks at every active table on screen if hero is sitting out
if AutoSittingOut
activated := 0
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
id := WinExist("A")
WinGetTitle, active_win_title, ahk_id%id%
IfNotInString, active_win_title, Table

WinGetPos,,, w, h, ahk_id%id%
VarSetCapacity(rc, 16)
DllCall("GetClientRect", "UInt", id, "UInt", &rc)
client_w := NumGet(rc, 8, "Int")
client_h := NumGet(rc, 12, "Int")
VarSetCapacity(rc, 0)
win_frame_sides := (w - client_w) / 2
win_frame_top := h - client_h - win_frame_sides
x := Round(0.015748 * client_w) + win_frame_sides
y := Round(0.7042857 * client_h) + win_frame_top
PixelSearch,,, x, y, x+1, y+1, ColorID, 0, ahk_id%id%, Fast
if (ErrorLevel = 0) {
x := Round(0.71 * client_w) + win_frame_sides
y := Round(0.85 * client_h) + win_frame_top
PixelSearch,,, x, y, x+1, y+1, ColorID, 0, ahk_id%id%, Fast
if (ErrorLevel = 0) {
MouseGetPos, mouse_x_init, mouse_y_init
Click %x%, %y%
MouseMove, mouse_x_init, mouse_y_init, 0
GuiControl,, Info4, %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec% pressed i_am_back
activated := 1
Sleep, -1
if activated
Sleep, -1
Return ; }}}

SittingOut_hh: ; {{{
; looks at hh files if hero is sitting out
if AutoSittingOut_hh
Global ; all variables of this function will be globals
so_iamback_clicked := 0
so_tables_to_be_clicked_count := 0
Loop, %Path_to_hero_HH%, 0 ; {{{
; look into recent hand history files if hero is sitting out
so_modification_interval := 5 ;check hh files modified in last X minutes
so_CharCount := 4000 ; characters to read, starting at end of hh file
so_time_var := A_Now
EnvSub, so_time_var, %A_LoopFileTimeModified%, Minutes
if (so_time_var > so_modification_interval)
if (A_LoopFileSize < so_CharCount)
so_CharCount := A_LoopFileSize - 1
so_BytesToRead := VarSetCapacity(so_HH_String, so_CharCount)
so_FileName = %A_LoopFileLongPath%
so_GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000
so_hFile := DllCall("CreateFile"
, str, so_FileName
, UInt, 0
, Uint, 0, UInt, 0)
if not so_hFile {
GuiControl,, Info1, Can't open "%so_FileName%" for reading
so_ret_val := DllCall("SetFilePointerEx"
, "Uint", so_hFile
, "Int64", -so_CharCount
, "UInt *", "NULL"
, "Int", 2)
if not so_ret_val {
GuiControl,, Info1, Can't create new file pointer
, UInt, so_hFile
, str, so_HH_String
, UInt, so_BytesToRead
, UIntP, so_BytesActuallyRead
, UInt, 0)
DllCall("CloseHandle", UInt, so_hFile)
StringGetPos, so_table_pos, so_HH_String, Table ', R
if (so_table_pos < 0)
so_FoundPos := RegExMatch(so_HH_String, Hero_Name ".*is sitting out"
, so_outvar, StartingPosition = %so_table_pos%)
if (so_FoundPos = 0)

; get tournament/window id and click on "I am back" button
StringMid, so_tournament_id_string, so_HH_String, %so_table_pos%, 32
StringSplit, so_tournament_id_split, so_tournament_id_string
, %A_Space%'%A_Tab%
so_tournament_id := so_tournament_id_split3
FileAppend, %A_Now% %so_tournament_id% %so_outvar% `n, %LogFile%
WinGet, so_id, Id,%so_tournament_id% ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
if so_id is not Number

so_tables_to_be_clicked_count += 1
so_tables_to_be_clicked%so_tables_to_be_clicked_co unt%_id := so_id
so_tables_to_be_clicked%so_tables_to_be_clicked_co unt%_trn := so_tournament_id
} ; }}}
Loop %so_tables_to_be_clicked_count% { ; {{{
so_id := so_tables_to_be_clicked%A_Index%_id
so_trn := so_tables_to_be_clicked%A_Index%_trn
so_already_clicked := 0
Loop %so_tables_already_clicked_count% {
so_stored_id := so_tables_already_clicked%A_Index%_id
so_stored_time := so_tables_already_clicked%A_Index%_time
if ((so_stored_id = so_id) && (A_Now - so_stored_time < 100)) {
so_already_clicked:= 1
if so_already_clicked

WinGetPos,,, so_w, so_h, ahk_id%so_id%
VarSetCapacity(so_rc, 16)
DllCall("GetClientRect", "UInt", so_id, "UInt", &so_rc)
so_client_w := NumGet(so_rc, 8, "Int")
so_client_h := NumGet(so_rc, 12, "Int")
VarSetCapacity(so_rc, 0)
so_win_frame_sides := (so_w - so_client_w) / 2
so_win_frame_top := so_h - so_client_h - so_win_frame_sides
so_x := Round(0.71 * so_client_w) + so_win_frame_sides
so_y := Round(0.85 * so_client_h) + so_win_frame_top
ControlClick, x%so_x% y%so_y%, ahk_id%so_id%,,,, Pos
so_iamback_clicked := 1
GuiControl,, Info4
, %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec% i_am_back on %so_trn%
FileAppend, %A_Now% %so_trn% i_am_back `n, %LogFile%
so_tables_already_clicked_count += 1
so_tables_already_clicked%so_tables_already_clicke d_count%_id := so_id
so_tables_already_clicked%so_tables_already_clicke d_count%_time := A_Now
Sleep, -1

if so_iamback_clicked {
} ; }}}
Sleep, -1
Return ; }}}

SittingOut_via_button: ; {{{
; looks at every table if hero is sitting out
activated := 0
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
WinGet, TableWindows, List, Table ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
if TableWindows = 0
Loop %TableWindows% {
id := TableWindows%A_Index%
WinGetPos,,, w, h, ahk_id%id%
VarSetCapacity(rc, 16)
DllCall("GetClientRect", "UInt", id, "UInt", &rc)
client_w := NumGet(rc, 8, "Int")
client_h := NumGet(rc, 12, "Int")
VarSetCapacity(rc, 0)
win_frame_sides := (w - client_w) / 2
win_frame_top := h - client_h - win_frame_sides
x := Round(0.015748 * client_w) + win_frame_sides
y := Round(0.7042857 * client_h) + win_frame_top
WinActivate, ahk_id%id%
activated := 1
PixelSearch,,, x, y, x+1, y+1, ColorID, 0, ahk_id%id%, Fast
if (ErrorLevel = 0) {
x := Round(0.71 * client_w) + win_frame_sides
y := Round(0.85 * client_h) + win_frame_top
PixelSearch,,, x, y, x+1, y+1, ColorID, 0, ahk_id%id%, Fast
if (ErrorLevel = 0) {
MouseGetPos, mouse_x_init, mouse_y_init
Click %x%, %y%
MouseMove, mouse_x_init, mouse_y_init, 0
Sleep, -1
GuiControl,, Info4, %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec% pressed i_am_back
activeid := WinExist("A")
if (id != activeid) {
; another window might have poped, press key again
WinActivate, ahk_id%id%
MouseGetPos, mouse_x_init, mouse_y_init
Click %x%, %y%
MouseMove, mouse_x_init, mouse_y_init, 0
Sleep, -1
GuiControl,, Info4
, %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec% pressed i_am_back2
if activated
Sleep, -1
Return ; }}}

WindowMaximize: ; {{{
if AutoWindowMaximize
; maximizes all table windows, useful for "Stack Tables" multitabling
WinGet, TableWindows, List, Table ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
if TableWindows=0
activeid := WinExist("A")
WinGetPos,,,, taskbar_h, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
Loop %TableWindows% {
WinGetPos,,, w, h, ahk_id%id%
if (w<A_ScreenWidth AND w<1328 AND h<A_ScreenHeight-taskbar_h) {
PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF030,,, ahk_id%id%
Sleep, -1
if wmax
Return ; }}}

CountTables: ; {{{
Global ; all variables of this function will be globals
ct_found := 0
WinGet, ct_Tables_Now, List, Logged ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
if (ct_Tables_Now = 0) {
GuiControl,, Info_Reg
, Registered now/total: %ct_Tables_Now%/%ct_Tables_SoFar%
Loop %ct_Tables_Now% {
ct_id := ct_Tables_Now%A_Index%
Loop %ct_tables_already_counted_count% {
ct_id_already_counted := ct_tables_already_counted%A_Index%
if (ct_id = ct_id_already_counted) {
ct_found := 1
if ct_found {
ct_found := 0
ct_tables_already_counted_count += 1
ct_tables_already_counted%ct_tables_already_counte d_count% := ct_id
ct_Tables_SoFar := ct_tables_already_counted_count
GuiControl,, Info_Reg
, Registered now/total: %ct_Tables_Now%/%ct_Tables_SoFar%
Return ; }}}

WindowMove: ; {{{
Global window_position_to_move
activeid := WinExist("A")
WinGetTitle, active_win_title, ahk_id%activeid%
IfInString, active_win_title, Table
WinGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, ahk_id%activeid%
if (window_position_to_move == "Top_Right")
WinMove, ahk_id%activeid%,, (A_ScreenWidth - Width), 0
else if (window_position_to_move == "Bottom_Right")
WinMove, ahk_id%activeid%,, (A_ScreenWidth - Width)
, (A_ScreenHeight - Height)
else if (window_position_to_move == "Top_Left")
WinMove, ahk_id%activeid%,, 0, 0
else if (window_position_to_move == "Bottom_Left")
WinMove, ahk_id%activeid%,, 0, (A_ScreenHeight - Height)
else if (window_position_to_move == "Center") {
WinMove, ahk_id%activeid%,, X, Y, 0.8 * Width, 0.8 * Height
PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF030,,, ahk_id%activeid%
Return ; }}}

LobbyRestore: ; {{{
WinGet, LobbyId, id, PokerStars Lobby ahk_class #32770
if !LobbyId
GuiControl,, Status, Status: PokerStars Lobby not found
WinShow, ahk_id%LobbyId%
WinMove, ahk_id%LobbyId%,, 0, 0
Return ; }}}

; hotkeys {{{
; ^ = Ctrl
; ! = Alt
Gosub, StartScript

Gosub, UnRegisterAll

Gosub, PauseScript

Gosub, SittingOut_via_button

Gosub, InfoTab_via_button

Gosub, InfoTab_via_button_active

Gosub, WindowMaximize

Gosub, ActivateTableWin

window_position_to_move := "Top_Right"
Gosub, WindowMove

window_position_to_move := "Bottom_Right"
Gosub, WindowMove

window_position_to_move := "Top_Left"
Gosub, WindowMove

window_position_to_move := "Bottom_Left"
Gosub, WindowMove

window_position_to_move := "Center"
Gosub, WindowMove

ControlSend, Edit1, {Up}, %thisahk%
Gui, Submit, NoHide

ControlSend, Edit1, {Down}, %thisahk%
Gui, Submit, NoHide

WinHide, %thisahk%

WinShow, %thisahk%

Gosub, LobbyRestore

; }}}
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
12-21-2014 , 07:31 AM
Thanks for the efforts. Copy/paste is what i can do best
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
12-28-2014 , 08:10 AM
The script has some issues inside.

in the lines

so_tables_to_be_clicked%so_tables_to_be_clicked_co unt%_id := so_id
so_tables_to_be_clicked%so_tables_to_be_clicked_co unt%_trn := so_tournament_id
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
12-31-2014 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by Estudiandote
The script has some issues inside.

in the lines

so_tables_to_be_clicked%so_tables_to_be_clicked_co unt%_id := so_id
so_tables_to_be_clicked%so_tables_to_be_clicked_co unt%_trn := so_tournament_id
You have to delete the space in "co unt" --> "count". There are a few more of these errors in the script.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
12-31-2014 , 09:07 AM
Thank u manipur, I delete all space in the script, and now it work fine.

Also I had to change the value of the REG & UNREG Button to:

AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:38 PM
a little help please....its not working for me.....
status: no games found_ waiting
what i do wrong?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
01-01-2015 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Estudiandote
Also I had to change the value of the REG & UNREG Button to:

Now I am curious. How did you not know spaces are not allowed in variable names, but were able to manage this out?

I just upgraded to PS7 for the first time and I get other ClassNNs:

regButton_PS7 := "PokerStarsButtonClass148"
unregButton_PS7 := "PokerStarsButtonClass146"

But if those you posted are working for you it's obviously right to use them.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
01-01-2015 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by @kentLung@
a little help please....its not working for me.....
status: no games found_ waiting
what i do wrong?
Make sure to run Pokerstars and the script as admin.

If you are using PS6 it should work. For PS7 you have to change the variable names for the register/unregister buttons to the right ClassNNs. But as posted above it can probably vary due to different versions of PS7 or different settings in PS7. I am not sure about that at this point.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
01-01-2015 , 01:44 PM
i run pokerstars and the script as admin ...only opens tournament lobby and no reg
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
01-01-2015 , 05:37 PM
Are you using PS7 or PS6?

I would guess you are using PS7 and the script clicks on the wrong button.

Did you change the variable names for regButton_PS7 and unregButton_PS7?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
01-01-2015 , 05:54 PM
I try on ps7 ...i changed the variable...opens only tourn lobby
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
01-02-2015 , 12:02 AM
Download the script posted in

Run it and click on the Register button in the Lobby. The field Control ClassNN will show you the needed PokerStarsButtonClass for regButton_PS7. Do the same with the Unregister button and unregButton_PS7.
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
01-04-2015 , 12:47 PM
Hi manipur,
Could you help me please? Does the script close tournament lobbies?
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
01-05-2015 , 01:34 AM
No, it doesn't close tournament lobbies. But why do you need that? There is an option in the Pokerstars settings to prevent them from opening.

In case you don't know, uncheck:

Gameplay --> Multi-Tabling --> Auto-open tournament lobby
AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
01-05-2015 , 12:33 PM
Yes, I remembered that after posting. Sorry.

The script works fine btw. Really happy I found it.

AHK script:Stars Filtered SNG Opener Quote
